Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Mat1 YhtälötLaajuus (3 op)

Tunnus: TZLM1300


3 op


  • suomi
  • englanti


  • Anne Rantakaulio, TKN
  • Antti Kosonen, TER, TRY, TRM
  • Ida Arhosalo, TSA, TAR
  • Harri Varpanen, TIC
  • Pekka Varis, TTV
  • Kalle Niemi, TLS, TLP


Opintojakson tarkoitus

Tämä opintojaksolla opit niitä matemaattisia yhtälönratkaisutaitoja, jotka ovat välttämättömiä insinööriopinnoissa.

Opintojakson osaamiset

EUR-ACE: Tieto ja ymmärrys
Sinulla on tieto ja ymmärrys oman teknisen erikoistumisalasi matemaattisista ja luonnontieteellisistä perusteista tasolla, joka on tarpeen ohjelman muiden oppimistavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi.

Opintojakson osaamistavoite

Opintojakson suoritettuasi osaat sieventää lausekkeita. Osaat ratkaista polynomi- ja juuriyhtälöitä sekä yhtälöryhmiä käsin, graafisesti ja tietotekniikkaa hyödyntäen. Osaat ratkaista matemaattisia ongelmia valmiiden mallien avulla. Lisäksi perehdyt tutkinto-ohjelmakohtaiseen matemaattiseen sisältöön.


Keskeisimmät sisällöt ovat:

- Lausekkeiden sieventäminen (murtopotenssi, polynomit, rationaalilausekkeet, muistikaavat)
- Funktion kuvaajan piirtäminen ja tulkitseminen
- Ensimmäisen asteen yhtälöt ja suorat
- Toisen asteen yhtälöt ja paraabelit
- Juuria sisältävät yhtälöt
- Yhtälöryhmät
- Prosenttilaskut ja verrannot
- Suorakulmaisen kolmion trigonometriaa
- Avaruusgeometrian alkeet
- Tutkinto-ohjelmakohtaisia sisältöjä


Osaat peruslaskutoimitukset ja -säännöt luvuilla ja symboleilla. Ymmärrät lausekkeen ja yhtälön eron, ja osaat ratkaista yksinkertaisia ensimmäisen ja toisen asteen yhtälöitä. Hallitset prosenttilaskun perustapaukset. Tunnet funktioiden alkeet.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Arvosana 1

Osaat sieventää lausekkeita. Tunnistat erityyppisiä yhtälöitä ja osaat ratkaista yksinkertaisia polynomi- ja juuriyhtälöitä ja yhtälöpareja. Osaat käyttää valmiita sanallisista ja geometrisista ongelmista muodostettuja matemaattisia malleja ongelmien ratkaisemiseen.

Arvosana 2

Ymmärrät polynomiyhtälön käsitteen ja merkinnät. Osaat ratkaista polynomi- ja juuriyhtälöitä ja yhtälöpareja käsin, graafisesti ja tietotekniikkaa hyödyntäen. Osaat muodostaa yksinkertaisista sanallisista ja geometrisista ongelmista matemaattisia malleja ja käyttää niitä ongelmien ratkaisemiseen.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Arvosana 3

Osaat polynomiyhtälön käsitteen ja merkinnät. Osaat ratkaista polynomi- ja juuriyhtälöitä ja yhtälöpareja käsin, graafisesti ja tietotekniikkaa hyödyntäen. Osaat muodostaa yksinkertaisista sanallisista ja geometrisista ongelmista matemaattisia malleja ja käyttää niitä ongelmien ratkaisemiseen.

Arvosana 4

Osaat polynomiyhtälön käsitteen ja merkinnät. Osaat ratkaista haastavia polynomi- ja juuriyhtälöitä ja yhtälöpareja käsin, graafisesti ja tietotekniikkaa hyödyntäen. Osaat muodostaa aiemmin käsiteltyjen tilanteiden kaltaisista sanallisista ja geometrisista ongelmista matemaattisia malleja ja käyttää niitä ongelmien ratkaisemiseen.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Arvosana 5

Osaat polynomiyhtälön käsitteen ja merkinnät. Osaat ratkaista haastavia polynomi- ja juuriyhtälöitä ja yhtälöpareja käsin, graafisesti ja tietotekniikkaa hyödyntäen. Osaat muodostaa myös uusista sanallisista ja geometrisista ongelmista matemaattisia malleja ja käyttää niitä luovasti ongelmien ratkaisemiseen.


Kuvataan toteutuksen yhteydessä.


Opintojakso sopii hyvin suoritettavaksi jo ennen amk-insinööriopintojen alkua. Opintojakso antaa hyviä matemaattisia valmiuksia myös muun kuin teknisen alan opintoja varten. Opintojakso on tarjolla myös polkuopinnoissa ja avoimessa ammattikorkeakoulussa.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


21.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Kalle Niemi
  • TLP23VS
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • ZJATLP23S1
    Avoin amk, Purchasing and Logistics Engineering, Päivä
  • TLP23S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering


Course purpose

During this course you will learn mathematical equation solving skills that are necessary during your studies in the field of technology.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding
You have the knowledge and understanding of mathematics and other basic sciences underlying your engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme learning outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you are able to simplify expressions. You are able to solve polynomial equations, equations involving roots and systems of equations by hand, graphically and with the help of a calculator or a computer. You are able to solve mathematical problems by using given models. You also get to know mathematical content related to your own field of study.


Most important contents are:

- Simplifying expressions (fractional exponents, polynomials, rational expressions, binomial formulas)
- Drawing and interpreting graphs of functions
- Linear equations and lines
- Quadratic equations and parabolas
- Equations involving roots
- Systems of equations
- Percentages and proportions
- Trigonometry of right triangles
- Basics of solid geometry
- Degree-program-related content

Location and time

Course is implemented between 30.10. - 17.12.


