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Methods of Child WelfareLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SOSS2018


5 op

Responsible person

  • Merja Nybacka
  • Riikka Rantanen


You will deepen your competence in the use of child- and family-centred methods. After the course, you will be able to design and use diverse child protection methods when working with children and families. Additionally, you will be able to work in a resource- and solution-oriented manner. When using the methods, you are capable of taking into account the participation of families and the child’s point of view.
You will deepen your competence in the use of child- and family-centred methods. After the course, you will be able to design and use diverse child protection methods when working with children and families. Additionally, you will be able to work in a resource- and solution-oriented manner. When using the methods, you are capable of taking into account the participation of families and the child’s point of view.


You will deepen your competence in the use of child- and family-centred methods. After the course, you will be able to design and use diverse child protection methods when working with children and families. Additionally, you will be able to work in a resource- and solution-oriented manner. When using the methods, you are capable of taking into account the participation of families and the child’s point of view.


You understand the meaning of child protection, working environments and processes. In addition you recognize the needs of children, young people and families as a starting point for work. You recognize the factors that cause the need for child protection in society.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You are capable of substantiating his or her method-related choices. You are aware of the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are aware of child- and family-oriented methods. In a written assignment, you are capable of describing various kinds of subject area content, partly in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.

Satisfactory 2
You are capable of substantiating his or her method-related choices in an ordinary manner. You are aware of the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are aware of and recognises child- and family-oriented methods. In a written assignment, you are capable of describing various kinds of subject area content, partly in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are capable of aptly substantiating and assessing method-related choices. You are capable of applying the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are capable of planning, executing and assessing child- and family-oriented methods in child welfare work. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.
Very good 4
You are capable of substantiating and assessing their method-related choices. You are capable of applying
the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are capable of substantiating the method-related choices
in a critical manner. You are capable of planning, executing and assessing child- and family-oriented methods
in child welfare work. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe, substantiate and analyse various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are capable of substantiating and assessing their method-related choices theoretically. You are capable of applying the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are capable of substantiating the method-related choices in a critical and analytical manner. You are capable of planning, executing and assessing child- and family-oriented methods in child welfare work. In their assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe, substantiate and analyse various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 05.11.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Merja Nybacka
  • Merja Nybacka
  • Erikka Levälahti
Teacher in charge

Merja Nybacka

  • SOS21SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)


You will deepen your competence in the use of child- and family-centred methods. After the course, you will be able to design and use diverse child protection methods when working with children and families. Additionally, you will be able to work in a resource- and solution-oriented manner. When using the methods, you are capable of taking into account the participation of families and the child’s point of view.
You will deepen your competence in the use of child- and family-centred methods. After the course, you will be able to design and use diverse child protection methods when working with children and families. Additionally, you will be able to work in a resource- and solution-oriented manner. When using the methods, you are capable of taking into account the participation of families and the child’s point of view.


You will deepen your competence in the use of child- and family-centred methods. After the course, you will be able to design and use diverse child protection methods when working with children and families. Additionally, you will be able to work in a resource- and solution-oriented manner. When using the methods, you are capable of taking into account the participation of families and the child’s point of view.


De Jong, P. & Berg, I. 2016. Ratkaisukeskeisen terapian oppikirja. Suom. Furman, B. & Mattila, A. Helsinki: Lyhytterapiainstituutti.

Hyvärinen, S. & Pösö, T. (toim.) 2018. Lapsen haastattelu lastensuojelussa. Ps-Kustannus.

Lahtinen, P. & Pynnönen, J. 2020. Opas lapsilähtöiseen palvelutarpeen arviointiin. Pesäpuu ry.

Lastensuojelun käsikirja / THL (verkkomateriaali, soveltuvin osin).

Mönkkönen, Kaarina. 2018. Vuorovaikutus asiakastyössä. Asiakkaan kohtaaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Mönkkönen, Kaarina, Taru Kekoni ja Aini Pehkonen (toim.). 2019. Moniammatillinen Yhteistyö – Vaikuttava vuorovaikutus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Gaudeamus, 47-88.

