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Preparatory MathematicsLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: TZMV0300


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English

Responsible person

  • Anne Rantakaulio, TKN
  • Antti Kosonen, TER, TRY, TRM
  • Ida Arhosalo, TSA, TAR
  • Harri Varpanen, TIC
  • Pekka Varis, TTV
  • Kalle Niemi, TLS, TLP


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 18.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
Teacher in charge

Ida Arhosalo

  • TLS24KMM
    Logistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Course is implemented 08.01.2024 - 18.05.2024


Videos and text files in the learning environment, automatic tests

Teaching methods

Learning videos, independent work, automatic tests, exam

Exam schedules

Schedule will be given on the front page of the learning environment. Registration for the exam is done according to the instructions on the first page.

Student workload

Independent work 79 h
Controlled exam 2 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Ida Arhosalo
  • TSA24KM
    Insinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka,monimuototeutus


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Course is implemented 01.01.2024 - 30.04.2024


Videos and text files in the learning environment, automatic tests

Teaching methods

Learning videos, independent work, automatic tests, exam

Exam schedules

Schedule will be given on the front page of the learning environment. Registration for the exam is done according to the instructions on the first page.

Student workload

Independent work 79 h
Controlled exam 2 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 13.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Ville Arvio
  • TAR23S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

The course will take place during weeks 35 - 41 (28.8. - 13.10.2023) at the Lutakko campus in Dynamo.


The written course material and possible video material will be published in the course learning environment at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

Contact teaching 2+ 2 h/week, including short lectures and calculation exercises.
Weekly tests
Independent study
Independent work on exercises

Exam schedules

The dates of the tests and retests are published in the learning environment at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

Contact classes approx. 30 h
Independent exercises 24 h
Independent study, test preparation and tests 27 h

Further information

The course is completed by means of a passed tests (3 pieces) . The pass mark is 80% correct. In addition to the tests, a final exam (80% correct) must be passed. In order to take the test, you must obtain at least the minimum number of marks indicated in the test papers for the homework in the test area.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 13.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

67 % Contact teaching, 33 % Distance learning


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Sirpa Alestalo
  • TTV23S2
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV23S1
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Opintojakso toteutetaan viikoilla 35 - 41 (28.8. - 13.10.2023) Lutakon kampuksella Dynamolla


Opintojakson kirjallinen materiaali sekä mahdollinen videomateriaali julkaistaan opintojakson oppimisympäristössä opintojakson alussa.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus 3+ 2 h/viikko , joka sisältää lyhyitä luentoja sekä laskuharjoituksia.
Itsenäistä opiskelua
Itsenäiset laskuharjoitukset

Exam schedules

Testien sekä uusintojen ajankohdat julkaistaan oppimisympäristössä opintjakson alussa.

Student workload

Kontaktiopetus n. 30 h
Itsenäiset harjoitukset 24 h
Itsenäinen opiskelu, testeihin valmistautuminen sekä testit 27 h

Further information

Opintojakso suoritetaan läpäisytesteillä (3 kpl) . Hyväksyttyyn suoritukseen vaaditaan 80 % oikein. Testien lisäksi täytyy läpäistä loppukoe (80 % oikein). Jotta testiin voi osallistua, täytyy saada testialueen kotitehtävistä vähintään tehtävissä ilmoitettu minimipistemäärä.

Avoin AMK 5 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 13.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Ville Arvio
  • TIC23S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 13.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

67 % Contact teaching, 33 % Distance learning


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Sirpa Alestalo
  • TTV23S3
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV23S5
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Opintojakso toteutetaan viikoilla 35 - 41 (28.8. - 13.10.2023) Lutakon kampuksella Dynamolla


Opintojakson kirjallinen materiaali sekä mahdollinen videomateriaali julkaistaan opintojakson oppimisympäristössä opintojakson alussa.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus 3+ 2 h/viikko , joka sisältää lyhyitä luentoja sekä laskuharjoituksia.
Itsenäistä opiskelua
Itsenäiset laskuharjoitukset

Exam schedules

Testien sekä uusintojen ajankohdat julkaistaan oppimisympäristössä opintjakson alussa.

