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Strategic Marketing (7 cr)

Code: HBIB0022-3002

General information


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 28.08.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

7 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 50

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business


  • Sunday Olaleye


  • HBI20S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business


This course comprises of two parts, namely: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part of the course, we will cover several strategic marketing issues. We will learn to develop marketing strategies and plans. We will gain consumer insights by exploring the concepts of customer analysis and consumer behaviour. We will discuss how to position a product or service for a particular consumer by using the right strategies concerning branding, pricing, product development, channel management, and marketing communication. In the practical part, students in groups will make a strategic marketing plan.

The course is aimed at developing student skills in the following areas:
Understanding key marketing ideas and phenomena.
Marketing analysis skills
How to devise the positioning of the brand and build brand equity
Strategic topics include segmentation, targeting, dealing with price competition, developing channels of distribution, and integrating strategy, marketing, and operations.
Optimising new and traditional media for marketing communication
Besides, the students will also learn to address strategic marketing issues by developing and launching a new product in the marketplace.

The course is aimed at developing following ILO’s
*The students will know how to critically review, analyze and understand the information available from academic and professional business sources.
*The students will acquire business skills to apply strategic marketing knowledge to review academic literature critically; analyses and evaluate business data; consider possible approaches and anticipate outcomes; and make informed decisions and action plans designed to create new value.
*The students will acquire communication skills to communicate responsibly and effectively in English through oral, written and digital formats in academic and professional contexts.
*The students will acquire intercultural collaborative skills to demonstrate intercultural teamwork, leadership, and conflict resolution skills.


Strategic Marketing Plan
Understanding strategic marketing management
Capturing marketing insights
Connecting with the customer
Deciding the strategy: Recognize the principles of segmentation, targeting, and positioning.
Building a strong Brand
Crafting brand positioning
Addressing the competition and driving the growth
Setting the product strategy
Designing and managing the services
Developing pricing strategy and programs
Designing and managing the integrated marketing channels
Managing Marketing Communications

Location and time

The course is held in spring once a week for 2.5 hours.


Kotler, P. T., & Keller, K. L. Marketing Management 15th Global Edition. (2016). Editorial Pearson.
Other reading material
Hooley, G., Piercy, N., Nicoulaud, B. & Rudd, J. (2017) Marketing Strategy & Competitive Positioning. 6th ed. Pearson: Harlow.
Hollensen, S. (2017) Global Marketing. 7th ed. Pearson: Harlow.

Teaching methods

Face-to-face learning and distance learning
Flipped classroom model will be used to implement this course.
Thus, pre-class learning is vital for the successful implementation of the flipped learning model. At course workspace, the teacher will provide you with lecture notes and slides. Each student has to familiarise him/herself with the pre-class learning content. I strongly suggest that students should also gather some other resources and expose themselves to the focal subject area. In the classroom, we will put a greater focus on applying the conceptual knowledge rather than factual recall or straight transfer of the information.

Exam schedules

The final exam will be a conventional exam, where all students have to attempt the exam without using any material such as books, course material and online sources. The final exam will be organised at the end of the course. All student will also be provided with the opportunity to re-take the exam.

Final Exam:
The student will also be given the option to appear in the exam using studio exam.

International connections

Lectures by international guest lecturers.

Completion alternatives

You have the right to apply for recognition of your studies if you have prior learning (e.g. university studies completed elsewhere) that can be accredited towards the degree you are currently completing.

The recognition of prior learning is possible in three primary ways: accreditation (replacement or inclusion), recognition of informal learning and studification. More precise info: JAMK Degree Regulations, section 17.

Student workload

Strategic Marketing course worth 7 ECTS. One ECTS corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work, which means that the load of 7 ECTS approximately 189 hours.

Below are the details of the student's workload in hours
Lectures 35 hours
Group project 50 hours
Weekly group assignments 20 hours
Independent study 84 h.
Total of 189 hours

Content scheduling

You can check the progress and schedule of the implementation if different kinds of phasing is involved (lab exercises, introductions to working life, etc.); indicate when they are scheduled to take place during the course implementation.

Example: Mark here if you have 2 hours per week for the whole group and another two for the splitted group.

Further information

Open UAS:: 4
Exchange students:

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient (1)
The student attempts to demonstrate his/her theoretical and conceptual knowledge. However, command of the subject area remains unclear.
The student fails to show a convincing ability in identifying and analysing marketing problem and solutions to those problems Within a team environment, s/he contributes to the content inadequately and fails to be a dependable member. The student attempt to communicate his ideas but his verbal and written communication are somewhat unclear. The student has a weakness in using information technology for preparing reports and presentations.

Satisfactory (2)
The student has demonstrated an adequate command of theoretical and conceptual understanding of modern marketing.
The student shows an essential ability to identify and analysing marketing problems and propose solutions.
The student can present his ideas adequately in his verbal and written communication. A student has a satisfactory skill in using information technology tools for preparing report and presentations.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3)
The student has demonstrated a good command of theoretical and conceptual understanding of marketing.
The student shows good command identifying and analysing marketing problems and propose solutions.
The student can adequately present his ideas in his verbal and written communication. A student uses adequate information technology tools for preparing report and presentations.

Very good (4)
The student demonstrates excellent theoretical and conceptual understanding of marketing. The student displays an excellent command of marketing.
The student is very good at identifying and analysing marketing problems and propose a solution.
The student can outstandingly present his ideas in his verbal and written communication. A student is a perfect use of information technology tools for preparing report and presentations.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5)
The student demonstrates exceptional theoretical and conceptual understanding of marketing. The student displays an excellent command of marketing.
The student shows an excellent ability to identify, and analyse marketing problems and propose the solution
The student can excellently present his ideas in his verbal and written communication. A student is a proficient user of information technology tools for preparing report and presentation.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

1) Weekly group assignments = 20 points
2) Semester-long group project (Strategic Marketing Plan) + presentation = 40 points
3) Final Exam = 40 points (exam needs to be passed to pass the whole course)

Grade 0 = 0-44 point = Fail
Grade 1 = 45-54 points
Grade 2 = 55-64 points
Grade 3 = 65-74 points
Grade 4 = 75-84 points
Grade 5 = 85-100 points


The student has completed their first-year studies completed, specifically, the principle of marketing course has been completed successfully.