Möller, Sointu. 2004. Sattumista suunnitelmallisuuteen. Lapsen elämäntilanteen kartoitus. JKL:Pesäpuu

Mattila A.S. 2006. Näkökulman vaihtamisen taito. Helsinki: WSOY.

Petrelius, P., Tulensalo, H., Jaakola, A-M. & Hietamäki, J. (toim.). 2016. Lapsen elämäntilanteen ja tuen tarpeiden lapsikeskeinen, monitoimijainen arviointi : Tietoa lastensuojelun kehittämisen pohjaksi. THL.

Ratner, H. & Yusuf, D. 2020. Lasten ja nuorten ratkaisukeskeinen ohjaus ja neuvonta. Helsinki: Lyhytterapiainstituutti.

Seikkula, J. & Arnkill, T. 2009. Dialoginen verkostotyö. Helsinki: Terveyden- ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.

Seikkula, J. & Arnkill, T. 2014. "Nehän kuunteli meitä": dialogeja monissa suhteissa. Helsinki: Terveyden- ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.

Sudenlehti, J. & Uusitalo, I. 2018. Tulevaisuuden lastensuojelu. Suomen psykologinen instituutti.

Vilén Marika, Seppänen Paula, Tapio Nina, Toivanen Riikka (toim.). 2010. Kohtaamisia lapsiperheissä. Menetelmiä perhetyöhön. Helsinki: Kirjapaja.

Teaching methods

Lähiopetus, webinaarit (sis. monialaisen casepäivän), itsenäinen työskentely/ryhmätyöskentely ja oppimistehtävä.

Student workload

Lähiopetus koululla 8 h, webinaarit 17h, itsenäinen työskentely/ryhmätyöskentely ja oppimistehtävä 110 h. Yhteensä 135 h.

Further information

Arviointi perustuu opintojakson oppimistehtävien arviointiin.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You are capable of substantiating his or her method-related choices. You are aware of the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are aware of child- and family-oriented methods. In a written assignment, you are capable of describing various kinds of subject area content, partly in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.

Satisfactory 2
You are capable of substantiating his or her method-related choices in an ordinary manner. You are aware of the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are aware of and recognises child- and family-oriented methods. In a written assignment, you are capable of describing various kinds of subject area content, partly in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are capable of aptly substantiating and assessing method-related choices. You are capable of applying the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are capable of planning, executing and assessing child- and family-oriented methods in child welfare work. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.
Very good 4
You are capable of substantiating and assessing their method-related choices. You are capable of applying
the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are capable of substantiating the method-related choices
in a critical manner. You are capable of planning, executing and assessing child- and family-oriented methods
in child welfare work. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe, substantiate and analyse various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are capable of substantiating and assessing their method-related choices theoretically. You are capable of applying the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are capable of substantiating the method-related choices in a critical and analytical manner. You are capable of planning, executing and assessing child- and family-oriented methods in child welfare work. In their assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe, substantiate and analyse various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.


You understand the meaning of child protection, working environments and processes. In addition you recognize the needs of children, young people and families as a starting point for work. You recognize the factors that cause the need for child protection in society.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 24.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Merja Nybacka
  • Erikka Levälahti
  • Merja Nybacka
Teacher in charge

Merja Nybacka

  • SOS21SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS20SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)


You will deepen your competence in the use of child- and family-centred methods. After the course, you will be able to design and use diverse child protection methods when working with children and families. Additionally, you will be able to work in a resource- and solution-oriented manner. When using the methods, you are capable of taking into account the participation of families and the child’s point of view.
You will deepen your competence in the use of child- and family-centred methods. After the course, you will be able to design and use diverse child protection methods when working with children and families. Additionally, you will be able to work in a resource- and solution-oriented manner. When using the methods, you are capable of taking into account the participation of families and the child’s point of view.