Student workload

Kontaktiopetus n. 30 h
Itsenäiset harjoitukset 24 h
Itsenäinen opiskelu, testeihin valmistautuminen sekä testit 27 h

Further information

Opintojakso suoritetaan läpäisytesteillä (3 kpl) . Hyväksyttyyn suoritukseen vaaditaan 80 % oikein. Testien lisäksi täytyy läpäistä loppukoe (80 % oikein). Jotta testiin voi osallistua, täytyy saada testialueen kotitehtävistä vähintään tehtävissä ilmoitettu minimipistemäärä.

Avoin AMK 5 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 13.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Ville Arvio
  • TTV23SM
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
    Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Monimuoto


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Opintojakso toteutetaan viikoilla 35 - 41 (28.8. - 13.10.2023)


Opintojakson kirjallinen materiaali sekä videomateriaali julkaistaan opintojakson oppimisympäristössä opintojakson alussa.

Teaching methods

Verkkototeutus, ei lähiopetusta
Itsenäistä opiskelua videoiden avulla
Itsenäiset laskuharjoitukset

Exam schedules

Kokeen ajankohdat julkaistaan oppimisympäristössä opintojakson alussa. Kokeen voi tehdä paikan päällä tai etänä.

Student workload

verkko-ohjaukset 9 h
Itsenäiset harjoitukset 32 h
Itsenäinen opiskelu, kokeeseen valmistautuminen sekä koe 40 h

Further information

Opintoijakso arvioidaan kurssin lopulla pidettävällä kokeella. Viikottaisista kotitehtävistä saa kokeeseen lisäpisteitä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 15.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Kalle Niemi
  • ZJATLP23S1
    Avoin amk, Purchasing and Logistics Engineering, Päivä
  • TLP23S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • TLP23VS
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Course is implemented between 28.8. - 15.10.


Videos in the learning environment, text files, automatic tests

Teaching methods

Guided exercises, booklet tasks, independent work, automatic tests, exam.

Exam schedules

Exam at week 41
Resits in weeks 43 and 47

Student workload

Lectures, quided exercises and exam 30 h
Independent work and automatic tests 51 h

Content scheduling

Schedule will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Further information

Automatic tests

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 31.05.2024


28.08.2023 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Ida Arhosalo
  • Kalle Niemi
    Institute of New Industry, online learning (mechanical, logistics and civil engineering)
    Avoin amk, Tekniikka, Nonstop, Verkko


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Non-stop during semester 2023-2024


Videos and text files in the learning environment, automatic tests

Teaching methods

Learning videos, independent work, automatic tests, consultation webinars, exam

Exam schedules

Schedule will be given on the front page of the learning environment.

Student workload

Independent work 79 h
Controlled exam 2 h

Further information

Avoin amk: 50 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 13.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Sirpa Alestalo
Teacher in charge

Sirpa Alestalo

  • TTV23S2
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV23S3
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV23S5
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV23S1
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Opintojakso toteutetaan viikoilla 35 - 41 (28.8. - 13.10.2023).


Opintojakson kirjallinen materiaali sekä mahdollinen videomateriaali julkaistaan opintojakson oppimisympäristössä opintojakson alussa.

Teaching methods

Virtuaalitoteutus, videoluennot
Itsenäistä opiskelua
Itsenäiset laskuharjoitukset
Valvottu koe

Exam schedules

Testien sekä uusintojen ajankohdat julkaistaan oppimisympäristössä opintjakson alussa.

Student workload

Verkkomateriaalin läpikäynti (luennot + tuntiharjoitukset) 40 h
Kotitehtävät + harjoitustestit 25 h
Pakolliset testit + koe 16 h

Further information

Opintojakso suoritetaan läpäisytesteillä (3 kpl) . Hyväksyttyyn suoritukseen vaaditaan 80 % oikein. Testien lisäksi täytyy läpäistä loppukoe (80 % oikein). Jotta testiin voi osallistua, täytyy saada testialueen kotitehtävistä vähintään tehtävissä ilmoitettu minimipistemäärä.

