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Teaching as a professionLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: KP00BA75


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Jari Karttunen


Purpose of the course:
The purpose of the course is to give you an overview of working as a teacher and for you to consciously begin developing your professional identity as a music pedagogue. Throughout this course, you will use source materials and joint reflections to develop your own understanding of what the work of a music pedagogue will look like in the future. The course will also familiarise you with the study methods and digital learning environments used in your pedagogical studies.

Course competencies:
Learning and information management
Digital pedagogy
Team work and communication

Course learning objective:
By the end of the course, you will be able to thoroughly examine working as a teacher and the future of the profession, especially in the field of music. You will be able to develop your own reasoned and conscious understanding of the teaching profession and your professional identity and understand the ethical and entrepreneurial aspects of working as a teacher. The aim is for you to be able to follow the content, pedagogical discussion, and development work in your field of teaching. You will be able to use digital learning environments, both as a student and as a teacher.


Pedagogical thinking and professional growth as a teacher
The values and ethical principles guiding work as a teacher
Professional identity as a teacher
The regulations and norms guiding work as a teacher
Teaching and entrepreneurship
Future competences in the teaching profession
Online learning environments and platforms

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to find and interpret empirical data and research literature on working as a teacher to support their professional identity.
The student has knowledge of different visions of the future of working as a music pedagogue.
The student is able to interact and communicate with others in a positive manner.
The student makes use of digital learning environments to support their studies.
The student understands the opportunities that new technologies will open up for music pedagogues in the future.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Finnish Music Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Mika Loponen
  • KPV24S1
    Varhaisiän musiikkikasvatus ja kulttuurihyvinvointi tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • KPI24S1
    Instrumenttiopetus ja ryhmänohjaus tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


Purpose of the course:
The purpose of the course is to give you an overview of working as a teacher and for you to consciously begin developing your professional identity as a music pedagogue. Throughout this course, you will use source materials and joint reflections to develop your own understanding of what the work of a music pedagogue will look like in the future. The course will also familiarise you with the study methods and digital learning environments used in your pedagogical studies.

Course competencies:
Learning and information management
Digital pedagogy
Team work and communication

Course learning objective:
By the end of the course, you will be able to thoroughly examine working as a teacher and the future of the profession, especially in the field of music. You will be able to develop your own reasoned and conscious understanding of the teaching profession and your professional identity and understand the ethical and entrepreneurial aspects of working as a teacher. The aim is for you to be able to follow the content, pedagogical discussion, and development work in your field of teaching. You will be able to use digital learning environments, both as a student and as a teacher.


Pedagogical thinking and professional growth as a teacher
The values and ethical principles guiding work as a teacher
Professional identity as a teacher
The regulations and norms guiding work as a teacher
Teaching and entrepreneurship
Future competences in the teaching profession
Online learning environments and platforms

Location and time

Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.;
20.1., 3.2., 17.2., 17.3. and 14.4.
Teaching space: Rajakatu campus, C119

Teaching methods

Purpose of the course:
The purpose of the course is for you to get an overview of a teacher's work and to consciously start building your own professional identity as a music pedagogue. With the help of source materials and common reflections, you will be able to create your perception of the future of the work of a music pedagogue in this Study Course. The purpose of the course is also to familiarize you with the study methods and digital learning environments of your pedagogical studies.

Course competencies:
Knowledge of learning and information management
Ethical competence
Pedagogical competence
Digital pedagogical competence
Cooperation and interaction skills

Competence objective of the study course:
The goal of the course is that you can look at the work of a teacher and its future in a broad area, especially in the field of music. You are able to build your own well-founded and informed understanding of the teaching profession and professional identity, and understand the ethical and entrepreneurial nature of the teaching profession. The goal is for you to be able to follow the substantive and pedagogical discussion and development work in your own teaching field. You know how to use digital learning environments both as a student and as a teacher.

Pedagogical thinking and teacher's professional growth
A teacher's work is guided by values and ethical principles
Teacher's professional identity
A teacher's work is governed by statutes and norms
Teacher and entrepreneurship
Competence of the future teacher
Online learning environments and platforms

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to find and interpret empirical data and research literature on working as a teacher to support their professional identity.
The student has knowledge of different visions of the future of working as a music pedagogue.
The student is able to interact and communicate with others in a positive manner.
The student makes use of digital learning environments to support their studies.
The student understands the opportunities that new technologies will open up for music pedagogues in the future.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 15.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Finnish Music Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Mika Loponen
  • KPD23S1
    Musiikkipedagogi (AMK)


Purpose of the course:
The purpose of the course is to give you an overview of working as a teacher and for you to consciously begin developing your professional identity as a music pedagogue. Throughout this course, you will use source materials and joint reflections to develop your own understanding of what the work of a music pedagogue will look like in the future. The course will also familiarise you with the study methods and digital learning environments used in your pedagogical studies.

