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Maintenance Operations ManagementLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TKKU0200


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Harri Tuukkanen


Maintenance Operations Management is the most important part of your studies, when you are planning to be employed as a professional of maintenance. The main goal of the course is that you understand the importance of the asset management for the operation of the plant. You also master the processes of maintenance operations management by utilizing computerized maintenance management system and understand the cost of maintenance operations. You have a knowledge of the shutdown planning process, occupational health and safety procedures and project management during a plant shutdown. You are also able to perceive the different organizational models of maintenance organizations. Besides all that, you are able to determine and utilize the Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) of production and maintenance activities.

Engineering practice:
You are able to implement modern technology and utilize standards in practice.

Multidisciplinary competences:
You understand the realities of performance management.

Communication and team-working:
You have an understanding of the activities of a maintenance organization and an ability to serve as a part of it.


Asset management. Maintenance cost. Maintenance strategies. Maintenance organization. Maintenance operations management processes. Shutdown (Outage) planning. Computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS), Key performance indicators (KPI's), Maintenance development trends. SAP-ERP.


Practical work training (recommended). Basic engineering studies. The course is suitable for all the mechanical-, electrical-, automation-, energy- and logistic engineering students towards the end of their studies.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You have the knowledge of some of the basics on the course and you have heard or seen terms, that were part of the course. You are able to negotiate simple assignments regarding to maintenace operations management.

You master the principles of maintenance operations management. You understand the importance of the KPI's and you are able to create them. You understand the importance of the OHS and the responsibilities related to safety during maintenance. You may lack some of the skills required by the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You are able to utilize the subjects you learnt in an industrial environment. You are able to cope with the daily management tasks and you understand the tasks of a maintenance supervisor on a practical level.

You are able to utilize the subjects you learnt in an industrial environment. You are able to cope with the daily management tasks and you understand the tasks of a maintenance supervisor on a practical level. You are able to think critically and develop maintenance processes.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You master the essential terms and methods of maintenance operations management and you able to implement them in an innovative manner on practical assignments. You are an active developer of future maintenance activities.


01.11.2021 - 05.01.2023


01.01.2023 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Harri Tuukkanen
  • TKN20SB
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • TER20SM
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
  • TER20S1
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka


Maintenance Operations Management is the most important part of your studies, when you are planning to be employed as a professional of maintenance. The main goal of the course is that you understand the importance of the asset management for the operation of the plant. You also master the processes of maintenance operations management by utilizing computerized maintenance management system and understand the cost of maintenance operations. You have a knowledge of the shutdown planning process, occupational health and safety procedures and project management during a plant shutdown. You are also able to perceive the different organizational models of maintenance organizations. Besides all that, you are able to determine and utilize the Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) of production and maintenance activities.

Engineering practice:
You are able to implement modern technology and utilize standards in practice.

Multidisciplinary competences:
You understand the realities of performance management.

Communication and team-working:
You have an understanding of the activities of a maintenance organization and an ability to serve as a part of it.


Asset management. Maintenance cost. Maintenance strategies. Maintenance organization. Maintenance operations management processes. Shutdown (Outage) planning. Computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS), Key performance indicators (KPI's), Maintenance development trends. SAP-ERP.


Mikkonen, H. (toim.) 2009. Kuntoon perustuva kunnossapito: käsikirja. Helsinki. KP-Media.
Järvio, J. (toim.) 2017. Kunnossapito: tuotanto-omaisuuden hoitaminen. Helsinki: Kunnossapitoyhdistys Promaint.
Laine. H. 2010. Tehokas kunnossapito: Tuottavuutta käynnissäpidolla. Helsinki. KP-Media.
Lenahan, T. 2005. Turnaround, Shutdown and Outage Management : Effective Planning and Step-By-Step Execution of Planned Maintenance Operations. Elsevier Science & Technology.
Kelly, A. 2006 Strategic Maintenance Planning. Elsevier Science & Technology.
Kister, T. Hawkins,B. 2006. Maintenance Planning and Scheduling : Streamline Your Organization for a Lean Environment. Elsevier Science & Technology.

Teaching methods

Oppitunnit, harjoitus- ja projektitehtävät ohjattuna- sekä itseohjautuvana työskentelynä.

Employer connections

Oppilaitoksen ulkopuolelle suoritettava projektiluontoinen harjoitustyö. n. 2 op. Opiskelijat hankkivat itse aiheensa (HUOM! KIIREELLINEN!). Työn voi suorittaa ryhmätyönä.

Exam schedules

Ei tenttiä

International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

Opetus koululla n. 3-4h viikossa. Projektityössä työskentelyä toimeksiantajan tiloissa, JAMKin tiloissa tai omavalintaisissa tiloissa n. 50h. Omalla ajalla suoritettavia harjoituksia n. 20 h.

Content scheduling

Projektityön aihe kannattaa hakea etukäteen.

Further information

Arviointiperusteet: Projektityö, sekä muut harjoitukset. Projektityö on suoritettava hyväksytysti, työ sisältää yksilökohtaista arviointia.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You have the knowledge of some of the basics on the course and you have heard or seen terms, that were part of the course. You are able to negotiate simple assignments regarding to maintenace operations management.