Avoin AMK 5 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


23.08.2023 - 06.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 32

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Anne Rantakaulio
  • TKN23SB
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATKN23S1
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Päivä
  • ZJATER23S1
    Avoin amk, Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka , päivä
  • TER23S1
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
  • TKN23SA
    Konetekniikka (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


21.08.2023 - 15.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Antti Kosonen
  • ZJATLS23S1
    Avoin amk, Logistiikka, Päivä
  • TLS23S1
    Logistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

The course will be implemented from August 21, 2023 to October 15, 2023.


The material required for completing the course is available in the Moodle workspace of the course.

Teaching methods

Face-to-face learning: Lessons at Rajakatu campus
Independent studying with written material and weekly online tutoring sessions

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Supervised final exam during week 41 (October 9, 2023 - October 15, 2023)

International connections


Completion alternatives

- Hybrid implementation (online) at the same time in autumn 2023
- Online course at one's own pace

Student workload

Computational workload: 3 credits * 27 hours/credit = 81 hours, of which
- lessons approximately 21 hours
- exams and tests approximately 3 hours
- independent work approximately 57 hours

Content scheduling

The schedule will be specified at the beginning of the course, but the content is roughly covered in the following order on a weekly basis:

- rules of calculation, powers, and square roots
- polynomials and rational expressions
- equations
- percentage calculations and problems
- right triangle, areas, and volumes
- function notation, lines

Further information

The assessment of the course is based on the tests completed independently on the Moodle learning platform and a supervised final exam.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


21.08.2023 - 08.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Kalle Niemi
  • TRY23S1
    Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATRY23S1
    Avoin amk, Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka, Päivä


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Course is implemented between 21.8. - 8.10.


Videos in the learning environment, text files, automatic tests

Teaching methods

Guided exercises, booklet tasks, independent work, automatic tests, exam.

Exam schedules

Pass exam in the Exam studio between 23.10. - 30.11.

Student workload

Lectures, quided exercises and exam 30 h
Independent work and automatic tests 51 h

Content scheduling

Schedule will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Further information

Jatkuva palaute: automaattitestit

Avoin AMK 5

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


21.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

34 % Contact teaching, 66 % Distance learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Antti Kosonen
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Monimuoto
  • TKN23SM
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • TER23SM
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
    Avoin amk, Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka , monimuoto


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

The course will be implemented from August 21, 2023 to October 15, 2023.


The material required for completing the course is available in the Moodle workspace of the course.

Teaching methods

E-learning: Independent studying with written material and weekly online tutoring sessions

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Supervised final exam during week 41 (October 9, 2023 - October 15, 2023).

International connections


Completion alternatives

- Contact teaching (face-to-face instruction) at the same time in autumn 2023
- Online course at one's own pace.

Student workload

Computational workload: 3 credits * 27 hours/credit = 81 hours, of which
- guidance sessions approximately 8 hours
- exams and tests approximately 3 hours
- independent work approximately 70 hours

Content scheduling

The schedule will be specified at the beginning of the course, but the content is roughly covered in the following order on a weekly basis:

- rules of calculation, powers, and square roots
- polynomials and rational expressions
- equations
- percentage calculations and problems
- right triangle, areas, and volumes
- function notation, lines

Further information

The assessment of the course is based on the tests completed independently on the Moodle learning platform and a supervised final exam.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


21.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Ida Arhosalo
    Avoin amk, Logistiikka, Monimuoto
  • TLS23SMM
    Logistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Course is implemented 1.8. - 31.12.


Videos and text files in the learning environment, automatic tests

Teaching methods

Learning videos, independent work, automatic tests, exam

Exam schedules

Schedule will be given on the front page of the learning environment. Registration for the exam is done according to the instructions on the first page.

