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Git version control and GitLab project management environmentLaajuus (1 cr)

Code: TTZW0410


1 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English

Responsible person

  • Karo Saharinen
  • Marko Rintamäki


You are able to use the Git version control tool (add, merge, init, remove, branch, checkout). You understand the benefits of a distributed version control to a project. You can plan and carry out a project from start to end in a GitLab project management environment. You can visualize the results and time spent on the project in a GitLab environment.

EUR-ACE Competences:
Knowledge and Understanding
Engineering practice


In the course, the student studies the following Git version control commands:
- Init
- Add
- Commit
- push / pull
- remove
- merge
- branch
- checkout

In GitLab, the student goes through:
- Issues
- Milestones
- SSH & HTTPS, repository data transfer methods
- Commit history
- Version control for binary files
- Statistics
- Repository settings

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Pass - The student studies the theory material, completes the assignments, and returns the project repository to the Lecturer in charge.

Fail - The student doesn't study the theory material, doesn't carry out the assignments, and doesn't return the project repository to the Lecturer in charge.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass - The student studies the theory material, completes the assignments and returns the project repository to the Lecturer in charge.
Fail - The student doesn't study the theory material, doesn't carry out the assignments and doesn't return the project repository to the Lecturer in charge.