Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Kiertotalouden johtaminenLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: TLIK3500


5 op


  • suomi
  • englanti


  • Ilkka Suur-Uski


Opintojakson tarkoitus
Säästääksemme luonnonvaroja, tuotteen elinkaaren on jatkuttava. Kiertotalous talousmallina yhdistää liiketoiminnan osaksi kestävää kehitystä. Käytyäsi tämän kurssin, olet oppinut tunnistamaan materiaalien uusiokäyttöä ja ymmärrät sen tuoman taloudellisen hyödyn. Osaamisesi kehittyy kiertotalouden liiketoimintamalleissa ja niiden materiaalivirroissa sekä osaat hyödyntää sen mahdollisuuksia. Tietämyksesi kiertotalouteen liittyvistä ilmiöistä kasvaa. Opintojakson avulla saat selkeän kuvan kiertotaloudesta sekä sen reunaehdoista. Osaat myös soveltaa oppimaasi käytäntöön.

Opintojakson osaamiset
Tällä opintojaksolla edistetään ja arvioidaan: kiertotalousosaaminen sekä viestintä ja tiimityö (kyky kommunikoida tehokkaasti informaatiosta, ideoista, ongelmista ja ratkaisuista insinööriyhteisössä)

Ymmärrät sekä sisäistät kiertotalouden periaatteet ja tunnistat sen reunaehdot. Osaat suunnitella kiertotalouden materiaalivirtoja yhdessä insinööriyhteisön sisäisten ja ulkoisten jäsenien kanssa. Opintojakson avulla tunnistat kiertotalouden bisnes mahdollisuuksia. Ymmärrät, miten johdetaan toimintaa kiertotalouden periaatteiden mukaisesti ja osaat soveltaa oppimaasi käytäntöön.


1.Strategia (lineaarisesta->vastuulliseen->kiertotalous)~Imago, lisäarvo
2.Materiaalin tunnistaminen/hallinta
5.Businessmodel ~ilmiöt


Kykyä toimia ryhmässä. Soveltamisosaamista.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Ymmärrät sekä sisäistät kiertotalouden periaatteet ja tunnistat sen reunaehdot. Osaat suunnitella kiertotalouden materiaalivirtoja yhdessä insinööriyhteisön sisäisten ja ulkoisten jäsenien kanssa. Opintojakson avulla tunnistat kiertotalouden bisnes mahdollisuuksia. Ymmärrät, miten johdetaan toimintaa kiertotalouden periaatteiden mukaisesti ja osaat soveltaa oppimaasi käytäntöön.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


04.03.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Ilkka Suur-Uski
  • TLP21S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • TLP23VS
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • TLP24VK
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies


Purpose of the course
To conserve natural resources, the product's life cycle must continue. The circular economy as an economic model combines business with sustainable development. After completing this course, you have learned to recognize the reuse of materials and understand the economic benefits of reusing them. Your knowledge will evolve in the circular economy business models and their material flows, and you will be able to harness its potential. Your knowledge of the circular economy is growing. The course will give you a clear idea of ​​the circular economy and its boundary conditions. You can also apply what you have learned to practice.

This course promotes and evaluates: Circular Economics, Communication and Teamwork (ability to effectively communicate information, ideas, problems, and solutions within the engineering community)

Learning outcomes:
You understand and internalize the principles of the circular economy and recognize its boundary conditions. You will be able to design materials for the circular economy with internal and external members of the engineering community. Use this course to identify business opportunities in the circular economy. You will understand how to operate in a circular economy and will be able to apply what you have learned to practice.


1.Strategy (Linear-> Responsible-> Circular Economy) ~ Image, Value Added
2. Material Identification / Management
3.Supply Chain
5.Businessmodel ~ phenomena


Learning environment videos and files.

1-5231-2912-3 Nogalski, B. (2020). Networked business models in the circular economy. IGI Global.

1-78801-620-3 Borrion, A., Black, M. J. & Mwabonje, O. (2021). Life Cycle Assessment: A Metric for the Circular Economy. Royal Society of Chemistry.

1-78966-532-9 Weetman, C. (2021). A circular economy handbook: How to build a more resilient, competitive and sustainable business. Kogan Page, Limited.

