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Finnish for Working LifeLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: BI00BT56


4 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Heidi Hjerppe


You understand the process of job seeking in Finland and learn to develop your job seeking skills. You become aware of your skills and assets and are able to tell about and provide evidence of them in Finnish. You are capable of producing a variety of job seeking documents in Finnish. You are acquainted with the essential elements of Finnish job interviews. You are able to function in various workplace communication situations.

You reflect on your learning throughout the course via self-assessment.


You learn
- the essential elements of job seeking in Finland while developing your Finnish language skills in working life contexts;
- to reflect on your skills and assets;
- to read and produce job seeking documents in alignment with your language skills, to receive feedback on your writing and to edit and develop your texts accordingly;
- to function in various workplace communication situations; and
- to tell about your study and work experience as well as your plans for the future.


Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) B1.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You understand the process of job seeking in Finland. You are aware of your skills and assets and are able to tell about and provide evidence of them in Finnish. You are acquainted with a variety of job seeking documents and are able to produce short versions of such in Finnish . You know the essential elements of Finnish job interviews and you are able to function in in various workplace communication situations.

The course assignments are evaluated as Passed and in conformance to the instructions. The assignments reflect the study of the course contents.

Further information

For students who are not native Finnish speakers.
Available to Open Studies students.
Cannot be completed via studification.


01.08.2023 - 31.08.2023


07.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Heidi Hjerppe


You understand the process of job seeking in Finland and learn to develop your job seeking skills. You become aware of your skills and assets and are able to tell about and provide evidence of them in Finnish. You are capable of producing a variety of job seeking documents in Finnish. You are acquainted with the essential elements of Finnish job interviews. You are able to function in various workplace communication situations.

You reflect on your learning throughout the course via self-assessment.


You learn
- the essential elements of job seeking in Finland while developing your Finnish language skills in working life contexts;
- to reflect on your skills and assets;
- to read and produce job seeking documents in alignment with your language skills, to receive feedback on your writing and to edit and develop your texts accordingly;
- to function in various workplace communication situations; and
- to tell about your study and work experience as well as your plans for the future.


Suositeltava kirjallisuus:
White, L. 2010. Suomen kielioppia ulkomaalaisille. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.

Teaching methods

Itsenäinen opiskelu verkkovälitteisesti: webinaarit, oppimistehtävät, ryhmätyöskentely verkossa

Student workload

Orientaatio, ennakkotehtävät ja työtilaan tutustuminen 10-15 t
Itsenäinen työskentely ja tehtävien tekeminen 60-70 t
Tekstien muokkaaminen saadun palautteen mukaan ja portfolion koostaminen 10-20 t
Ryhmätyöskentely 5-10 t
Webinaarit 9 t

yht 108 t

Further information

Jatkuva palaute, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You understand the process of job seeking in Finland. You are aware of your skills and assets and are able to tell about and provide evidence of them in Finnish. You are acquainted with a variety of job seeking documents and are able to produce short versions of such in Finnish . You know the essential elements of Finnish job interviews and you are able to function in in various workplace communication situations.

The course assignments are evaluated as Passed and in conformance to the instructions. The assignments reflect the study of the course contents.


Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) B1.

Further information

For students who are not native Finnish speakers.
Available to Open Studies students.
Cannot be completed via studification.