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InnoFlash (contact learning in English) (2 cr)

Code: ZZ00CK91-3002

General information


01.08.2024 - 30.08.2024


21.10.2024 - 06.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

RDI portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


University Services


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 500


  • Anne-Maria Raitio
  • Juha Ruuska
  • Lotta Happo
  • Antony Smal
  • Elina Fisk
  • Hanna-Riikka Kantelinen
  • Antero Kivelä
  • Mikko Keskinen
  • Essi Säynätmäki
  • Sameli Rinta-Hirvelä
  • Mari Hakkarainen


Purpose of the course

With the InnoFlash course, you will learn to create customer-oriented solutions to the challenges of working life. You will learn to work in a diverse team and to evaluate your own learning.

You will get to know the basic principles and different stages of the user-centered design method. You are able to to apply a user-centered method in solving a work-related challenge. You act as an active team member and promote the team's work with your own actions. You know how to describe and share the result of your team's work. You reflect on the development of your own and your team's skills during the course.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Acting in working life
Anticipatory development

Competence goal of the course

1. You are able to apply a user-centered design method in solving a work-related challenge and describe and present the stages and results of team work.

2. You know how to work actively and promote the team's activities in a diverse team.

3. You can reflect on your own and your team's activities during the implementation of the course.


In InnoFlash you solve problems of working life in diverse student teams. During the study period, you apply user-centered thinking and an operating model, based on which you, as a team member, create solutions that generate added value for the customer. You test your solution with customers and present it to the assignor with your team.

During the study process, you practice evaluating your own and your team's activities and reflecting on the development of your skills. Before the teamwork phase, you familiarize yourself with the themes of the course: diverse teamwork, user-oriented design and reflection on your own expertise.


Materials in the e-learning environment

Teaching methods

The learning takes place by using the user-oriented design method. Before teamworking period, you explore the method, and in your team, you use the method when you create a customer-oriented solution to an assignment of a client.

The course starts with Get Ready phase, successful completion of which is a prerequisite for entering the teamwork phase. The Moodle workspace opens on 17th of October 2024 at 8 o'clock. If you don't manage to accomplish the assignments of Get Ready phase on the Moodle workspace in time, the completion of the course is interrupted and you will get a fail grade.

In this implementation, the deadline for the first obligatory Get Ready phase assignments is latest 27.10.2024.

The contact learning week takes place on week 46/2024 which is 11.11.2024-15.11.2024. On this week, you have to take part in coaching and teamworking every day at 8.30-16.00. You can not have any other lectures during this week.

After the week you have independent reflecting tasks.

Employer connections

The assignments of the course come from companies and development projects.

Exam schedules

No final exam is arranged on this course, the accomplishment is based on both independent and team study tasks.

Completion alternatives

The course takes place four times a year: both online course and contact course once in autumn semester and once in spring semester. These courses can have English speaking groups.

Student workload

Contact course:
- Independent study tasks before the teamworking period 10 hours
- Taking part in contact study week and study tasks as a team member 40 hours. Contact studies take place during one week, during which the student can not have any other lectures at the same time. It is obligatory to take part in the contact study week daily.
- Independent study tasks after the teamworking period 4 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Approved completion of the study course requires that you pass all the tasks of the study course and actively participate in the teamwork phase. The prerequisite for getting to the team working phase is that you have completed the tasks of the first independent working phase on time.

After successfully completing the study course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the basic principles and steps of the user-oriented design method in problem solving and apply them in solving a work-related challenge. You act as an active team member in the different stages of the method and are able to present the result of your team's work. You can create different proposed solutions to a challenge, test them with customers and change the proposed solution based on the test results.

You examine your own and your group's activities in the implementation of user-oriented problem solving. You reflect on the development of your own competence during the implementation of the course.