Teaching methods

This implementation is intended for students in a bachelor's degree, on English.(Bachelor's Degree, Full-time studies)
Teaching takes place in a classroom on the Rajakatu campus.
The course is conducted from the "winter break" week to week 18. It includes a minimum of 4 hours of instruction per week (2+2).
The learning of the course takes place strongly through the personal interaction brought about by the contact lessons.
During the teaching, the topic is covered with the help of homework and case studies.
During the course, you will receive oral feedback from both the teacher and your fellow students.
The teaching environment of the course is Moodle, with a more detailed course schedule and assignment structure.
lectures / webinars, webinars, assignments / learning assignments, seminars / workshops.

Employer connections

Visiting lecturers are used help to connect to work life.

Exam schedules

Completion of the course does not include an exam but a learning diary.

International connections

The course material is based on international literature.

Student workload

The student spends 27 hours to complete one credit.
For this course, 135 hours are divided into contact teaching as well as independent learning.
To complete the course, you will need to set aside at least 80 hours for homework.

Further information

The assessment is based on learning objectives, quality and criteria, and self-evaluation by the student plays an important role in the process.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You understand and internalize the principles of the circular economy and recognize its boundary conditions. You will be able to design materials for the circular economy with internal and external members of the engineering community. Use this course to identify business opportunities in the circular economy. You will understand how to operate in a circular economy and will be able to apply what you have learned to practice.


Ability to work in a group. Application skills.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Ilkka Suur-Uski
Teacher in charge

Ilkka Suur-Uski

  • TLP23VK
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • TLP20S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • TLP22VS
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies


Purpose of the course
To conserve natural resources, the product's life cycle must continue. The circular economy as an economic model combines business with sustainable development. After completing this course, you have learned to recognize the reuse of materials and understand the economic benefits of reusing them. Your knowledge will evolve in the circular economy business models and their material flows, and you will be able to harness its potential. Your knowledge of the circular economy is growing. The course will give you a clear idea of ​​the circular economy and its boundary conditions. You can also apply what you have learned to practice.

This course promotes and evaluates: Circular Economics, Communication and Teamwork (ability to effectively communicate information, ideas, problems, and solutions within the engineering community)

Learning outcomes:
You understand and internalize the principles of the circular economy and recognize its boundary conditions. You will be able to design materials for the circular economy with internal and external members of the engineering community. Use this course to identify business opportunities in the circular economy. You will understand how to operate in a circular economy and will be able to apply what you have learned to practice.


1.Strategy (Linear-> Responsible-> Circular Economy) ~ Image, Value Added
2. Material Identification / Management
3.Supply Chain
5.Businessmodel ~ phenomena


Learning environment videos and files.

1-5231-2912-3 Nogalski, B. (2020). Networked business models in the circular economy. IGI Global.

1-78801-620-3 Borrion, A., Black, M. J. & Mwabonje, O. (2021). Life Cycle Assessment: A Metric for the Circular Economy. Royal Society of Chemistry.

1-78966-532-9 Weetman, C. (2021). A circular economy handbook: How to build a more resilient, competitive and sustainable business. Kogan Page, Limited.

Teaching methods

This implementation is intended for students in a bachelor's degree, on English.
Teaching takes place in a classroom on the Rajakatu campus.
The learning of the course takes place strongly through the personal interaction brought about by the contact lessons.
During the teaching, the topic is covered with the help of homework and case studies.
During the course, you will receive oral feedback from both the teacher and your fellow students.
The teaching environment of the course is Moodle, with a more detailed course schedule and assignment structure.
lectures / webinars, webinars, assignments / learning assignments, seminars / workshops.

Employer connections

Visiting lecturers are used help to connect to work life.

Exam schedules

Completion of the course does not include an exam but a learning diary.

International connections

The course material is based on international literature.

Student workload

The student spends 27 hours to complete one credit.
For this course, 135 hours are divided into contact teaching as well as independent learning.
To complete the course, you will need to set aside at least 80 hours for homework.

Further information

The assessment is based on learning objectives, quality and criteria, and self-evaluation by the student plays an important role in the process.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You understand and internalize the principles of the circular economy and recognize its boundary conditions. You will be able to design materials for the circular economy with internal and external members of the engineering community. Use this course to identify business opportunities in the circular economy. You will understand how to operate in a circular economy and will be able to apply what you have learned to practice.


Ability to work in a group. Application skills.