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Global Product Development and Management (online) (5 cr)

Code: HBIB0011-3006

General information


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


13.02.2023 - 26.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 50

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business


  • Marc Pallot


  • HBI21S1
    Degree Programme in International Business
  • HBI20S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business


The student understands from a broad business management perspective the process of innovation management that focuses on the links and overlaps between groups and disciplines. The course provides students with the knowledge to understand how to manage innovation and new service/product development within firms. The student understands how multinational companies segment global markets and based on that develop and manage their portfolio of products. The student is aware how innovations can be facilitated both in small business environment as well as within the global networks of multinational companies. Student is also introduced to the notion of open innovation.


IBBUS Analytical Business Skills
Analyse global business challenges and trends by applying disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge and practical skills gained in the studies and through internships and field-based client work.

IBCOL Collaborative Skills Participate enthusiastically in inter- and multicultural settings, demonstrate team-building and leadership skills, and implement conflict resolution skills.


Innovation management: an introduction, Managing innovation within firms, Innovation and operations management, Managing intellectual property, Managing organizational knowledge, Strategic alliances and networks, Management of research and development, Managing R&D projects, The role of technology transfer in innovation, Service/Product and brand strategy, New service/product development, Market research and its influence on new service/product development. Global segmentation, global product policy, product development cycle, portfolio management, global innovation management, technology transfer, intellectual property rights.

Location and time

Online Course (Moodle platform) from Friday 17/02/2023 to Friday 5/05/2023

No classroom; course workspace: Moodle learning Platform

Friday 17/02/2023 Kick-off Webinar from 12:15 to 13:15 for an Introduction to the GPD course and guided tour of the Moodle learning platform.

Friday 5/05/2023: Final exam from 9:00 to 12:00

Regular Weekly Zoom session every Friday (except during School holidays and other students' trips) from 12:15 to 13:15 (online presence is mandatory);

On-demand debriefing Zoom meetings based on students' requests;

Moodle Platform:

Enrollment on the Moodle platform GPD course is automatically done from the PEPPI platform
"Global Product Development & Management (GPD)"


The Course Texbook:

Innovation Management and New Product Development, 5/E
Paul Trott, University of Portsmouth

Texbook 2

Service Operations Management. 4/E
Robert Johnston
Graham Clark
Michael Shulver

for wider reading see additional materials and references in the virtual workspace and the above textbooks

Teaching methods

Reverse Classroom
• Look at the lessons at home and apply in the teamwork

Online Course (Moodle platform)
• online presence during online (ZOOM) meetings and workshops debriefing

Active Learning -> Learning by Doing
• Apply acquired knowledge into practical cases
• Main goal is to increase the memory retention of acquired knowledge after applying it; hence, once it gets emotional links

Collaborative Learning -> Teamwork
• Learning from each other (cultural diversity increases the creativity potential)
• Learning how to collaborate with others (Together Everyone Achieves More = acronym TEAM)
• Learning distance collaboration

Online Coaching
• On-demand One-on-One online (ZOOM) sessions with the teacher when facing any issue

Exam schedules

Final Exam (online, no classroom) from 9:00 to 12:00 on Friday 5/05/2023

The Final Exam is composed of: A case study to be completed (duration: 2 hours)
- From 9:00 to 9:30 for downloading documents (PPT and Excel files) from the "Additional files" in the corresponding assignment on the Moodle platform and reading carefully the instructions and case study;
- From 09:30 to 11:30 for completing the case study;
- From 11:30 to 12:00 for filling out the course feedback survey available on the PEPPI platform.

Completion alternatives

No alternative completion methods other than available through the Moodle course workspace.

Student workload

Individual work: Lessons' quizzes and final exam

Collective/Group (Team) work: workshops 1, 2, 3 and 4

See the full list of assignments on the Moodle Platform:
"Global Product Development and Management (GPD)"

Content scheduling

See the full list of assignments on the Moodle Platform:
"Global Product Development and Management (GPD)"

Further information

Available Assessment Criteria for Individuals Assignments

Individual Work Assessment - Grading Individuals
- Self-evaluation of acquired lessons' knowledge through corresponding quizzes.
- Evaluation of the final exam

Available Assessment Criteria for Workshops Assignment

Team Work Assessment - Grading Teams
- Evaluation criteria of workshop 1 (W1)
- Evaluation criteria of Workshop 2 (W2)
- Evaluation criteria of workshop 3 (W3)
- Evaluation criteria of Workshop 4 (W4)

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The general criteria of the competences that the Bachelor's Degrees awarded by Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences provide can be found on JAMK's web pages ( The learning outcomes of individual courses are assessed in relation to the objectives of the course concerned. Assessment is based on knowledge, skills and competence in accordance with the National and European Qualifications Framework, level 6.
- Excellent (5) - The student shows exceptional theoretical knowledge of fundamentals of the subject. The student demonstrates the ability to apply the knowledge to assignments and presentations with excellent written and oral communications skills
- Very Good (4) - The student shows good knowledge of the subject fundamentals and concepts and is able to communicate these in an effective way
- Good (3) The students knowledge covers major parts of concepts and theories related to the subject. The student´s ability to apply the knowledge to assignments shows need for improvement, as well as there is room for improvement in oral and written communication
- Satisfactory (2)- The students knowledge covers restricted part of concepts and theories related to the subject and has deficiencies in showing the ability to apply them in assignments. Communication skills need improvement.
- Sufficient(1) - The student shows only a sufficient understanding of the subject and of relevant theories and methods and fails to show a convincing ability to apply the knowledge to real life situation nor to communicate the concepts in an effective manner.
Here is the class grademap.
Grade Minimum%
5 85
4 75
3 65
2 55
1 45
0 0


First year studies or basic business studies