Student workload

Independent work 79 h
Controlled exam 2 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 31.08.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Ida Arhosalo
  • TKN23S1
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • TER23S1
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
  • TRY23S1
    Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (AMK)
  • TLS23S1
    Logistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • TKN23SA
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • TKN23SB
    Konetekniikka (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Teaching methods

Toteutus lähtötasotestin hallinnointia varten.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 15.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Pekka Varis
  • TSA23SR1
    Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka (AMK)
  • TSA23SR2
    Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Opintojakso toteutetaan viikoilla 35 - 41 (28.8. - 13.10.2023).


Opintojakson kirjallinen materiaali sekä mahdollinen videomateriaali julkaistaan opintojakson oppimisympäristössä opintojakson alussa.

Teaching methods

Itsenäistä opiskelua
Itsenäiset laskuharjoitukset
Valvottu loppukoe

Exam schedules

Testien sekä uusintojen ajankohdat julkaistaan oppimisympäristössä opintjakson alussa.

Student workload

Oppitunnit ja materiaalin läpikäynti (luennot + tuntiharjoitukset) 40 h
Kotitehtävät + harjoitustestit 25 h
Pakolliset testit + koe 16 h

Further information

Opintojakso suoritetaan läpäisytesteillä (3 kpl) . Hyväksyttyyn suoritukseen vaaditaan 80 % oikein. Testien lisäksi täytyy läpäistä loppukoe (80 % oikein). Jotta testiin voi osallistua, täytyy saada testialueen kotitehtävistä vähintään tehtävissä ilmoitettu minimipistemäärä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


11.04.2023 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Anne Rantakaulio
    Avoin Amk, tekniikka, Valintaopintojakso, Kone-ja Energiatekniikka, Monimuoto


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

The course will be open on 10.4. The course begins on 11.4. by introduction in Zoom in, Passcode: 810239 at 17:00 - 18:00.

The course ends on 29.5. at 23:55.

The final exam is on 23.5. at 17:00 - 19:30 in Zoom.


The material is in the learning environment, and it consists of files, videos, exercises by pen and paper and automatic tests.

When you get enough points of automatic tests and you have also done the following exercises in pdf-files, you are able to answer to the passing test. There is the time limit of one hour in the passing test. You can do every passing test three times.

You must pass the passing tests before the final exam.

Teaching methods

Notice! This implementation is an elective course for those intending to become multimodal students in energy and environmental engineering and mechanical engineering. Other students will be directed to other implementations of the corresponding course.

Course is web-based self-directed course in Moodle environment. There is no contact lessons on this course.

Guiding is available for use of the environment if needed on 11.4., 18.4., 24.4, 3.5. and the practices in exam 9.5., 15.5. and 22.5. at 17:00 - 18:00 in Zoom in the address of the course.

Exam schedules

You must pass the three passing tests before the final exam. Register for the final exam in Moodle in advance no later than May 19!

Final exam is in Zoom on 23.5. at 17:00 - 19:30. The final exam cannot be repeated.

Student workload

Independent work 79 h, exam 2 h.

Further information

Each passing test gives in maximum 12 points. The maximum of the final exam is 64 points.

The applicant must obtain at least 50 points of the course to become chosen. The applicants are chosen in order of points, the highest score first.

The course is passed if the point of each passing test is at least 9 points and the points of the final exam are at least 51.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.11.2022 - 16.01.2023


02.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 80

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Ida Arhosalo
Teacher in charge

Ida Arhosalo

  • TLS23KMM
    Logistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
    Avoin amk, AMK-polut, Rakennusmestari, Monimuoto
  • TRM23KMM
    Rakennusmestari (AMK)
    Avoin amk, AMK-polut, Logistiikka, Monimuoto
  • TSA23KM
    Insinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka,monimuototeutus
    Avoin amk,Korkeakoulupolkuopinnot, Valtakunnallinen, Logistiikka
    Avoin amk, AMK-polut, Sähkö-ja automaatiotekniikka, Monimuoto


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Course is implemented 1.8. - 31.12.


Videos and text files in the learning environment, automatic tests

Teaching methods

Learning videos, independent work, automatic tests, exam

Exam schedules

Schedule will be given on the front page of the learning environment. Registration for the exam is done according to the instructions on the first page.

