Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Mental Health and Addiction Nursing (4 cr)

Code: SHZB1510-3005

General information


13.08.2023 - 30.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages

  • English


  • Riikka Sinivuo
  • Johanna Rinne

Teacher in charge

Riikka Sinivuo


  • SKV22SBH1
    Beihua group 1, 2022
  • SKV22SBH2
    Beihua ryhmä 2, 2022


Student is able to plan, implement and evaluate the nursing care of the most common mental health disorders and addiction problems. They are able to use the interventions based on a cooperative relationship with a patient, family and as a members of a multiprofessional team.


- Attitudes and values in mental health and addiction nursing.
- Mental health promotion, etiology of most common addiction and mental health disorders, risks and protective factors, early recognition, referral to treatment, care and rehabilitation.
- The service system of mental health and addiction work and related co-operative networks, national guidelines and laws, evidence-based nursing within mental health and addiction nursing.
- Cooperative nursing relationship, clinical counseling and reflection
- Special issues (ethics, stigma, attitudes, social exclusion, family point of view).

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent (5): The student has excellent knowledge to early recognition of most common mental health and addiction problems. S/he is able to plan, implement and evaluate the nursing process in evidence based manner. The student´s ability to apply the principles of patient and family centered way to work to promote the mental health and addiction free life of patient and family is excellent. The student is able to explain and argue the etiology, risk factors and possible life changes of the most common mental health and addiction problems in different ways. Student demonstrates in-depth analysis, comparison and evaluation of evidence-based knowledge from different perspectives in written assignments.

Very good (4): The student has very good knowledge to early recognition of most common mental health and addiction problems. S/he is able to plan, implement and evaluate the nursing process in evidence based manner. The student´s ability to adapt the principles of patient and family centered way to work to promote the mental health and addiction free life of patient and family is very good. The student is able to explain and argue the etiology, risk factors and possible life changes of the most common mental health and addiction problems. Student is able analyze and combine knowledge by highlighting different aspects and comparing their similarities and differences in written assignments.
Good (3): The student has good knowledge to early recognition of most common mental health and addiction problems. S/he is able to plan, implement and evaluate the nursing process in evidence based manner. The student´s ability to adapt the principles of patient and family centered way to work to promote the mental health and addiction free life of patient and family is good. The student is able to explain the etiology, risk factors and possible life changes of the most common mental health and addiction problems. Student is able to apply knowledge and to bring out essential viewpoints comprehensively in written assignments. S/he also demonstrates reflection and/or uses illustrative examples.
Satisfactory (2): The student has basic knowledge to early recognition of most common mental health and addiction problems. S/he is able to plan, implement and evaluate the nursing process in evidence based manner. The student´s ability to adapt the principles of patient and family centered way to work to promote the mental health and addiction free life of patient and family is satisfactory.
The student is able to name the etiology, risk factors and possible life changes of the most common mental health and addiction problems. Student is able to find the relevant issues related to course content. The used examples show's own thinking, but the connections between the theory of knowledge and examples are lacking in written assignments. The content is narrow and definitions are not justified.
Sufficient (1): The student has some basic knowledge to early recognition of most common mental health and addiction problems. S/he is able to plan, implement and evaluate the nursing process in evidence based manner. The student´s ability to adapt the principles of patient and family centered way to work to promote the mental health and addiction free life of patient and family is sufficient. The student is able to list the etiology, risk factors and possible life changes of the most common mental health and addiction problems. Student brings out some essential issues by narrow way and/or by repeating the sources in written assignments. A clear point of view is lacking and the presentations are superficial. Students´ own reflection is absent.


Opiskelija hallitsee sosiaali- ja terveysalan asiakkuuden ja toimintaympäristön perustiedot, keskeiset käsitteet ja menetelmät sekä ohjaamisen ja terveyden edistämisen ja ennaltaehkäisevän hoitotyön tavoitteet ja menetelmiä ja tietää näyttöön perustuvan päätöksenteon lähtökohdat.