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General Securities QualificationLaajuus (12 cr)

Code: HL00BD36


12 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Ari Karsikas


The object of the course
The regulation of finance sector sets requirements for personnel giving information and selling financial services concerning their knowledge and competences. General Securities Qualification guarantees the evaluation of knowledge and competence according to regulation.

Course competences
Business competence

The learning objectives of the course
The qualification is part of self-regulation of finance sector and it covers basics of essential competences needed in financial sector positions.


The contents cover economics and financial markets, business economics, financial instruments and investing, ethics in offering financial services, regulation and basics of private jurisprudence, taxation of investment and family and inheritance law.


Sufficient competence in finance.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

General Securities exam passed.


Hoppu, E. & Hoppu, K. 2016. Kauppa- ja varallisuusoikeuden pääpiirteet.
Alma Talent. 16. uudistettu painos.
Järvinen, S, & Parviainen, Antti. 2014. Pääomaturvattu sijoittaminen. Alma Talent, 3. uudistettu painos.
Knüpfer, S. & Puttonen, V. 2018. Moderni rahoitus. Alma Talent, 10. painos.
Lindholm, T. & Kettunen, J. 2016. Globaali kansantalous.
Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy, 1. painos.
Nasdaq: Opi osakkeet. 11. painos.
Nasdaq: Opi optiot. 26. painos.
Puttonen, V. & Repo, E. 2011. Miten sijoitan rahastoihin.
Alma Talent, 5. painos.
Salmi, I. 2015. Mitä tilinpäätös kertoo?. Edita, 8-9. painos.
Turtiainen, M. 2018. Sijoituspalvelut ja asiakas. Alma Talent, 1. painos.

Further information

The course is offered only for students specializing in finance. The course is studied independently according to the current reguirements of General Securities Qualification and after passing the exam the student applies accredtion to the degree. Students will be chosen for the exam if they have prerequisites to pass the exam according to their official study period and scope of credits.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

12 op

Virtual portion

12 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Kirsi Marjakoski
    Finance, Business Administration


The object of the course
The regulation of finance sector sets requirements for personnel giving information and selling financial services concerning their knowledge and competences. General Securities Qualification guarantees the evaluation of knowledge and competence according to regulation.

Course competences
Business competence

The learning objectives of the course
The qualification is part of self-regulation of finance sector and it covers basics of essential competences needed in financial sector positions.


The contents cover economics and financial markets, business economics, financial instruments and investing, ethics in offering financial services, regulation and basics of private jurisprudence, taxation of investment and family and inheritance law.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

General Securities exam passed.


Sufficient competence in finance.

Further information

The course is offered only for students specializing in finance. The course is studied independently according to the current reguirements of General Securities Qualification and after passing the exam the student applies accredtion to the degree. Students will be chosen for the exam if they have prerequisites to pass the exam according to their official study period and scope of credits.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

12 op

Virtual portion

12 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Anne Eskola
  • Ari Karsikas
    Finance, Business Administration


The object of the course
The regulation of finance sector sets requirements for personnel giving information and selling financial services concerning their knowledge and competences. General Securities Qualification guarantees the evaluation of knowledge and competence according to regulation.

Course competences
Business competence

The learning objectives of the course
The qualification is part of self-regulation of finance sector and it covers basics of essential competences needed in financial sector positions.


The contents cover economics and financial markets, business economics, financial instruments and investing, ethics in offering financial services, regulation and basics of private jurisprudence, taxation of investment and family and inheritance law.

Teaching methods

Tämä toteutus on ainoastaan finanssialan suuntautumisvaihtoehdon valinneille opiskelijoille. Lisätietoa finanssialan suuntautumisvaihtoehdon vastaavilta. Opintojakson toteuttaa ulkopuolinen organisaatio.

Completion alternatives

A corresponding course completed in another university may be accredited partially or completely. Competence acquired through informal learning may be recognized and accredited on the basis of competence test. More precise instructions can be found in Degree Regulations and in Study Guide.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

General Securities exam passed.


Sufficient competence in finance.

Further information

The course is offered only for students specializing in finance. The course is studied independently according to the current reguirements of General Securities Qualification and after passing the exam the student applies accredtion to the degree. Students will be chosen for the exam if they have prerequisites to pass the exam according to their official study period and scope of credits.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

12 op

Virtual portion

12 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Anne Eskola
  • Ari Karsikas
    Finance, Business Administration


The object of the course
The regulation of finance sector sets requirements for personnel giving information and selling financial services concerning their knowledge and competences. General Securities Qualification guarantees the evaluation of knowledge and competence according to regulation.

Course competences
Business competence

The learning objectives of the course
The qualification is part of self-regulation of finance sector and it covers basics of essential competences needed in financial sector positions.


The contents cover economics and financial markets, business economics, financial instruments and investing, ethics in offering financial services, regulation and basics of private jurisprudence, taxation of investment and family and inheritance law.

Teaching methods

Tämä toteutus on ainoastaan finanssialan suuntautumisvaihtoehdon valinneille opiskelijoille. Lisätietoa finanssialan suuntautumisvaihtoehdon vastaavilta. Opintojakson toteuttaa ulkopuolinen organisaatio.

Completion alternatives

A corresponding course completed in another university may be accredited partially or completely. Competence acquired through informal learning may be recognized and accredited on the basis of competence test. More precise instructions can be found in Degree Regulations and in Study Guide.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

General Securities exam passed.


Sufficient competence in finance.

Further information

The course is offered only for students specializing in finance. The course is studied independently according to the current reguirements of General Securities Qualification and after passing the exam the student applies accredtion to the degree. Students will be chosen for the exam if they have prerequisites to pass the exam according to their official study period and scope of credits.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 31.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

12 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Ari Karsikas
  • Anne Eskola
  • HTL19S1


The object of the course
The regulation of finance sector sets requirements for personnel giving information and selling financial services concerning their knowledge and competences. General Securities Qualification guarantees the evaluation of knowledge and competence according to regulation.

Course competences
Business competence

The learning objectives of the course
The qualification is part of self-regulation of finance sector and it covers basics of essential competences needed in financial sector positions.


The contents cover economics and financial markets, business economics, financial instruments and investing, ethics in offering financial services, regulation and basics of private jurisprudence, taxation of investment and family and inheritance law.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

General Securities exam passed.


Sufficient competence in finance.

Further information

The course is offered only for students specializing in finance. The course is studied independently according to the current reguirements of General Securities Qualification and after passing the exam the student applies accredtion to the degree. Students will be chosen for the exam if they have prerequisites to pass the exam according to their official study period and scope of credits.