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Digital Business Models (5 cr)

Code: HL00BD66-3001

General information


01.11.2021 - 28.02.2022


14.02.2022 - 27.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 - 5

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 37

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management


  • Riikka Ahlgren


    Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, ESSCA School of Management. (Bachelor's)
  • HTL20S1
  • HBI22VK
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business, vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
    Digital Business, Business Administration
  • HBI22VKK
    Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Kedge Business School
  • ZJA22KH
    Avoin AMK, lita


The object of the course
The object of this course is to teach you the prevailing digital business models. You learn to recognize the business opportunities that various new technologies provide. You learn the role of trends and innovations in digital business. You learn to use digital tools in your tasks.

Course competences
Internationalisation and multiculturalism
Operating in a workplace
Business competence

The learning objectives of the course
During this course you learn various digital business models and practice their adoption in a real world. You study the concepts of disruption and innovation. You learn the different opportunities that various new technologies provide for digital businesses. In the course you work in a rapidly changing environment and solve business problems creatively.

In your studies you use different digital tools and methods which facilitate communication and understanding.


Digital business environment and the related business models, innovation and trends, new technologies as business opportunities.

Location and time

Contact lessons 4h/week, if covid-19 -situation allows.
If not, then online classes 4h/week according to the schedule.

First meeting on Fri 25.2. at 8.00, room B116, Rajakatu Campus.


Remane, G., Hanelt, A., Nickerson, R. C., & Kolbe, L. M. (2017). Discovering digital business models in traditional industries. The Journal of Business Strategy, 38(2), 41-51

Christensen C. M., Raynor M.E., McDonald R. 2015. What Is Disruptive Innovation? Harvard Business Review. December 2015.

Other materials are listed in Moodle LMS.

Teaching methods

Independent work, contact lessons and group work.
Flipped classroom: Students read given materials before contact lessons.
Contact lessons focus on tasks and discussions.
Students create a digital business plan for a case company as a group work.

Guidance and tutoring is available during the weekly lessons and in the online-workspace (Moodle).

Employer connections

A project work for a case company (digital business plan).

Exam schedules

No exam for 4 ECTS course.

Completion alternatives

You have a right to apply for recognition of your prior learning. The recognition of prior learning is possible with accreditation (replacement or inclusion of previous studies e.g. in other university) or recognition of informal learning (related work experience). More precise info: JAMK Degree Regulations, section 17.

Student workload

Contact lessons 24h
Individual and group tasks 45h
Group assignment 39h
Total 108h

Content scheduling

Four modules, each taking 1-2 weeks.
Individual and small group tasks for each module.
A group assingment covering all the four modules.

Further information

Open UAS 3
Exchange students 21

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You know the basic theories and concepts of digital business, innovation and trends. You are able to solve simple problems with given guidelines. You recognize the existence of some new technologies. You are able to report your work in time. You need guidance when using digital tools in your work.

Satisfactory 2
You understand the basic concepts and theories of digital business, innovation and trends. You recognize the business opportunities they provide. You solve various problems and are able to work collaboratively in a group. You recognize some possibilities of new technologies and you report your work in time, illustratively and clearly. You use digital tools independently in your work.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You understand the connections between the digital business, innovation and trends. You categorize and compare the business opportunities provided by different technologies. You apply your knowledge to solve various business problems. You are able to organise your work in a group and in your reporting you justify the selections you have made. You use digital tools independently to support your work in a group.

Very Good 4
You evaluate, compare and analyze the business models and opportunities provided by different technologies. You apply and your knowledge to solve business problems creatively. You take responsibility in organizing group work and you report your work logically and reflectively. You select and use digital tools creatively and appropriately in various tasks.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You analyze and evaluate critically the different business models and opportunities. You creatively adopt your knowledge on technologies to create new business opportunities. You critically evaluate your results and learning. You organize your group working processes and develop these collaboratively in your group.


Basic business studies