Student workload

Independent work 79 h
Controlled exam 2 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


11.11.2022 - 13.01.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Antti Kosonen
    Avoin AMK,Korkeakoulupolku, Korkeakoulupolku, Rakennus, Gradia
    Avoin AMK,Korkeakoulupolku, Logistiikka, Gradia
    Avoin AMK,Korkeakoulupolku, Konetekniikka, Gradia
    Avoin AMK,Korkeakoulupolku,Sähkö- ja automaatiotek, Gradia
    Avoin AMK,Korkeakoulupolku,Tieto-ja viestintätek, Gradia


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

The course is implemented at Gradia Viitaniemi campus in autumn 2022.


Material available in course's Moodle e-learning environment

Teaching methods

Contact teaching, guided exercises

Exam schedules

Will be agreed at the beginning of the course

Student workload

3 credits corresponds to 81 hours of work

Further information

Tests in the Moodle environment / exam

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 31.05.2023


30.08.2022 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 150

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Ida Arhosalo
Teacher in charge

Ida Arhosalo

  • ZJA23KTNO3
    Avoin amk, Nonstop 3, Verkko
    Logistiikan ja rakentamisen verkko-opetus
  • ZJA22STNO1
    Avoin amk, Nonstop 1, Verkko
  • ZJA22STNO2
    Avoin amk, Nonstop 2, Verkko


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Non-stop during semester 2022-2023


Videos and text files in the learning environment, automatic tests

Teaching methods

Learning videos, independent work, automatic tests, consultation webinars, exam

Exam schedules

Schedule will be given on the front page of the learning environment.

Student workload

Independent work 79 h
Controlled exam 2 h

Further information

Avoin amk: 50 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 14.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 70

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Sirpa Alestalo
  • TTV22S5
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATTV22S2
    Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Päivä
  • ZJATTV22S5
    Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Päivä
  • TTV22S2
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV22S3
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV22S1
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV22S4
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Opintojakso toteutetaan viikoilla 35 - 41 (29.8. - 14.10.2022) Lutakon kampuksella Dynamolla


Opintojakson kirjallinen materiaali sekä mahdollinen videomateriaali julkaistaan opintojakson oppimisympäristössä opintojakson alussa.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso opiskellaan itsenäisesti Moodlessa olevan materiaalin avulla.
Itsenäiset laskuharjoitukset.
Opintojaksolla ei ole kiinteitä tunteja lukujärjestyksessä, mutta ohjausta saa opintojakson Teams-kanavalla.

Exam schedules

Testien sekä uusintojen ajankohdat julkaistaan oppimisympäristössä opintojakson alussa.

Student workload

Itsenäinen opiskelu ja harjoitukset 54 h
Testeihin ja loppukokeeseen valmistautuminen sekä testit +koe 27 h

Further information

Opintojakso suoritetaan läpäisytesteillä (3 kpl) . Hyväksyttyyn suoritukseen vaaditaan 80 % oikein. Testien lisäksi täytyy läpäistä loppukoe (80 % oikein). Jotta testiin voi osallistua, täytyy saada testialueen kotitehtävistä vähintään tehtävissä ilmoitettu minimipistemäärä.

Loppukoe pidetään valvottuna Dynamolla.

Toteutus soveltuu parhaiten lukion käyneille, joilla on tarvetta kerrata matematiikan perusteita.

Avoin AMK 5 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 14.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Ville Arvio
  • TIC22S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 14.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Sirpa Alestalo
  • ZJATTV22S2
    Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Päivä
  • TTV22S2
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV22S1
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Opintojakso toteutetaan viikoilla 35 - 41 (29.8. - 14.10.2022) Lutakon kampuksella Dynamolla


Opintojakson kirjallinen materiaali sekä mahdollinen videomateriaali julkaistaan opintojakson oppimisympäristössä opintojakson alussa.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus 3+ 2 h/viikko , joka sisältää lyhyitä luentoja sekä laskuharjoituksia.
Itsenäistä opiskelua
Itsenäiset laskuharjoitukset

Exam schedules

Testien sekä uusintojen ajankohdat julkaistaan oppimisympäristössä opintjakson alussa.

