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Resilient OrganizationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HL00BD75


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Liinamaaria Hakola


The object of the course
We live in a rapidly changing environment, where organizations need to adapt to unexpected challenges and to be able to develop resilient cultures. The object of the course is that you understand the meaning of resilience to the organization’s ability to thrive in uncertain environments and you have skills to develop resilience in times of uncertainty.

Course competences
Business competence
Sustainable development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objective of the course
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.


Transformation of work
Dialogic leadership
Ethical leadership and trust

Digital tools to develop resilience


Main concepts and theories of management and leadership.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.

Satisfactory 2
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You apply ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use digital tools to develop resilience. You recognize principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent but contains minor mistakes concerning language and reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and you can compare and evaluate different theories and methodologies. You utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use and compare digital tools to develop resilience. You evaluate principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, justified and done according to the reporting instructions but contains minor mistakes.

Very Good 4
You can compare and analyze knowledge, theories and methodologies concerning resilient organization. You can utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work in different situations. You can analyze the usefulness of digital tools to develop resilience. You can analyze principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and coherent, and it is done according to the reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can create new viewpoints to develop resilient organization based on different theories and methodologies. You can create new methods to creative problem-solving and to develop work. You can analyze and validate the usefulness of different digital tools to develop resilience. You can develop new viewpoints based on principles of responsibility to develop resilience. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and it is done according to the reporting instructions.


07.03.2023 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Erica Svärd
  • Henna-Riikka Markkio
    Liiketoiminnallisesti kestävän robotiikan kehittäjä


The object of the course
We live in a rapidly changing environment, where organizations need to adapt to unexpected challenges and to be able to develop resilient cultures. The object of the course is that you understand the meaning of resilience to the organization’s ability to thrive in uncertain environments and you have skills to develop resilience in times of uncertainty.

Course competences
Business competence
Sustainable development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objective of the course
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.


Transformation of work
Dialogic leadership
Ethical leadership and trust

Digital tools to develop resilience

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.

Satisfactory 2
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You apply ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use digital tools to develop resilience. You recognize principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent but contains minor mistakes concerning language and reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and you can compare and evaluate different theories and methodologies. You utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use and compare digital tools to develop resilience. You evaluate principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, justified and done according to the reporting instructions but contains minor mistakes.

Very Good 4
You can compare and analyze knowledge, theories and methodologies concerning resilient organization. You can utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work in different situations. You can analyze the usefulness of digital tools to develop resilience. You can analyze principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and coherent, and it is done according to the reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can create new viewpoints to develop resilient organization based on different theories and methodologies. You can create new methods to creative problem-solving and to develop work. You can analyze and validate the usefulness of different digital tools to develop resilience. You can develop new viewpoints based on principles of responsibility to develop resilience. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and it is done according to the reporting instructions.


Main concepts and theories of management and leadership.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Liinamaaria Hakola
  • ZJA24KH
    Avoin AMK, lita
  • HTL22S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
    Resilient Leadership, Business Administration
  • HTL22SIY
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
We live in a rapidly changing environment, where organizations need to adapt to unexpected challenges and to be able to develop resilient cultures. The object of the course is that you understand the meaning of resilience to the organization’s ability to thrive in uncertain environments and you have skills to develop resilience in times of uncertainty.

Course competences
Business competence
Sustainable development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objective of the course
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.


Transformation of work
Dialogic leadership
Ethical leadership and trust

Digital tools to develop resilience


Learning material:
Bärlund, Aija, ja Susanna Perko. Kestävä Johtajuus. Helsinki: Talentum, 2013. (e-book)

Kokkinen, L. (toim.) 2020. Hyvinvointia työstä 2030-luvulla. Skenaarioita suomalaisen työelämän kehityksestä. Työterveyslaitos. Tampere: PunaMusta Oy.

Luukka, Panu. Yrityskulttuuri on Kuningas: Mikä, Miksi, Miten? Helsinki: Alma Talent, 2019. (e-book)

Syvänen, S., Tikkamäki, K., Loppela, K., Tappura, S., Kasvio, A., ja Toikko, T. 2015. Dialoginen johtaminen. Avain tuloksellisuuteen, työelämän laatuun ja innovatiivisuuteen. Tampereen yliopistopaino Oy: Tampere 2015.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes.

Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Expert lectures
Working life case group project
Personal final assignment

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Guidance in the group project
Group-specific feedback on the working life case project
Personal feedback on the final assignment

The grade for the course is based on the competences shown in the final assignment and the group project.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The case group project presentations must be given in accordance with the course timetable.
The case group project report must be returned in April 2024, exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.
The personal final assignment must be returned in April 2024, exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.
The retake of the personal final assignment and the group project is possible in May 2024, the exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide.

Student workload

Preparing for webinars to complete theme-specific learning assignments 30 h
Interactive and collaborative webinars 12*2 h = 24 h
Working life case group project 40 h OR participation to a management conference and reflecting that in writing
Completing the personal final assignment 41 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative webinars and group discussions will alternate. The group project completed during the course will examine the course themes in working life based on independent and collaborative working. At the end of the course, a personal final assignment will be completed independently, making use of all the lessons learned during the course.

Further information

Avoin amk 5

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.

Satisfactory 2
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You apply ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use digital tools to develop resilience. You recognize principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent but contains minor mistakes concerning language and reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and you can compare and evaluate different theories and methodologies. You utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use and compare digital tools to develop resilience. You evaluate principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, justified and done according to the reporting instructions but contains minor mistakes.

Very Good 4
You can compare and analyze knowledge, theories and methodologies concerning resilient organization. You can utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work in different situations. You can analyze the usefulness of digital tools to develop resilience. You can analyze principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and coherent, and it is done according to the reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can create new viewpoints to develop resilient organization based on different theories and methodologies. You can create new methods to creative problem-solving and to develop work. You can analyze and validate the usefulness of different digital tools to develop resilience. You can develop new viewpoints based on principles of responsibility to develop resilience. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and it is done according to the reporting instructions.


Main concepts and theories of management and leadership.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Liinamaaria Hakola
  • HTL21S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • ZJA23KH
    Avoin AMK, lita
  • HTL21SIY
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
    Resilient Leadership, Business Administration


The object of the course
We live in a rapidly changing environment, where organizations need to adapt to unexpected challenges and to be able to develop resilient cultures. The object of the course is that you understand the meaning of resilience to the organization’s ability to thrive in uncertain environments and you have skills to develop resilience in times of uncertainty.

Course competences
Business competence
Sustainable development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objective of the course
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.


Transformation of work
Dialogic leadership
Ethical leadership and trust

Digital tools to develop resilience


Learning material:
Bärlund, Aija, ja Susanna Perko. Kestävä Johtajuus. Helsinki: Talentum, 2013. (e-book)

Kokkinen, L. (toim.) 2020. Hyvinvointia työstä 2030-luvulla. Skenaarioita suomalaisen työelämän kehityksestä. Työterveyslaitos. Tampere: PunaMusta Oy.

Luukka, Panu. Yrityskulttuuri on Kuningas: Mikä, Miksi, Miten? Helsinki: Alma Talent, 2019. (e-book)

Syvänen, S., Tikkamäki, K., Loppela, K., Tappura, S., Kasvio, A., ja Toikko, T. 2015. Dialoginen johtaminen. Avain tuloksellisuuteen, työelämän laatuun ja innovatiivisuuteen. Tampereen yliopistopaino Oy: Tampere 2015.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes.

Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Expert lectures
Working life case group project
Personal final assignment

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Guidance in the group project
Group-specific feedback on the working life case project
Personal feedback on the final assignment

The grade for the course is based on the competences shown in the final assignment and the group project.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The case group project presentations must be given in accordance with the course timetable.
The case group project report must be returned in April 2023, exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.
The personal final assignment must be returned in April 2023, exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.
The retake of the personal final assignment and the group project is possible in May 2023, the exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide.

Student workload

Preparing for webinars to complete theme-specific learning assignments 30 h
Interactive and collaborative webinars 12*2 h = 24 h
Working life case group project 40 h
Completing the personal final assignment 41 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative webinars and group discussions will alternate. The group project completed during the course will examine the course themes in working life based on independent and collaborative working. At the end of the course, a personal final assignment will be completed independently, making use of all the lessons learned during the course.

Further information

Avoin amk 5

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.

Satisfactory 2
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You apply ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use digital tools to develop resilience. You recognize principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent but contains minor mistakes concerning language and reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and you can compare and evaluate different theories and methodologies. You utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use and compare digital tools to develop resilience. You evaluate principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, justified and done according to the reporting instructions but contains minor mistakes.