You will deepen your competence in the use of child- and family-centred methods. After the course, you will be able to design and use diverse child protection methods when working with children and families. Additionally, you will be able to work in a resource- and solution-oriented manner. When using the methods, you are capable of taking into account the participation of families and the child’s point of view.


De Jong, P. & Berg, I. 2016. Ratkaisukeskeisen terapian oppikirja. Suom. Furman, B. & Mattila, A. Helsinki: Lyhytterapiainstituutti.

Hyvärinen, S. & Pösö, T. (toim.) 2018. Lapsen haastattelu lastensuojelussa. Ps-Kustannus.

Lahtinen, P. & Pynnönen, J. 2020. Opas lapsilähtöiseen palvelutarpeen arviointiin. Pesäpuu ry.

Lastensuojelun käsikirja / THL (verkkomateriaali, soveltuvin osin).

Mönkkönen, Kaarina. 2018. Vuorovaikutus asiakastyössä. Asiakkaan kohtaaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Mönkkönen, Kaarina, Taru Kekoni ja Aini Pehkonen (toim.). 2019. Moniammatillinen Yhteistyö – Vaikuttava vuorovaikutus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Gaudeamus, 47-88.

Möller, Sointu. 2004. Sattumista suunnitelmallisuuteen. Lapsen elämäntilanteen kartoitus. JKL:Pesäpuu

Mattila A.S. 2006. Näkökulman vaihtamisen taito. Helsinki: WSOY.

Petrelius, P., Tulensalo, H., Jaakola, A-M. & Hietamäki, J. (toim.). 2016. Lapsen elämäntilanteen ja tuen tarpeiden lapsikeskeinen, monitoimijainen arviointi : Tietoa lastensuojelun kehittämisen pohjaksi. THL.

Ratner, H. & Yusuf, D. 2020. Lasten ja nuorten ratkaisukeskeinen ohjaus ja neuvonta. Helsinki: Lyhytterapiainstituutti.

Seikkula, J. & Arnkill, T. 2009. Dialoginen verkostotyö. Helsinki: Terveyden- ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.

Seikkula, J. & Arnkill, T. 2014. "Nehän kuunteli meitä": dialogeja monissa suhteissa. Helsinki: Terveyden- ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.

Sudenlehti, J. & Uusitalo, I. 2018. Tulevaisuuden lastensuojelu. Suomen psykologinen instituutti.

Vilén Marika, Seppänen Paula, Tapio Nina, Toivanen Riikka (toim.). 2010. Kohtaamisia lapsiperheissä. Menetelmiä perhetyöhön. Helsinki: Kirjapaja.

Teaching methods

Webinaarit, lähiopetus, itsenäinen työskentely ja oppimistehtävät.

Student workload

Webinaarit ja lähiopetus 20 h, itsenäinen työskentely/ryhmätyöskentely ja oppimistehtävä 115 h. Yhteensä 135 h.

Further information

Arviointi perustuu opintojakson oppimistehtävien arviointiin.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You are capable of substantiating his or her method-related choices. You are aware of the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are aware of child- and family-oriented methods. In a written assignment, you are capable of describing various kinds of subject area content, partly in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.

Satisfactory 2
You are capable of substantiating his or her method-related choices in an ordinary manner. You are aware of the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are aware of and recognises child- and family-oriented methods. In a written assignment, you are capable of describing various kinds of subject area content, partly in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are capable of aptly substantiating and assessing method-related choices. You are capable of applying the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are capable of planning, executing and assessing child- and family-oriented methods in child welfare work. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.
Very good 4
You are capable of substantiating and assessing their method-related choices. You are capable of applying
the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are capable of substantiating the method-related choices
in a critical manner. You are capable of planning, executing and assessing child- and family-oriented methods
in child welfare work. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe, substantiate and analyse various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are capable of substantiating and assessing their method-related choices theoretically. You are capable of applying the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are capable of substantiating the method-related choices in a critical and analytical manner. You are capable of planning, executing and assessing child- and family-oriented methods in child welfare work. In their assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe, substantiate and analyse various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.


