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Managerial Accounting (5 cr)

Code: YZWZ0230-3005

General information


19.09.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


5 - 90

Degree programmes

  • Diploma in International Business Management


  • Shabnamjit Hundal
  • Tatyana Kauppinen


    Diploma in International Business Management
    Diploma in International Business Management
    Diploma in International Business Management


You are aware of the current academic debates and practitioners discourses in the discipline of managerial accounting and you are also able to observe and analyze them in the real life. You display an ability to critically follow and analyze the information in the field and area of study. You recognize the challenges in the discipline managerial accounting and you are able to develop your knowledge and practical skills in managerial accounting. You are able to evaluate, develop and reform managerial accounting practices in a business organization.

Learning Outcomes: The purpose of the Management Accounting course is to enhance your knowledge and understanding, and intellectual skills principally in the field of accounting data analysis, which can be subsequently applied to make interpretations and draw inferences in the field of corporate finance, corporate governance and financial management.
The course aims to develop the following Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
- 1. Applied Business Skills (IBBUS)
Analyzing the financial statements of corporates to ascertain their financial health by applying various techniques and methods learned in the field of Management Accounting and Economics in different business situations to solve challenging business problems optimize planning and risk management strategies.
-2 Skills in Critical and Analytical Understanding (IBCRI)
Reviewing academic literature critically, analyzing and evaluating financial and other business data, deliberating diverse approaches, comparing the resultant outcomes, and making value additive informed business decisions and action plans. Understanding of the true, objective and unbiased financial information that helps managers to plan, revise and revisit their business strategies, financial targets, policy formulation, and planning process. The process of understanding how financial accounting information assists to make the corporate decision-making process is a core element of this course.
-3 Communication Skills (IBCOM)
Communicating the inferences made and interpretations drawn based on the financial data analysis responsibly, effectively and professionally in English, including in written reports, presentations, formal correspondence, and on social media.
-4 Intercultural Collaboration Skills (IBCOL)
Participating enthusiastically in inter- and multicultural settings, demonstrating team building and leadership skills, and implementing conflict resolution skills in numerous situations.
-5 Ethical Conduct (IBETH)
Promoting moral and ethical mindset and conduct to ascertain and disclose true and unbiased financial health of the companies. Safeguarding interests of different stakeholders in an unbiased manner to promote corporate value system which is humane, fair and equitable.
The purpose of the Management Accounting course is to enhance your knowledge and understanding, and intellectual skills principally in the field of management accounting and more importantly their linkages with the issues pertaining to corporate finance, and strategy.
According to above-mentioned Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) you will find exposure to numerous situations, whereby you record and present financial accounting data in such a manner that the users of financial accounting statements can know about the real financial health of the firm being analyzed. The true, objective and unbiased financial information help managers to plan and revise their business strategies, check financial health, policy formulation and planning process. The process of understanding how financial accounting information assists to make corporate decision-making process is a core element of this course. You are also expected to understand different management accounting functions and applications, diverse management accounting techniques, methods and tools in different business situations in order to solve challenging business problems. You will understand the relevance of the high-quality accounting information and their multiple interpretations in the business life, which ultimately optimize planning, strategies, risk management and business-decision making.
You are further expected to understand that accounting is not isolation of overall business strategy of corporates. You will create and produce indicators describing the success of operations based on cause/consequence logic, as well as able to collect information pertaining to corporates needed for measurement. You will identify the economic requirements and the resource requirements related to personnel, necessary to achieve the abovementioned objectives. You will use budget information as a tool for examining and evaluating the results and analyze financial risks of a firm and manage them.


Theoretical aspects of accounting, financial statement analysis, financial performance measurement, regulatory framework, corporate governance and ethical issues of accounting, financial ratio analysis, corporate valuation, balanced scorecard as a tool for strategic budgeting, economic value added (EVA), cost concepts, absorption costing, pricing, planning and budgeting, fundamental of financial management, capital investment appraisal, financial risk management, cash flow, forecasting, sensitivity analysis.

Location and time

Autumn of each academic year.


Lectures slides will be the starting point to learn the subject matter of the course.
Books: Barry Elliott, Jamie Elliott: Financial Accounting and Reporting, Pearson Education, 17/E.

Proctor, Ray: Managerial Accounting for Business Decisions. Prentice Hall 2009, Third Edition. Part 5.
Russell David, Patel Ashok & Wilkinson-Riddle Gregory: Cost Accounting An Essential Guide. Pearson Education Ltd.
Atkinson Anthony, Kaplan Robert, Matsumura Ella & Young Mark: Management Accounting. Prentice Hall.
Brealey, Richard A., Myers, Stewart C. and Allen, Franklin: Principles of Corporate Finance. McGraw-Hill.

Web Based Resources:
The above channel is run by the lecturer himself.
Corporate Websites (for Management Accounting, Financial Accounting and Financial Management group presentations and assignments/individual assignments)
Research articles and videos will be shared from time to time.

Teaching methods

In-classroom and online

Exam schedules

Last week of the course implementation.

International connections

International projects in collaboration with partner universities abroad. Possibility of participation in the corporate projects too.

Student workload

You will be required to required to invest 135 hours approximately and the break up of the total time is as below:
Lectures: 40 hours
Workshop: 15 Hours
Assignment Preparations: 20 Hours
Examination Preparations: 50 Hours
Miscellaneous: 10 Hours

Further information

Exchange students: 5
Open UAS: 4 (included in the total capacity)

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 (Adequate) The theory of the subject matter is appropriate for the subject matter or work role, but it does not form an overall view. You describe and distinguish essential concepts. You outline a development project. You find a partial solution to the problem but are unable to illustrate the results. Matters are discussed in a list-like and summarising manner. Independent thinking is lacking. The reporting follows JAMK’s reporting instructions partially.

2 (Satisfactory) You apply theory within the subject matter, limited from the perspective of the subject matter or work role. You have selected and defined the essential concepts. You design a development project. You find a partial solution to the problem. You illustrate the results. The examples demonstrate understanding and independent thinking, but the connections between theoretical knowledge and the examples are insufficient. The report mostly follows JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 (Good) You present theory that is relevant and delineated. You are able to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your field of expertise. You are able to analyse and structure theoretical information and concepts. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation initiative, applying new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding alternative solutions to a problem. Theory and practice are combined through your thinking. The report is illustrative and includes analysis. The report follows JAMK’s reporting instructions (may contain occasional errors).

4 (Very good) You produce an overall view from the essential theories in the subject matter, which you reflect on in a critical manner. You are able to follow and analyse the development and international research in your field of expertise. You are able to consider the essential concepts in relation to each other. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation initiative that produces a solution for a practical problem. You demonstrate and justify the usability of your results. The report is written in a consistent, justified and illustrative manner. It contains reflection and criticism. The report follows JAMK’s reporting instructions. There may be minor deficiencies with some details.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 (Excellent) You are able to create new information. You are able to follow and analyse the development and international research in the fields of expertise. You reflect on the matter at a social level. You are able to define the essential concepts related to the special competence of the field in relation to each other. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation initiative that produces and analyses new information and reforms the practices in complex and unpredictable operating environments. You utilise methods from research and development operations, and display creative thinking. The report has created new perspectives or overall views by combining things in a new way. The text displays the ability for critical thinking and the skill of communicating the results. The report follows JAMK’s reporting instructions.


Bachelor's degree