Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Accessible TourismLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: MZMH0700


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Petra Blinnikka


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will understand the basic principles of accessibility and accessibility and the implications of accessibility when planning and implementing tourism activities. In addition, you can utilize these things to design your work and work environment.

Leaning outcome
You will be familiar with the diversity of environmental and accessibility concepts and will be able to acquire information related to environmental assessment and design. You are able to work to promote a accessible and customizable environment and its functional fairness. You are aware of the specifics and needs of different customer groups and the challenges faced by tourism entrepreneurs within accessibility. You are familiar with the potential of society and tourism organizations to influence accessibility and are familiar with the legislation that governs activities.


Accessibility principles and key environmental and accessibility concepts, accessibility legislation, specifics and needs of different customer groups.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The evaluation decision is made on a scale: pass / fail. The course is successfully passed if: 1) the student demonstrates an understanding of the diversity of environmental and accessibility concepts and is able to acquire information related to environmental assessment and design, 2) is able to work to promote an accessible and customizable environment and its functional fairness; 3) recognizes the specific characteristics and needs of customer groups and the challenges that tourism entrepreneurs face in accessibility; and 4) identifies the impact of society and tourism organizations on enabling accessible tourism.

Further information

This course is a part of the accessible tourism education package and is a basic requirement for participating in other education courses.