Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Idea to Business (5 cr)

Code: ZZ00BC02-3027

General information


01.11.2023 - 24.04.2024


13.02.2024 - 24.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching

Teaching languages

  • English


7 - 40


  • Teemu Laitinen
  • Suvi Salminen


Student is able to realistically assess the profitability of his/her business idea, as well as his/her own capacity to implement it.
Student is able to draw up debriefings needed to plan a new business: product-customer matrix, market analysis, competitor analysis, sales-/marketing plan and financial calculations.
Student is able to pitch his/her idea to investors.


Business plan, own capacity to implement the idea, product/customer matrix, market analysis, competitor analysis, marketing and sales plan, financial calculations, pitching the idea.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Student is able to realistically assess the profitability of his/her business idea, as well as his/her own capacity to implement it.
Student is able to draw up debriefings needed to plan a new business: product-customer matrix, market analysis, competitor analysis, sales-/marketing plan and financial calculations.
Student is able to pitch his/her idea to investors.

Further information

The students must have a business idea to develop in order to take part in the course. Participants are chosen based on their applications. The course is organized in co-operation with the Jyväskylä Startup Factory. For more information, see