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Microeconomics of Competitiveness: firms, clusters, and economic developmentLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YHIYH400


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Murat Akpinar


You understand the key determinants of competitiveness for firms, countries and regions. You can assess the quality of the business environment. You understand the importance of clusters and how cluster members such as network partners, industry associations, universities, and government can contribute to enhance competitiveness.


Competitiveness of firms, countries and regions, economic development, prosperity, productivity, social progress index, quality of the business environment, diamond model, clusters, cluster mapping, cluster policies, cluster initiatives, cluster dynamics


Competences of Bacherlor's degree

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: You understand the key concepts of competitiveness at a sufficient level but fail to use them to assess the competitiveness of a company, a country, a region or a cluster. You have challenges to communicate your findings in oral and written form in a well-structured manner. There are issues in complying with JAMK reporting instructions.
Satisfactory 2: You understand the key concepts of competitiveness at a satisfactory level and attempt to use them to assess the competitiveness of a company, a country, a region or a cluster. You are able to communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly. There are some issues in complying with JAMK reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: You have a good understanding of the key concepts of competitiveness and use them well to assess the competitiveness of a company, a country, a region or a cluster. You are able to communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly in a well-structured manner. There are some issues in complying with JAMK reporting instructions.
Very good 4: You have a very good understanding of the key concepts of competitiveness and use them innovatively to assess the competitiveness of a company, a country, a region or a cluster. You are able to communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly in a well-structured manner. There are minor issues in complying with JAMK reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You have a thorough understanding of the key concepts of competitiveness and apply them critically to assess the competitiveness of a company, a country, a region or a cluster. You are able to communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly and in a well-structured manner, complying fully with JAMK reporting instructions.


Porter, M. (2008). On Competition. The Harvard Business Review Book Series.
You will also read articles and case materials that will be provided by the lecturer.