Very Good 4
You can compare and analyze knowledge, theories and methodologies concerning resilient organization. You can utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work in different situations. You can analyze the usefulness of digital tools to develop resilience. You can analyze principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and coherent, and it is done according to the reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can create new viewpoints to develop resilient organization based on different theories and methodologies. You can create new methods to creative problem-solving and to develop work. You can analyze and validate the usefulness of different digital tools to develop resilience. You can develop new viewpoints based on principles of responsibility to develop resilience. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and it is done according to the reporting instructions.


Main concepts and theories of management and leadership.


01.11.2022 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Suvi Geier
  • Erica Svärd
  • Minna Koivunen
    Avoin amk, Teknologia/Lita, Liiketoiminnallisesti kestävän robotikan kehittäjä


The object of the course
We live in a rapidly changing environment, where organizations need to adapt to unexpected challenges and to be able to develop resilient cultures. The object of the course is that you understand the meaning of resilience to the organization’s ability to thrive in uncertain environments and you have skills to develop resilience in times of uncertainty.

Course competences
Business competence
Sustainable development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objective of the course
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.


Transformation of work
Dialogic leadership
Ethical leadership and trust

Digital tools to develop resilience

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.

Satisfactory 2
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You apply ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use digital tools to develop resilience. You recognize principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent but contains minor mistakes concerning language and reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and you can compare and evaluate different theories and methodologies. You utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use and compare digital tools to develop resilience. You evaluate principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, justified and done according to the reporting instructions but contains minor mistakes.

Very Good 4
You can compare and analyze knowledge, theories and methodologies concerning resilient organization. You can utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work in different situations. You can analyze the usefulness of digital tools to develop resilience. You can analyze principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and coherent, and it is done according to the reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can create new viewpoints to develop resilient organization based on different theories and methodologies. You can create new methods to creative problem-solving and to develop work. You can analyze and validate the usefulness of different digital tools to develop resilience. You can develop new viewpoints based on principles of responsibility to develop resilience. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and it is done according to the reporting instructions.


Main concepts and theories of management and leadership.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 37

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Liinamaaria Hakola
  • Serena Paasivuori
  • HTL20S1
    Resilient Leadership, Business Administration
  • ZJA22KH
    Avoin AMK, lita


The object of the course
We live in a rapidly changing environment, where organizations need to adapt to unexpected challenges and to be able to develop resilient cultures. The object of the course is that you understand the meaning of resilience to the organization’s ability to thrive in uncertain environments and you have skills to develop resilience in times of uncertainty.

Course competences
Business competence
Sustainable development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objective of the course
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.


Transformation of work
Dialogic leadership
Ethical leadership and trust

Digital tools to develop resilience


Learning material:
Bärlund, Aija, ja Susanna Perko. Kestävä Johtajuus. Helsinki: Talentum, 2013. (e-kirjana)

Kokkinen, L. (toim.) 2020. Hyvinvointia työstä 2030-luvulla. Skenaarioita suomalaisen työelämän kehityksestä. Työterveyslaitos. Tampere: PunaMusta Oy.

Luukka, Panu. Yrityskulttuuri on Kuningas: Mikä, Miksi, Miten? Helsinki: Alma Talent, 2019. (e-kirjana)

Syvänen, S., Tikkamäki, K., Loppela, K., Tappura, S., Kasvio, A., ja Toikko, T. 2015. Dialoginen johtaminen. Avain tuloksellisuuteen, työelämän laatuun ja innovatiivisuuteen. Tampereen yliopistopaino Oy: Tampere 2015.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes.

Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Expert lectures
Working life case group project
Personal final assignment

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Guidance in the group project
Group-specific feedback on the working life case project
Personal feedback on the final assignment

The grade for the course is based on the competences shown in the final assignment and the group project.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The case group project presentations must be given in accordance with the course timetable.
The case group project report must be returned in April 2022, exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.
The personal final assignment must be returned in April 2022, exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.
The retake of the personal final assignment and the group project is possible in May 2022, the exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide.

Student workload

Preparing for lectures to complete theme-specific learning assignments 30 h
Interactive and collaborative lectures, classroom 12*2 h = 24 h
Working life case group project 40 h
Completing the personal final assignment 41 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative lectures and group discussions will alternate. The group project completed during the course will examine the course themes in working life based on independent and collaborative working. At the end of the course, a personal final assignment will be completed independently, making use of all the lessons learned during the course.

