Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Game Industry (3 cr)

Code: HTGP0180-3005

General information


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 51

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology


  • Mika Karhulahti


  • HTG22S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • HTG22VS
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • ZJAHTG22S1
    Avoin AMK, Tiko, AMK-polut, BIT, tradenomi amk


The object of the course
Do you want to know what is hot in games right now? Are you interested on the processes related to game industry as a whole? How to sell genres or how to reach audiences for games? Game Industry course provides a view on global video & computer games. You will learn to know and understand the core processes and key ingredients on the cake that is contemporary global game industry.

Course competences
Business Competence
Game Production Competence

The learning objectives of the course
The student who completes the course understands the structure of game industry, how most studios and publishers operate, how games are marketed, sold and monetized.

The student learns the basic information, characteristics and volumes of most important gaming platforms. The student understrands the most favourable publishing methods and platforms for specific games. The students knows the most important channels and principles when looking to fund a video game project.


In the course you will be focused on the basic concepts related to game industry: monetization, funding, publishing, platforms from different perspectives, game industry driving forces, volumes and industry-specific terminology.

Teaching methods

The primary mode of delivery is series of in-class activities on campus. In addition there will be a couple of online lectures. The in-class activities deepen the learning in the forms of tutorials, individual and group works, reflection and guidance. However, if the COVID-19 situation requires the learning will be supported by on-line tutorials.

Employer connections

During the Course, various visiting lecturers are going to give their insight about the game industry from their unique perspective.

Completion alternatives

You have the right to apply for recognition of your studies if you have prior learning (e.g. university studies completed elsewhere) that can be accredited towards the degree you are currently completing.

The recognition of prior learning is possible in three primary ways: accreditation (replacement or inclusion), recognition of informal learning and studification. More precise info: JAMK Degree Regulations, section 17.

Student workload

One credit corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work, which means that the load of three credits is approximately 81 hours. The load is distributed between lectures, lecture activities and both team and individual assignments.

Further information

Avoin amk 5 sisältyy max-paikkoihin.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient (1): You have knowledge in the video game industry. You know the key concepts and what they mean.

Satisfactory (2): You understand the concepts of video game industry and how they are related to game development and team work. You understand the different mechanics inside video game industry.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3): You understand the concepts video game industry and can apply the gained knowledge in a real-life development project. You can analyze and classify the different mechanics inside video game industry.

Very good (4): You understand the concepts of video game industry thoroughly and you will be able to analyze current trends in game development, platforms and monetization. You can critically evaluate different mechanics inside game industry.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You can analytically discuss about the concepts in video game industry and present and defend (based on knowledge and evidence) your opinions. You can question the presented information and give valid options. You can critically evaluate trends in game development, platforms and monetization. You can use your knowledge and skills to find solutions for different mechanics inside game industry, especially related to publishing and funding a game development project.


This course is focused for the degree students but it can be included in various study modules (like diplomas or any other life-long-learning modules).

Further information

The course can be included in various study modules in the area of ICT or business. These kind of modules may be of type diplomas or other life-long-learning study modules.