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Business software tools for SME’sLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: LMSV6100


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Juha Kuula


After completing this course you will be able to utilize office software to support your company and your work life. You have advanced skills in using spreadsheets. You can work seamlessly with different tools together and create applications to support your business or work. You will also learn how to produce and edit material for a blog platform and will master the basics of image processing.

Compentences, EFQ6
Learning and information management skills:
- You are able to evaluate and develop tools to support your business.
- You take care of developing your skills and share your skills.
- You are able to evaluate and utilize digital environments and tools in business and working life

Business skills:
- You take advantage of office applications to support your business
- You take advantage of the blog platform for your business.

Learning outcomes in the course

By Business software tools for SME’s you will be more proficient in using basic software and applying business skills. You understand the importance of hardware and security in your business and working life. You understand the importance of copyright in the production and publication of material.


Advanced Spreadsheet software functions and applications. Processing and retrieving large data sets. Managing forms, creation and use of macros.

Forms and mailing controls in word processing application. Material production and basics of image and video processing. Setting up a blog platform, publishing and editing material. Understanding Copyright, Privacy and Security in material production and publishing. Depending on the student's business plan, the course may include other mutually agreed topics that are useful in terms of knowledge.


Basics in ICT-skills.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

(1) You know the importance of computer hardware, as well as information security and copyright. You know how to share applications and can make tables that require basic skills. You understand the basics of image editing and blog publishing.

(2) You know the importance of computer hardware, as well as information security and copyright. You know how to share applications, and you can create spreadsheets in a rich way. You can edit an image and publish a blog post. You can perform simple queries in spreadsheets using search functions. You can use mail merge and create address labels.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

(3) You are familiar with computer hardware, and you can apply security and copyright issues in practice. You can use Office applications together in a variety of ways and use several search functions in different tasks. You know how to set up a blog platform, publish material and master the basic editing of an image.
(4) You are familiar with computer hardware, and you can apply security and copyright issues in practice. You can use Office applications together in a variety of ways and use several search functions in different tasks. You know how to set up a blog platform, publish material and master the basic editing of an image. You can design and implement spreadsheet applications using form controls and macros to automate functions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

(5) You have control over your computer hardware and are able to put security and copyright issues into practice. You know how to use Office applications efficiently to support your business. You are able to design and apply variety of business supporting operations by using Office applications together.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


09.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

  • Juha Kuula
  • LMS21S1
    Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)
  • LMS20S1
  • LMS21KM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • LMS22KM
    Agrologi (AMK), maaseutuelinkeinot, monimuotototeutus


After completing this course you will be able to utilize office software to support your company and your work life. You have advanced skills in using spreadsheets. You can work seamlessly with different tools together and create applications to support your business or work. You will also learn how to produce and edit material for a blog platform and will master the basics of image processing.

Compentences, EFQ6
Learning and information management skills:
- You are able to evaluate and develop tools to support your business.
- You take care of developing your skills and share your skills.
- You are able to evaluate and utilize digital environments and tools in business and working life

Business skills:
- You take advantage of office applications to support your business
- You take advantage of the blog platform for your business.

Learning outcomes in the course

By Business software tools for SME’s you will be more proficient in using basic software and applying business skills. You understand the importance of hardware and security in your business and working life. You understand the importance of copyright in the production and publication of material.


Advanced Spreadsheet software functions and applications. Processing and retrieving large data sets. Managing forms, creation and use of macros.

Forms and mailing controls in word processing application. Material production and basics of image and video processing. Setting up a blog platform, publishing and editing material. Understanding Copyright, Privacy and Security in material production and publishing. Depending on the student's business plan, the course may include other mutually agreed topics that are useful in terms of knowledge.


Microsoft Officen online ohjeartikkelit soveltuvin osin.

Teaching methods

Opiskelet opintojakson sisällöt 2-3 opiskelijan ryhmässä. Opintojakson sisällöt opiskellaan luennoilla. Näitä taitoja sovelletaan opiskelijaryhmissä. Sisällöistä koostetaan ryhmän yhteinen oppikirja ja luodaan laajempi kurssiharjoitus.

Employer connections

Opintojakson harjoitustyö on mahdollista toteuttaa yrityksen tarpeeseen.

Exam schedules

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä. Opintojaksolla on yksi varsinainen arviointivaihe ja kaksi täydentävää arviointivaihetta.

- Arviointivaihe 1 Toukokuu 2024 - Pvm tarkentuu aloitustunneilla
- Arviointivaihe 2 Toukokuu 2024 - Pvm tarkentuu aloitustunneilla
- Arviointivaihe 3 Toukokuu 2024 - Pvm tarkentuu aloitustunneilla

Student workload

Luennot 28 h
Oppikirja 28 h
Itsenäinen opiskelu 28 h
Harjoitustyö 51 h

Further information

Opintojaksoa arvioidaan jatkuvasti oppikirja tehtävänantojen perusteella ja opiskelijan työn tueksi annetaan jatkuvaa palautetta. Harjoitustyö arvioidaan kokonaisuutena.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

(1) You know the importance of computer hardware, as well as information security and copyright. You know how to share applications and can make tables that require basic skills. You understand the basics of image editing and blog publishing.

(2) You know the importance of computer hardware, as well as information security and copyright. You know how to share applications, and you can create spreadsheets in a rich way. You can edit an image and publish a blog post. You can perform simple queries in spreadsheets using search functions. You can use mail merge and create address labels.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

(3) You are familiar with computer hardware, and you can apply security and copyright issues in practice. You can use Office applications together in a variety of ways and use several search functions in different tasks. You know how to set up a blog platform, publish material and master the basic editing of an image.
(4) You are familiar with computer hardware, and you can apply security and copyright issues in practice. You can use Office applications together in a variety of ways and use several search functions in different tasks. You know how to set up a blog platform, publish material and master the basic editing of an image. You can design and implement spreadsheet applications using form controls and macros to automate functions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

(5) You have control over your computer hardware and are able to put security and copyright issues into practice. You know how to use Office applications efficiently to support your business. You are able to design and apply variety of business supporting operations by using Office applications together.


Basics in ICT-skills.