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Basics of Rehabilitation CounsellingLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: SKOS2010


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Teppo Karapalo
  • Satu Tuomimäki


The purpose of the course
During the course, you will acquire basic knowledge that will form the basis for the professional core studies of a rehabilitation instructor. After completing the course, you will master the key concepts of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling and learn the basics of the importance and necessity of rehabilitation counselling from the perspectives of different clients and society.

Course competencies
Competence in rehabilitation service system
Competence in counselling

The competence aim of the course
You can describe the key concepts of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling and you can justify the importance of rehabilitation counselling for different clients and society. You recognize the ethical principles of the work of a rehabilitation instructor. You can name different operating environments and client groups for rehabilitation instructors. You can describe and justify the factors that cause the rehabilitation needs of different rehabilitees, groups and communities. You will recognize and be able to describe the interdisciplinary theoretical basis of rehabilitation and rehabilitation guidance.


The contents of the course are the key concepts of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling and the importance of rehabilitation counselling for different clients and society. Kuntoutusohjausnimikkeistö. The course deals with ethical issues in rehabilitation counselling as well as various client groups and operating environments. The contents of the course also include the factors causing the needs of rehabilitation counselling for various rehabilitees, groups and communities, as well as the interdisciplinary theoretical basis of rehabilitation.


You identify the individual needs of different clients in social and health services. You understand the concept of customer orientation and the importance of participation and agency in social and health services.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You can describe the key concepts of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling and you can justify the importance of rehabilitation counselling for different clients and society. You can describe the ethical principles of the work of a rehabilitation instructor. You can name and describe the different operating environments and client groups of rehabilitation instructors. You can describe and justify the factors that cause the rehabilitation needs of different rehabilitees, groups and communities. You will recognize and be able to describe the interdisciplinary knowledge base of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 29.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 55

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Anne Koivisto
  • Teppo Karapalo
Teacher in charge

Teppo Karapalo

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
  • SKO23SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)


The purpose of the course
During the course, you will acquire basic knowledge that will form the basis for the professional core studies of a rehabilitation instructor. After completing the course, you will master the key concepts of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling and learn the basics of the importance and necessity of rehabilitation counselling from the perspectives of different clients and society.

Course competencies
Competence in rehabilitation service system
Competence in counselling

The competence aim of the course
You can describe the key concepts of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling and you can justify the importance of rehabilitation counselling for different clients and society. You recognize the ethical principles of the work of a rehabilitation instructor. You can name different operating environments and client groups for rehabilitation instructors. You can describe and justify the factors that cause the rehabilitation needs of different rehabilitees, groups and communities. You will recognize and be able to describe the interdisciplinary theoretical basis of rehabilitation and rehabilitation guidance.


The contents of the course are the key concepts of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling and the importance of rehabilitation counselling for different clients and society. Kuntoutusohjausnimikkeistö. The course deals with ethical issues in rehabilitation counselling as well as various client groups and operating environments. The contents of the course also include the factors causing the needs of rehabilitation counselling for various rehabilitees, groups and communities, as well as the interdisciplinary theoretical basis of rehabilitation.


Rehabilitation Competency Framework. 2021. World Health Organization.

Teaching methods

Koko opintojakso toteutetaan verkko-opintoina.
Webinaareihin (verkko-opetukseen) sisältyy luentoja, ryhmätyöskentelyä sekä valmistautumis- ja välitehtäviä.
Opiskelu sisältää itsenäistä oppimateriaaliin ja kirjallisuuteen perehtymistä ja oppimistehtäviä.

Completion alternatives

Mahdolliset hyvöksilukuhakemukset tulee toimittaa opintojakson opettajille ennen opintojakson alkamista. Kun opintojakso on käynnistynyt, hyväksilukuhakemuksia ei enää käsitellä.

Student workload

Verkko-opetus (webinaarit) yht. 16 h
Oppimistehtävät, opintojakson materiaalit ja itsenäinen opiskelu 65 h
Yhteensä 81 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You can describe the key concepts of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling and you can justify the importance of rehabilitation counselling for different clients and society. You can describe the ethical principles of the work of a rehabilitation instructor. You can name and describe the different operating environments and client groups of rehabilitation instructors. You can describe and justify the factors that cause the rehabilitation needs of different rehabilitees, groups and communities. You will recognize and be able to describe the interdisciplinary knowledge base of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling.


You identify the individual needs of different clients in social and health services. You understand the concept of customer orientation and the importance of participation and agency in social and health services.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 28.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

34 % Contact teaching, 66 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 55

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Anne Koivisto
  • Teppo Karapalo
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)


The purpose of the course
During the course, you will acquire basic knowledge that will form the basis for the professional core studies of a rehabilitation instructor. After completing the course, you will master the key concepts of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling and learn the basics of the importance and necessity of rehabilitation counselling from the perspectives of different clients and society.

Course competencies
Competence in rehabilitation service system
Competence in counselling

The competence aim of the course
You can describe the key concepts of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling and you can justify the importance of rehabilitation counselling for different clients and society. You recognize the ethical principles of the work of a rehabilitation instructor. You can name different operating environments and client groups for rehabilitation instructors. You can describe and justify the factors that cause the rehabilitation needs of different rehabilitees, groups and communities. You will recognize and be able to describe the interdisciplinary theoretical basis of rehabilitation and rehabilitation guidance.


The contents of the course are the key concepts of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling and the importance of rehabilitation counselling for different clients and society. Kuntoutusohjausnimikkeistö. The course deals with ethical issues in rehabilitation counselling as well as various client groups and operating environments. The contents of the course also include the factors causing the needs of rehabilitation counselling for various rehabilitees, groups and communities, as well as the interdisciplinary theoretical basis of rehabilitation.


Autti-Rämö, I., Salminen,A-L., Rajavaara, M. & Ylinen, A. (toim). 2016. Kuntoutuminen. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Arki, arvot ja etiikka. Sosiaalialan ammattihenkilön eettiset ohjeet. 2017. Talentia ry.

Kuntoutuksen uudistamiskomitean ehdotukset kuntoutusjärjestelmän uudistamiseksi. 2017. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön raportteja ja muistiota 41.

Savolainen, T. (toim). 2017. Kuntoutusohjausnimikkeistö. Kuntaliitto.

Teaching methods

Flipped-learning, alustusluennot, dialogi, työpajatyöskentely.
Itsenäinen oppimateriaaliin ja kirjallisuuteen perehtyminen, verkkokokoukset ja -keskustelut, oppimistehtävät.

Student workload

Kontaktiopetus verkossa 5 h
Hybridiopetus 8 h
Oppimistehtävät ja opintojakson materiaalit 68 h
Yhteensä 81 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You can describe the key concepts of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling and you can justify the importance of rehabilitation counselling for different clients and society. You can describe the ethical principles of the work of a rehabilitation instructor. You can name and describe the different operating environments and client groups of rehabilitation instructors. You can describe and justify the factors that cause the rehabilitation needs of different rehabilitees, groups and communities. You will recognize and be able to describe the interdisciplinary knowledge base of rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling.


You identify the individual needs of different clients in social and health services. You understand the concept of customer orientation and the importance of participation and agency in social and health services.