Further information

Avoin amk 5

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.

Satisfactory 2
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You apply ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use digital tools to develop resilience. You recognize principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent but contains minor mistakes concerning language and reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and you can compare and evaluate different theories and methodologies. You utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use and compare digital tools to develop resilience. You evaluate principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, justified and done according to the reporting instructions but contains minor mistakes.

Very Good 4
You can compare and analyze knowledge, theories and methodologies concerning resilient organization. You can utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work in different situations. You can analyze the usefulness of digital tools to develop resilience. You can analyze principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and coherent, and it is done according to the reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can create new viewpoints to develop resilient organization based on different theories and methodologies. You can create new methods to creative problem-solving and to develop work. You can analyze and validate the usefulness of different digital tools to develop resilience. You can develop new viewpoints based on principles of responsibility to develop resilience. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and it is done according to the reporting instructions.


Main concepts and theories of management and leadership.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Liinamaaria Hakola
  • HTL20IY
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • ZJA22KH
    Avoin AMK, lita
    Resilient Leadership, Business Administration


The object of the course
We live in a rapidly changing environment, where organizations need to adapt to unexpected challenges and to be able to develop resilient cultures. The object of the course is that you understand the meaning of resilience to the organization’s ability to thrive in uncertain environments and you have skills to develop resilience in times of uncertainty.

Course competences
Business competence
Sustainable development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objective of the course
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.


Transformation of work
Dialogic leadership
Ethical leadership and trust

Digital tools to develop resilience


Learning material:
Bärlund, Aija, ja Susanna Perko. Kestävä Johtajuus. Helsinki: Talentum, 2013. (e-kirjana)

Kokkinen, L. (toim.) 2020. Hyvinvointia työstä 2030-luvulla. Skenaarioita suomalaisen työelämän kehityksestä. Työterveyslaitos. Tampere: PunaMusta Oy.

Luukka, Panu. Yrityskulttuuri on Kuningas: Mikä, Miksi, Miten? Helsinki: Alma Talent, 2019. (e-kirjana)

Syvänen, S., Tikkamäki, K., Loppela, K., Tappura, S., Kasvio, A., ja Toikko, T. 2015. Dialoginen johtaminen. Avain tuloksellisuuteen, työelämän laatuun ja innovatiivisuuteen. Tampereen yliopistopaino Oy: Tampere 2015.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes.

Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Expert lectures
Working life case group project
Personal final assignment

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Guidance in the group project
Group-specific feedback on the working life case project
Personal feedback on the final assignment

The grade for the course is based on the competences shown in the final assignment and the group project.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The case group project presentations must be given in accordance with the course timetable.
The case group project report must be returned in April 2022, exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.
The personal final assignment must be returned in April 2022, exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.
The retake of the personal final assignment and the group project is possible in May 2022, the exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide.

Student workload

Preparing for webinars to complete theme-specific learning assignments 30 h
Interactive and collaborative webinars 12*2 h = 24 h
Working life case group project 40 h
Completing the personal final assignment 41 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative webinars and group discussions will alternate. The group project completed during the course will examine the course themes in working life based on independent and collaborative working. At the end of the course, a personal final assignment will be completed independently, making use of all the lessons learned during the course.

Further information

Avoin amk 5

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You can recognize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can recognize digital tools to develop resilience. You can understand principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization.

Satisfactory 2
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and identify different theories and methodologies. You apply ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use digital tools to develop resilience. You recognize principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent but contains minor mistakes concerning language and reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You obtain knowledge concerning resilient organization and you can compare and evaluate different theories and methodologies. You utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work. You can use and compare digital tools to develop resilience. You evaluate principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, justified and done according to the reporting instructions but contains minor mistakes.

Very Good 4
You can compare and analyze knowledge, theories and methodologies concerning resilient organization. You can utilize ways to creative problem-solving and methods to develop work in different situations. You can analyze the usefulness of digital tools to develop resilience. You can analyze principles of responsibility as part of the resilient organization. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and coherent, and it is done according to the reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can create new viewpoints to develop resilient organization based on different theories and methodologies. You can create new methods to creative problem-solving and to develop work. You can analyze and validate the usefulness of different digital tools to develop resilience. You can develop new viewpoints based on principles of responsibility to develop resilience. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and it is done according to the reporting instructions.


Main concepts and theories of management and leadership.