Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Global Supply Chain (5 cr)

Code: TLLY7500-3015

General information


01.11.2022 - 31.01.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 30


  • Mikko Somerla


    Kuljetusosaajakokonaisuus (SAMK)


Global supply chain management is one of the key business processes in global companies. By measuring, analyzing, and continuously improving supply chain you can affect customer satisfaction, business productivity, and profitability. Supply chain management in companies is a broader concept that includes the whole process of planning and fulfillment from demand and forecast processes to customer invoicing. By managing supply chain, you can proactively react or prepare for better customer need fulfillment in a company.

During the course you will learn basics of Global supply chain and meaning of basic concepts of Supply chain management. Course will also help to understand basics of supply chain process and monitoring of results. After the course you will have a perspective to supply chain tasks.

This course develops and assesses the following know-how:
- Business skills, engineering practice, communication and team working.

Learning outcome
After completing this course, you will know the principles of Global supply chain. You will be able to apply how to manage Global supply chain, identifying risks and how to measure performance in Global supply chain. You will understand how to control the flows of materials and capacity management.


The course covers following main themes:
- Principles of Global supply chain
- Transportation modes in Global Supply Chain
- How to manage Global Supply Chain
- Global Supply Chain Risk management
- Global Supply Chain KPI:s (Key Performance Indicators)

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

(1) The student demonstrates his / her competence in the subjects dealt with in the course, identifies the topics dealt with in the course.

(2) In addition to the above, the student can describe the topics covered in the course systematically and knows how to apply them.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

(3) In addition to the above, the student demonstrates the ability to justify the effects of different solutions and to make informed choices between options.

(4) In addition to the above, the student demonstrates the ability to apply what he or she has learned and to evaluate the solutions and their effects analytically.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

(5) In addition to the above, the student demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of the course topics and the ability to structure and analyze the effects of solutions in a broader context. It also demonstrates innovation in applying what they have learned to different situations.


1st and 2nd year logistics professional studies