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Brand Management (5 cr)

Code: YHYYM310-3006

General information


07.02.2022 - 28.02.2022


14.02.2022 - 27.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 40


  • Sunday Olaleye


  • YBB22VK
    Master's Degree Programme in International Business, vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • YBB22VKN
    Master’s Degree in International Business Management, EM Normandie
    Diploma in International Business Management
  • ZJA22KH
    Avoin AMK, lita


Branding is as important for culture and politics as it once was for market commodities. But what is it that makes brands and branding powerful? What explains the global diffusion of branding techniques? Or at an even more fundamental level, what is a brand? How do we go about building a brand? How do we go about managing a brand that already exists? What are the challenges that managers, marketing firms and consumers face when interacting with brands? How do different stakeholders created and maintain brands in dynamic environments? These are some of the questions that this course will attempt to answer. In this course, we will examine multiple theoretical perspectives on ‘brand’ and will understand how each theoretical approach involves a different brand management toolkit. We will approach branding from multiple perspectives – from rational branding to emotional branding to cultural branding.

To complement the theoretical foundations, we will discuss real life strategic challenges that brand and their managers face and learn from the success and failure of particular brand strategies. We will also understand how brands and brand management have evolved in the 21st century and what are the key ethical, environmental and socio-cultural implications of brand management’s evolutionary trajectory. We will explore concepts such as unique selling proposition (USP), mindspace positioning, cultural brand strategy and performance metrics such as brand equity, brand love, share of voice.

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to • Apply appropriate branding theories and toolkits to solve practical case studies • Critically evaluate different approaches to measure brand performance • Align epistemological assumptions with appropriate approach • Exhibit fluency with the building blocks of branding strategies • Identify appropriate segmentation strategieson appropriate bases, define targets and relevant brand positioning techniques • Understand the evolutionary trajectory of consumer brand management


We will examine the strategic importance of brand development in driving organizational success. The topics
covered will explore the development of brand practices across key company functions and strategic corporate
initiatives including: product launch, reorganization, competitive threat, identity development, communications
and customer experiences.

Location and time

February 14- May 27, 2022


Keller, K. L. 2012. Strategic Brand Management. Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity, 4th edition, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Additional Material / Recommended Reading Material

Kapferer, J.N. 2012. The New Strategic Brand Management. Advanced Insights & Strategic Thinking. Fifth Edition.
Keller K., Aperia, T. & Georgeson, M., 2012, Strategic Brand Management: A European Perspective. Prentice-Hall.

The teacher incharge will provide you with the lecture notes lectures note that contains academic literature, videos, blogs, short article, etc. related to the focused topic are

Teaching methods

Course follows combined face-to-face and distance learning methods where students participate in lectures, workshops and other study activities organized in classroom. Furthermore, a student also completes separate individual and group assignments as supplementary independent studies utilizing virtual study platforms and materials.

Exam schedules

The final item of assessment in the brand management course is the individual project. For an individual project, students need to develop a brand marketing communication plan. The brand communication plan include Use of marketing communication tool both traditional and digital to build brand Using secondary association to build brand

For preparing a brand marketing communication plan, you may consider one question of your choice mention below

a) As a customer, you are the recipient of brand marketing communication, select a company that you like and describe its brand marketing communication, secondary association and suggest the ways to improve it?
b) If you are working in a company then you may consider this: What kind of brand marketing communication your company is using to build its brand and suggest the ways to improve it?
c) If you want to open your own company: Make a brand marketing communication plan for your own company using marketing communication tools both traditional and digital to build brand and secondary association

General instruction
The plan should be a maximum of ten pages in length (including cover page and contents). The plan should be written according to JAMK reporting instructions.

Student workload

135 hours
- Lessons 32 h
-Assignments, presentations 48
-Independent reading and research 55

Further information

avoin amk 3

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You demonstrate theoretical and conceptual knowledge to identify and analyze brand management using the given case. You know partly how to apply information in decision making. You know the meaning of brand management in strategic management. The theory base is limited.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to select and apply appropriate approaches to analyze own brand management problems and utilize them. You write a quite modest report.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You analyze critically the problems of brand management of own organization and devise solutions to these problems and communicate them also internationally. You are able to write an almost impeccable report, which includes discussions of organizational level and/or own expertise level.

Very good 4
You analyze critically the problems of brand management of own organization and change and develop the practices of the brand management. You are able to write a quality report, which includes also international references.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You develop a new practical solution of the brand management with a connection to the strategic management of the organization. You write a high-quality, printable and reflecting report with constructive criticism, which includes several international references.


Bachelor's degree

Further information

The lecturer of the course will be informed later in January 2021