Student workload

Kontaktiopetus n. 30 h
Itsenäiset harjoitukset 24 h
Itsenäinen opiskelu, testeihin valmistautuminen sekä testit 27 h

Further information

Opintojakso suoritetaan läpäisytesteillä (3 kpl) . Hyväksyttyyn suoritukseen vaaditaan 80 % oikein. Testien lisäksi täytyy läpäistä loppukoe (80 % oikein). Jotta testiin voi osallistua, täytyy saada testialueen kotitehtävistä vähintään tehtävissä ilmoitettu minimipistemäärä.

Avoin AMK 5 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 14.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Sirpa Alestalo
  • TTV22S5
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATTV22S5
    Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Päivä
  • TTV22S3
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV22S4
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Opintojakso toteutetaan viikoilla 35 - 41 (29.8. - 14.10.2022) Lutakon kampuksella Dynamolla


Opintojakson kirjallinen materiaali sekä mahdollinen videomateriaali julkaistaan opintojakson oppimisympäristössä opintojakson alussa.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus 3+ 2 h/viikko , joka sisältää lyhyitä luentoja sekä laskuharjoituksia.
Itsenäistä opiskelua
Itsenäiset laskuharjoitukset

Exam schedules

Testien sekä uusintojen ajankohdat julkaistaan oppimisympäristössä opintjakson alussa.

Student workload

Kontaktiopetus n. 30 h
Itsenäiset harjoitukset 24 h
Itsenäinen opiskelu, testeihin valmistautuminen sekä testit 27 h

Further information

Opintojakso suoritetaan läpäisytesteillä (3 kpl) . Hyväksyttyyn suoritukseen vaaditaan 80 % oikein. Testien lisäksi täytyy läpäistä loppukoe (80 % oikein). Jotta testiin voi osallistua, täytyy saada testialueen kotitehtävistä vähintään tehtävissä ilmoitettu minimipistemäärä.

Avoin AMK 5 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 14.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 70

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Ville Arvio
    Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Monimuoto
  • TTV22SM
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV22SM2
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


22.08.2022 - 30.09.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Kalle Niemi
  • TLS22S1
    Logistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • ZJATLS22S1
    Avoin amk, Logistiikka, Päivä


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Weeks 34 - 40


The written material of the course as well as possible video material will be published in the learning environment of the course at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

Teaching 2+2 hours / week

Exam schedules

The dates of the exams are published in the learning environment at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

Contact teaching and exams approx. 30 h
Independent study approx. 50 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


22.08.2022 - 14.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Ida Arhosalo
Teacher in charge

Ida Arhosalo

  • TLP22S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • ZJATLP22S1
    Avoin amk, Purchasing and Logistics Engineering, Päivä
  • TLP22VS
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Weeks 35 - 41


The written material of the course as well as possible video material will be published in the learning environment of the course at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

Teaching 2+2 hours / week

Exam schedules

The dates of the exams are published in the learning environment at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

Contact teaching and exams approx. 30 h
Independent study approx. 50 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


22.08.2022 - 07.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Anne Rantakaulio
  • Ville Sivil
Teacher in charge

Anne Rantakaulio

Scheduling groups
  • TKN22S1 (Size: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TKN22SM_ja_TER22SM (Size: 15. Open UAS: 0.)
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Monimuoto
  • TKN22S1
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • TKN22SM
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATKN22S1
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Päivä
Small groups
  • TKN22S1
  • TKN22SM_ja_TER22SM


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

The initial level test is during the start week according to the time table of each degree program. Contact learning is during 22.8. - 7.10., and its schedule is given on the front page of the course.


Material is in the learning environment.

Teaching methods

Course is web-based course before the new student's start week. For those who don't pass the initial level test during the start week this course is in contact learning.

Exam schedules

Verkkototeutuksen loppukoe aloitusviikolla.
Kontaktitoteutuksen loppukoe viikolla 40.

Student workload

Web-based course: independent work 79 h, the initial level test 2 h.
Contact learning: in classroom 40 h and independent work 41 h.