Videos in the learning environment, text files, automatic tests
College Algebra 2e (

Teaching methods

Lectures face-to-face or recordings, guided exercises, booklet tasks, independent work, automatic tests, exam.

Exam schedules

Exam Part 1: Core questions in the Exam studio between 20.11.2023 - 7.1.2024 (obligatory)
Exam Part 2: Grading questions in week 50, resit 1 in week 51 and resit 2 in week 2/2024. (optional)

Student workload

Lectures, quided exercises and exam 30 h
Independent work and automatic tests 51 h

Content scheduling

Schedule will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Further information

automatic tests
Exam Part 1: Core questions (obligatory)
Exam Part 2: Grading questions (grades 2-5)

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Grade 1

You are able to simplify expressions. You recognise different types of equations and are able to solve simple polynomial equations, equations involving roots and pairs of equations. You can solve verbal and geometric problems when the mathematical model is given.

Grade 2

You understand the notion and notation of polynomial equations. You can solve polynomial equations, equations involving roots and systems of equations by hand, graphically and with the help of information technology. You are able to mathematically model and then solve simple verbal and geometric problems.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Grade 3

You master the notion and notation of polynomial equations. You can solve polynomial equations, equations involving roots and systems of equations by hand, graphically and with the help of information technology. You are able to mathematically model and then solve simple verbal and geometric problems.

Grade 4

You master the notion and notation of polynomial equations. You can solve challenging polynomial equations, equations involving roots and systems of equations by hand, graphically and with the help of information technology. You are able to mathematically model and then solve such verbal and geometric problems that coincide with previously treated problems.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Grade 5

You master the notion and notation of polynomial equations. You can solve challenging polynomial equations, equations involving roots and systems of equations by hand, graphically and with the help of information technology. You are able to mathematically model and then creatively solve new verbal and geometric problems.


You know the fundamental rules of arithmetic and can perform basic mathematical operations both numerically and symbolically. You know the difference between an expression and an equation. You can solve simple equations of first and second degree. You are familiar with basic calculations involving percentage. You know what a function is.

Further information

The course is well suited to be taken before the beginning of studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical competencies for studies in other fields than technology. The course is offered also in the open university of applied sciences.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


22.08.2022 - 11.11.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Kalle Niemi
  • TLP22S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • ZJATLP22S1
    Avoin amk, Purchasing and Logistics Engineering, Päivä
  • TLP22VK
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies


Course purpose

During this course you will learn mathematical equation solving skills that are necessary during your studies in the field of technology.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding
You have the knowledge and understanding of mathematics and other basic sciences underlying your engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme learning outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you are able to simplify expressions. You are able to solve polynomial equations, equations involving roots and systems of equations by hand, graphically and with the help of a calculator or a computer. You are able to solve mathematical problems by using given models. You also get to know mathematical content related to your own field of study.


Most important contents are:

- Simplifying expressions (fractional exponents, polynomials, rational expressions, binomial formulas)
- Drawing and interpreting graphs of functions
- Linear equations and lines
- Quadratic equations and parabolas
- Equations involving roots
- Systems of equations
- Percentages and proportions
- Trigonometry of right triangles
- Basics of solid geometry
- Degree-program-related content

Location and time

The course is implemented 29.8.2022 - 28.10.2022.


Learning material will be announced at the first meeting of the course.

Appropriate textbooks in Finnish:
- Alestalo, S., Lehtola, P., Nieminen, T. & Rantakaulio, A. 2011. Tekninen matematiikka 1. 1. uusittu painos. Tampere: Tammertekniikka.
- Henttonen, J., Peltomäki, J. & Uusitalo, S. 2003. Tekniikan matematiikka: 1. Helsinki: Edita.

Teaching methods

Online and face-to-face learning, guided exercises and independent work.

Exam schedules

Will be announced at the first meeting of the course.

Completion alternatives

Face-to-face, hybrid and online implementations are available in autumn and in spring. It is also possible to attend the course online during summer 2023.

Student workload

3cr = 3 * 27 h = 81h

Content scheduling

Course schedule will presented at the first meeting.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Grade 1

You are able to simplify expressions. You recognise different types of equations and are able to solve simple polynomial equations, equations involving roots and pairs of equations. You can solve verbal and geometric problems when the mathematical model is given.

Grade 2

You understand the notion and notation of polynomial equations. You can solve polynomial equations, equations involving roots and systems of equations by hand, graphically and with the help of information technology. You are able to mathematically model and then solve simple verbal and geometric problems.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Grade 3

You master the notion and notation of polynomial equations. You can solve polynomial equations, equations involving roots and systems of equations by hand, graphically and with the help of information technology. You are able to mathematically model and then solve simple verbal and geometric problems.

Grade 4

You master the notion and notation of polynomial equations. You can solve challenging polynomial equations, equations involving roots and systems of equations by hand, graphically and with the help of information technology. You are able to mathematically model and then solve such verbal and geometric problems that coincide with previously treated problems.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Grade 5

You master the notion and notation of polynomial equations. You can solve challenging polynomial equations, equations involving roots and systems of equations by hand, graphically and with the help of information technology. You are able to mathematically model and then creatively solve new verbal and geometric problems.


You know the fundamental rules of arithmetic and can perform basic mathematical operations both numerically and symbolically. You know the difference between an expression and an equation. You can solve simple equations of first and second degree. You are familiar with basic calculations involving percentage. You know what a function is.

Further information

The course is well suited to be taken before the beginning of studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical competencies for studies in other fields than technology. The course is offered also in the open university of applied sciences.