Course competencies:
Learning and information management
Digital pedagogy
Team work and communication

Course learning objective:
By the end of the course, you will be able to thoroughly examine working as a teacher and the future of the profession, especially in the field of music. You will be able to develop your own reasoned and conscious understanding of the teaching profession and your professional identity and understand the ethical and entrepreneurial aspects of working as a teacher. The aim is for you to be able to follow the content, pedagogical discussion, and development work in your field of teaching. You will be able to use digital learning environments, both as a student and as a teacher.


Pedagogical thinking and professional growth as a teacher
The values and ethical principles guiding work as a teacher
Professional identity as a teacher
The regulations and norms guiding work as a teacher
Teaching and entrepreneurship
Future competences in the teaching profession
Online learning environments and platforms

Location and time

Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.;
22.1., 5.2., 19.2., 18.3. and 15.4.
Teaching space: Rajakatu campus, details in Moodle.

Teaching methods

Purpose of the course:
The purpose of the course is for you to get an overview of a teacher's work and to consciously start building your own professional identity as a music pedagogue. With the help of source materials and common reflections, you will be able to create your perception of the future of the work of a music pedagogue in this Study Course. The purpose of the course is also to familiarize you with the study methods and digital learning environments of your pedagogical studies.

Course competencies:
Knowledge of learning and information management
Ethical competence
Pedagogical competence
Digital pedagogical competence
Cooperation and interaction skills

Competence objective of the study course:
The goal of the course is that you can look at the work of a teacher and its future in a broad area, especially in the field of music. You are able to build your own well-founded and informed understanding of the teaching profession and professional identity, and understand the ethical and entrepreneurial nature of the teaching profession. The goal is for you to be able to follow the substantive and pedagogical discussion and development work in your own teaching field. You know how to use digital learning environments both as a student and as a teacher.

Pedagogical thinking and teacher's professional growth
A teacher's work is guided by values and ethical principles
Teacher's professional identity
A teacher's work is governed by statutes and norms
Teacher and entrepreneurship
Competence of the future teacher
Online learning environments and platforms

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to find and interpret empirical data and research literature on working as a teacher to support their professional identity.
The student has knowledge of different visions of the future of working as a music pedagogue.
The student is able to interact and communicate with others in a positive manner.
The student makes use of digital learning environments to support their studies.
The student understands the opportunities that new technologies will open up for music pedagogues in the future.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


01.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Mika Loponen
  • KPD22S1
    Musiikkipedagogi (AMK)


Purpose of the course:
The purpose of the course is to give you an overview of working as a teacher and for you to consciously begin developing your professional identity as a music pedagogue. Throughout this course, you will use source materials and joint reflections to develop your own understanding of what the work of a music pedagogue will look like in the future. The course will also familiarise you with the study methods and digital learning environments used in your pedagogical studies.

Course competencies:
Learning and information management
Digital pedagogy
Team work and communication

Course learning objective:
By the end of the course, you will be able to thoroughly examine working as a teacher and the future of the profession, especially in the field of music. You will be able to develop your own reasoned and conscious understanding of the teaching profession and your professional identity and understand the ethical and entrepreneurial aspects of working as a teacher. The aim is for you to be able to follow the content, pedagogical discussion, and development work in your field of teaching. You will be able to use digital learning environments, both as a student and as a teacher.


Pedagogical thinking and professional growth as a teacher
The values and ethical principles guiding work as a teacher
Professional identity as a teacher
The regulations and norms guiding work as a teacher
Teaching and entrepreneurship
Future competences in the teaching profession
Online learning environments and platforms

Location and time

Maanantaisin kello 9.00-15.00; 23.1., 6.2., 20.2., 20.3. ja 17.4. Luokkatila: D505.

Teaching methods

Opintojakson tarkoitus:
Opintojakson tarkoitus on, että saat yleiskuvan opettajan työstä ja alat rakentaa tietoisesti omaa ammatti-identiteettiäsi musiikkipedagogina. Pääset tällä opintojaksolla lähdeaineistojen ja yhteisten pohdintojen avulla luomaan käsitystäsi musiikkipedagogin työn tulevaisuudesta. Opintojakson tarkoituksena on myös perehdyttää sinua pedagogisten opintojesi opiskelutapoihin ja digitaalisiin oppimisympäristöihin.