You master the principles of maintenance operations management. You understand the importance of the KPI's and you are able to create them. You understand the importance of the OHS and the responsibilities related to safety during maintenance. You may lack some of the skills required by the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You are able to utilize the subjects you learnt in an industrial environment. You are able to cope with the daily management tasks and you understand the tasks of a maintenance supervisor on a practical level.

You are able to utilize the subjects you learnt in an industrial environment. You are able to cope with the daily management tasks and you understand the tasks of a maintenance supervisor on a practical level. You are able to think critically and develop maintenance processes.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You master the essential terms and methods of maintenance operations management and you able to implement them in an innovative manner on practical assignments. You are an active developer of future maintenance activities.


Practical work training (recommended). Basic engineering studies. The course is suitable for all the mechanical-, electrical-, automation-, energy- and logistic engineering students towards the end of their studies.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Degree Programme in Mechanical and Production Engineering
  • Harri Tuukkanen
  • TER19SM
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka
  • TKN19SB
    Konetekniikka B
  • TER19S1
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka


Maintenance Operations Management is the most important part of your studies, when you are planning to be employed as a professional of maintenance. The main goal of the course is that you understand the importance of the asset management for the operation of the plant. You also master the processes of maintenance operations management by utilizing computerized maintenance management system and understand the cost of maintenance operations. You have a knowledge of the shutdown planning process, occupational health and safety procedures and project management during a plant shutdown. You are also able to perceive the different organizational models of maintenance organizations. Besides all that, you are able to determine and utilize the Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) of production and maintenance activities.

Engineering practice:
You are able to implement modern technology and utilize standards in practice.

Multidisciplinary competences:
You understand the realities of performance management.

Communication and team-working:
You have an understanding of the activities of a maintenance organization and an ability to serve as a part of it.


Asset management. Maintenance cost. Maintenance strategies. Maintenance organization. Maintenance operations management processes. Shutdown (Outage) planning. Computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS), Key performance indicators (KPI's), Maintenance development trends. SAP-ERP.


Mikkonen, H. (toim.) 2009. Kuntoon perustuva kunnossapito: käsikirja. Helsinki. KP-Media.
Järvio, J. (toim.) 2017. Kunnossapito: tuotanto-omaisuuden hoitaminen. Helsinki: Kunnossapitoyhdistys Promaint.
Laine. H. 2010. Tehokas kunnossapito: Tuottavuutta käynnissäpidolla. Helsinki. KP-Media.
Lenahan, T. 2005. Turnaround, Shutdown and Outage Management : Effective Planning and Step-By-Step Execution of Planned Maintenance Operations. Elsevier Science & Technology.
Kelly, A. 2006 Strategic Maintenance Planning. Elsevier Science & Technology.
Kister, T. Hawkins,B. 2006. Maintenance Planning and Scheduling : Streamline Your Organization for a Lean Environment. Elsevier Science & Technology.

Teaching methods

Oppitunnit, harjoitus- ja projektitehtävät ohjattuna- sekä itseohjautuvana työskentelynä.

Employer connections

Oppilaitoksen ulkopuolelle suoritettava projektiluontoinen harjoitustyö. n. 2 op. Opiskelijat hankkivat itse aiheensa (HUOM! KIIREELLINEN!). Työn voi suorittaa ryhmätyönä.

Exam schedules

Normaali lähitentti opintojakson päätteeksi tai valvottu EXAM-tentti (exam-työtilassa), jos lähitenttiin ei mahdollisuutta.
2 uusintakertaa.

International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

Opetus koululla n. 3-4h viikossa. Projektityössä työskentelyä toimeksiantajan tiloissa, JAMKin tiloissa tai omavalintaisissa tiloissa n. 50h. Omalla ajalla suoritettavia harjoituksia n. 20 h.

Content scheduling

Projektityön aihe kannattaa hakea etukäteen.

Further information

Arviointiperusteet: Tentti 50 %, Projektityö 45 %, Muut harjoitukset 5 %. Tentti on läpäistävä vähintään 50 % pistesuoritteella. Projektityö on suoritettava hyväksytysti.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You have the knowledge of some of the basics on the course and you have heard or seen terms, that were part of the course. You are able to negotiate simple assignments regarding to maintenace operations management.

You master the principles of maintenance operations management. You understand the importance of the KPI's and you are able to create them. You understand the importance of the OHS and the responsibilities related to safety during maintenance. You may lack some of the skills required by the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You are able to utilize the subjects you learnt in an industrial environment. You are able to cope with the daily management tasks and you understand the tasks of a maintenance supervisor on a practical level.

You are able to utilize the subjects you learnt in an industrial environment. You are able to cope with the daily management tasks and you understand the tasks of a maintenance supervisor on a practical level. You are able to think critically and develop maintenance processes.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You master the essential terms and methods of maintenance operations management and you able to implement them in an innovative manner on practical assignments. You are an active developer of future maintenance activities.


Practical work training (recommended). Basic engineering studies. The course is suitable for all the mechanical-, electrical-, automation-, energy- and logistic engineering students towards the end of their studies.