Further information

Läpäisytestit 1, 2 ja 3. Valvottu loppukoe.

Avoin amk 10

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


22.08.2022 - 16.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 26

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Ville Sivil
Teacher in charge

Anne Rantakaulio

  • ZJATRY22S1
    Avoin amk, Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka, Päivä
  • TRY22S1
    Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

The initial level test is during the start week according to the time table of each degree program. Contact learning is during 22.8. - 7.10., and its schedule is given on the front page of the course.


Material is in the learning environment.

Teaching methods

Course is web-based course before the new student's start week. For those who don't pass the initial level test during the start week this course is in contact learning.

Exam schedules

Verkkototeutuksen loppukoe aloitusviikolla.
Kontaktitoteutuksen loppukoe viikolla 40.

Student workload

Web-based course: independent work 79 h, the initial level test 2 h.
Contact learning: in classroom 40 h and independent work 41 h.

Further information

Läpäisytestit 1, 2 ja 3. Valvottu loppukoe.

Avoin amk 10

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


22.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Ida Arhosalo
Teacher in charge

Ida Arhosalo

    Avoin amk, Logistiikka, Monimuoto
  • TLS22SMM
    Logistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Course is implemented 1.8. - 31.12.


Videos and text files in the learning environment, automatic tests

Teaching methods

Learning videos, independent work, automatic tests, exam

Exam schedules

Schedule will be given on the front page of the learning environment. Registration for the exam is done according to the instructions on the first page.

Student workload

Independent work 79 h
Controlled exam 2 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


22.08.2022 - 15.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Ville Sivil
Teacher in charge

Anne Rantakaulio

  • TER22S1
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATSA22S1
    Avoin amk, Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka, Päivä
  • ZJATER22S1
    Avoin amk, Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka
  • TSA22SR1
    Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka (AMK)
  • TSA22SR2
    Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

The initial level test is during the start week according to the time table of each degree program. Contact learning is during 22.8. - 7.10., and its schedule is given on the front page of the course.


Material is in the learning environment.

Teaching methods

Course is web-based course before the new student's start week. For those who don't pass the initial level test during the start week this course is in contact learning.

Exam schedules

Verkkototeutuksen loppukoe aloitusviikolla.
Kontaktitoteutuksen loppukoe viikolla 40.

Student workload

Web-based course: independent work 79 h, the initial level test 2 h.
Contact learning: in classroom 40 h and independent work 41 h.

Further information

Läpäisytestit 1, 2 ja 3. Valvottu loppukoe.

Avoin amk 10

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


22.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Ida Arhosalo
Teacher in charge

Ida Arhosalo

  • TAR22S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Weeks 35 - 41
The course is co-ordinated by Logistics Programmes


The written material of the course as well as possible video material will be published in the learning environment of the course at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

Teaching 2+2 hours / week

Exam schedules

The dates of the exams are published in the learning environment at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

Contact teaching and exams approx. 30 h
Independent study approx. 50 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.08.2022 - 31.08.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 200

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Ida Arhosalo
Teacher in charge

Ida Arhosalo

  • TLS22S1
    Logistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • TSA22S1
    Insinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka, päivätoteutus
  • TRY22S1
    Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (AMK)
  • TKN22S1
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • TER22S1
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATER22S1
    Avoin amk, Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka
    Avoin amk, Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka , monimuoto
  • ZJATKN22S1
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Päivä
  • ZJATRY22S1
    Avoin amk, Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka, Päivä
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Monimuoto
  • ZJATLS22S1
    Avoin amk, Logistiikka, Päivä
    Avoin amk, Logistiikka, Monimuoto
  • ZJATSA22S1
    Avoin amk, Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka, Päivä
  • TER22SM
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
  • TSA22SM
    Insinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka,monimuototeutus
  • TKN22SM
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • TLS22SMM
    Logistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


11.04.2022 - 29.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Anne Rantakaulio
    Avoin Amk, tekniikka, Valintaopintojakso, Konetekniikka, monimuoto


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

The course begins on 11.4. by introduction in Zoom in, Passcode: 810239 at 17:00 - 18:00.