Opintojakson osaamiset:
Oppimisen ja tiedonhallinnan osaaminen
Eettinen osaaminen
Pedagoginen osaaminen
Digipedagoginen osaaminen
Yhteistyö- ja vuorovaikutusosaaminen

Opintojakson osaamistavoite:
Opintojakson tavoitteena on, että osaat tarkastella opettajan työtä ja sen tulevaisuutta laaja-alaisesti erityisesti musiikkialalla. Kykenet rakentamaan oman perustellun ja tietoisen käsityksesi opettajan ammatista ja ammatti-identiteetistä sekä ymmärrät opettajan ammatin eettisen ja yrittäjämäisen luonteen. Tavoitteena on, että osaat seurata oman opetusalasi sisällöllistä ja pedagogista keskustelua sekä kehittämistyötä. Osaat käyttää digitaalisia oppimisympäristöjä sekä opiskelijana että opettajana.

Pedagoginen ajattelu ja opettajan ammatillinen kasvu
Opettajan työtä ohjaavat arvot ja eettiset periaatteet
Opettajan ammatti-identiteetti
Opettajan työtä ohjaavat säädökset ja normit
Opettaja ja yrittäjyys
Tulevaisuuden opettajan osaaminen
Verkko-oppimisympäristöt ja –alustat

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to find and interpret empirical data and research literature on working as a teacher to support their professional identity.
The student has knowledge of different visions of the future of working as a music pedagogue.
The student is able to interact and communicate with others in a positive manner.
The student makes use of digital learning environments to support their studies.
The student understands the opportunities that new technologies will open up for music pedagogues in the future.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


01.01.2022 - 21.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Mika Loponen
  • KPD21S1
    Musiikkipedagogi (AMK)


Purpose of the course:
The purpose of the course is to give you an overview of working as a teacher and for you to consciously begin developing your professional identity as a music pedagogue. Throughout this course, you will use source materials and joint reflections to develop your own understanding of what the work of a music pedagogue will look like in the future. The course will also familiarise you with the study methods and digital learning environments used in your pedagogical studies.

Course competencies:
Learning and information management
Digital pedagogy
Team work and communication

Course learning objective:
By the end of the course, you will be able to thoroughly examine working as a teacher and the future of the profession, especially in the field of music. You will be able to develop your own reasoned and conscious understanding of the teaching profession and your professional identity and understand the ethical and entrepreneurial aspects of working as a teacher. The aim is for you to be able to follow the content, pedagogical discussion, and development work in your field of teaching. You will be able to use digital learning environments, both as a student and as a teacher.


Pedagogical thinking and professional growth as a teacher
The values and ethical principles guiding work as a teacher
Professional identity as a teacher
The regulations and norms guiding work as a teacher
Teaching and entrepreneurship
Future competences in the teaching profession
Online learning environments and platforms


Opetushallitus. Viitattu 14.4.2020.
Stenberg, K. 2011. Riittävän hyvä opettaja. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus.
Suomen itsenäisyyden juhlarahasto Sitra. Viitattu 14.4.2020.

Teaching methods

The course includes classroom teaching, webinars, and distance work – both individually and in small groups. During the course, you will work collaboratively on learning assignments related to the future of music pedagogy. The purpose of the learning assignments is for you to develop your own professional identity. You must prepare for the classroom teaching days by familiarising yourself with the source materials provided. The content will be covered through group discussion and peer learning.

Exam schedules

Instead of completing an exam, you will demonstrate your competence by completing the course’s learning assignments in accordance with the schedule approved during the course.

Completion alternatives

You can apply for a course credit transfer in the following circumstances:
1. if you have previously completed basic studies in education, adult education or vocational education with a pass grade (25 cr/15 ECTS)

2. if you have completed a course in music education at the University of Jyväskylä with similar objectives and scope

3. if you have previously completed the same course at another university of applied sciences.

Student workload

The course consists of:
35 hours of classroom teaching and webinars
50 hours of group work for the learning assignments
50 hours of independent study

Further information

You will give and receive peer feedback at different stages of your work throughout the course. You will complete a self-evaluation at the end of the course. The instructor will provide feedback and make an assessment decision on the basis of the assessment criteria.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to find and interpret empirical data and research literature on working as a teacher to support their professional identity.
The student has knowledge of different visions of the future of working as a music pedagogue.
The student is able to interact and communicate with others in a positive manner.
The student makes use of digital learning environments to support their studies.
The student understands the opportunities that new technologies will open up for music pedagogues in the future.