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Sport Tourism ManagementLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: YHGS1008


3 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Risto Korkia-Aho
  • Brendon Knott
  • Aila Ahonen


Upon completion of this course a student will be able to apply key principles of sport tourism management to the management and marketing of sport tourism activities and organisations in a sustainable manner, leaving positive legacies and generating socio-economic development for host communities.
Competences: The student is able to demonstrate applied theoretical and conceptual knowledge of sport tourism principles.

The student is able to interpret and analyse complex
sport tourism issues and challenges and communicate solutions or alternatives.

The student is able to critically review relevant information
from a variety of media types and sources.

The student is able to both contribute effectively to a group context as well as to work independently.


• Sport tourism management: people, places and activities
• Sport tourism development and environmental and social sustainability
• Designing and managing sustainable sport events
• Planning and managing legacies from sport tourism activities and events
• Bidding and hosting strategies for global sport tourism events
• Generating positive image and brand reputation through sport tourism activities
• Sport tourism niche markets: golf, adventure and extreme sport tourism
• Digitalisation and solutions for sustainable sport tourism


o For Degree Students
o For Exchange Students

Compulsory first year business studies.
Comprehensive first year studies completed.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Failed (0) Knowledge and Understanding: The student fails in the attempt of demonstrating theoretical and conceptual knowledge in a clear manner. Central concepts have been defined only partially. The student is not able to display any basic understanding of the subject area.
Intellectual Skills: The student has major difficulties in defining the problem and fails in interpretation. The student is not using reliable sources of industry or reliable
academic literature.

Sufficient (1) Knowledge and Understanding: The student is able to demonstrate the basic theoretical and conceptual knowledge. Central concepts are defined fairly clearly. The student is able demonstrate command of the key concepts of subject area.
Intellectual Skills: The student is able to describe the problem and somehow interpret and analyse complex business issues in question. The student is able to support his argumentation with some basic academic literature and other relevant information.

Satisfactory (2) Knowledge and Understanding: The student is able to give some evidence on his/her theoretical and conceptual knowledge. Central concepts have been defined but vaguely. The student displays only superficial knowledge of the subject area.
Intellectual Skills: The student is able to define the problem but has difficulties in interpretation and analysing of the complex business issues and challenges arising and is not able to evaluate them from multiple perspectives. The student is able to review academic literature and other relevant information from industry and academic sources in a satisfactory way.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3) Knowledge and Understanding: The student demonstrates his/her theoretical and conceptual knowledge clearly. Central concepts have been defined well. The student displays fairly good command of the subject area.
Intellectual Skills: The student is able to interpret and analyse complex business issues and legal problems arising from multiple perspectives fairly well and find academic literature and other relevant information from industry and academic sources to support his argumentation.

Very good (4) Knowledge and Understanding: The student demonstrates solid and right theoretical and conceptual knowledge. Central concepts have been defined accurately. The student displays a good command of the
subject area.
Intellectual Skills: The student is able to interpret and analyse complex business issues and challenges arising from multiple perspectives well and critically review academic literature and other relevant information
from industry and academic sources in a good manner.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) Knowledge and Understanding: The student demonstrates his/her theoretical and conceptual knowledge in detail. Central concepts have been defined with precision. The student displays a clear command of
the subject area.
Intellectual Skills: The student is able to interpret and analyse complex sport business issues and challenges arising from multiple perspectives and critically review academic literature and other relevant information
from industry and academic sources in an excellent manner.

Further information

Teacher- Associate Professor Dr Brendon Knott - Sport Management Department,
Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South-Africa