The course ends on 29.5.

The final exam is on 24.5. at 18:00 - 19:30 in Zoom.


The material is in the learning environment, and it consists of files, videos, exercises by pen and paper and automatic tests.

When you get enough points of automatic tests and you have also done the following exercises in pdf-files, you are able to answer to the passing test. There is the time limit of one hour in the passing test. You can do every passing test three times.

You must pass the passing tests before the final exam.

Teaching methods

Notice! This implementation is an elective course for those intending to become multimodal students in energy and environmental engineering and mechanical engineering. Other students will be directed to other implementations of the corresponding course.

Course is web-based self-directed course in Moodle environment. There is no contact lessons on this course.

Guiding for use of the environment and the practices in exam is available if needed in Zoom in the address of the course on 11.4., 18.4., 25.4, 2.5., 9.5., 16.5., 23.5. and 24.5. at 17:00 - 18:00.

Exam schedules

You have to pass the three passing tests before the final exam. Register for the final exam in Moodle in advance no later than May 19!

Final exam is in Zoom on 24.5. at 18:00 - 19:30. The final exam cannot be repeated.

Student workload

Web-based course: independent work 79 h, exam 2 h.

Further information

Each passing test gives in maximum 12 points. The maximum of the final exam is 64 points.

The applicant must obtain at least 50 points of the course to become chosen. The applicants are chosen in order of points, the highest score first.

The course is passed if the points of each passing test is at least 9 points and the points of the final exam are at least 51.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.03.2022 - 31.05.2022


01.03.2022 - 31.08.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Ida Arhosalo
Teacher in charge

Ida Arhosalo

    Logistiikan aktiivitoteutukset
  • ZJA22KT
    Avoin AMK, tekniikka


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Exams during spring semester 2022 on in the beginning of autumn 2022


Videos and text files in the learning environment, automatic tests

Teaching methods

Learning videos, independent work, automatic tests, consultation webinars, exam

Exam schedules

Schedule will be given on the front page of the learning environment.

Student workload

Independent work 79 h
Controlled exam 2 h

Further information

Avoin amk: 30 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


02.11.2021 - 31.01.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Antti Kosonen
    Avoin amk, Korkeakoulupolkuopinnot, Gradia, Konetekniikka
    Avoin amk, Korkeakoulupolkuopinnot, Gradia, Logistiikka
    Avoin amk, Korkeakoulupolkuopinnot, Gradia, Rakennus-ja yhdyskuntatekniikka
    Avoin amk, Korkeakoulupolkuopinnot, Gradia, Sähkö-ja automaatiotekniikka
    Avoin amk, Korkeakoulupolkuopinnot, Gradia, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

The course is implemented at Gradia Viitaniemi campus 2.11.2021-31.1.2022.


Material available in course's Moodle e-learning environment

Teaching methods

Contact teaching, guided exercises

Exam schedules

Will be agreed at the beginning of the course

Student workload

3 credits corresponds to 81 hours of work

Further information

Tests in the Moodle environment / exam

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.


01.10.2021 - 28.02.2022


01.10.2021 - 31.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Ida Arhosalo
Teacher in charge

Ida Arhosalo

    Avoin AMK, tekniikka, Logistiikka, monimuoto
  • TLS22KMM
    Logistiikan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
    Logistiikan aktiivitoteutukset
  • TSA22KM
    Insinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka,monimuototeutus
  • ZJA22KT
    Avoin AMK, tekniikka


Course purpose

During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

Course competences

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right triangles, basics of functions, verbal problems.

Location and time

Exams during spring semester 2022


Videos and text files in the learning environment, automatic tests

Teaching methods

Learning videos, independent work, automatic tests, consultation webinars, exam

Exam schedules

Schedule will be given on the front page of the learning environment.

Student workload

Independent work 79 h
Controlled exam 2 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial- and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognise the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognise the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and you can determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is meant to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical acquirements for studies on other fields than technology.