You understand the meaning of child protection, working environments and processes. In addition you recognize the needs of children, young people and families as a starting point for work. You recognize the factors that cause the need for child protection in society.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 04.11.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Riikka Rantanen
  • Merja Nybacka
Teacher in charge

Merja Nybacka

  • SOS20SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)


You will deepen your competence in the use of child- and family-centred methods. After the course, you will be able to design and use diverse child protection methods when working with children and families. Additionally, you will be able to work in a resource- and solution-oriented manner. When using the methods, you are capable of taking into account the participation of families and the child’s point of view.
You will deepen your competence in the use of child- and family-centred methods. After the course, you will be able to design and use diverse child protection methods when working with children and families. Additionally, you will be able to work in a resource- and solution-oriented manner. When using the methods, you are capable of taking into account the participation of families and the child’s point of view.


You will deepen your competence in the use of child- and family-centred methods. After the course, you will be able to design and use diverse child protection methods when working with children and families. Additionally, you will be able to work in a resource- and solution-oriented manner. When using the methods, you are capable of taking into account the participation of families and the child’s point of view.


De Jong, P. & Berg, I. 2016. Ratkaisukeskeisen terapian oppikirja. Suom. Furman, B. & Mattila, A. Helsinki: Lyhytterapiainstituutti.

Hyvärinen, S. & Pösö, T. (toim.) 2018. Lapsen haastattelu lastensuojelussa. Ps-Kustannus.

Lahtinen, P. & Pynnönen, J. 2020. Opas lapsilähtöiseen palvelutarpeen arviointiin. Pesäpuu ry.

Lastensuojelun käsikirja / THL (verkkomateriaali, soveltuvin osin).

Mönkkönen, Kaarina. 2018. Vuorovaikutus asiakastyössä. Asiakkaan kohtaaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Mönkkönen, Kaarina, Taru Kekoni ja Aini Pehkonen (toim.). 2019. Moniammatillinen Yhteistyö – Vaikuttava vuorovaikutus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Gaudeamus, 47-88.

Möller, Sointu. 2004. Sattumista suunnitelmallisuuteen. Lapsen elämäntilanteen kartoitus. JKL:Pesäpuu

Mattila A.S. 2006. Näkökulman vaihtamisen taito. Helsinki: WSOY.

Petrelius, P., Tulensalo, H., Jaakola, A-M. & Hietamäki, J. (toim.). 2016. Lapsen elämäntilanteen ja tuen tarpeiden lapsikeskeinen, monitoimijainen arviointi : Tietoa lastensuojelun kehittämisen pohjaksi. THL.

Ratner, H. & Yusuf, D. 2020. Lasten ja nuorten ratkaisukeskeinen ohjaus ja neuvonta. Helsinki: Lyhytterapiainstituutti.

Seikkula, J. & Arnkill, T. 2009. Dialoginen verkostotyö. Helsinki: Terveyden- ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.

Seikkula, J. & Arnkill, T. 2014. "Nehän kuunteli meitä": dialogeja monissa suhteissa. Helsinki: Terveyden- ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.

Sudenlehti, J. & Uusitalo, I. 2018. Tulevaisuuden lastensuojelu. Suomen psykologinen instituutti.

Vilén Marika, Seppänen Paula, Tapio Nina, Toivanen Riikka (toim.). 2010. Kohtaamisia lapsiperheissä. Menetelmiä perhetyöhön. Helsinki: Kirjapaja.

Teaching methods

Webinaarit, lähiopetus, itsenäinen työskentely ja oppimistehtävät.

Student workload

Webinaarit ja lähiopetus 20 h, itsenäinen työskentely/ryhmätyöskentely ja oppimistehtävä 115 h. Yhteensä 135 h.

Further information

Arviointi perustuu opintojakson oppimistehtävien arviointiin.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You are capable of substantiating his or her method-related choices. You are aware of the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are aware of child- and family-oriented methods. In a written assignment, you are capable of describing various kinds of subject area content, partly in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.

Satisfactory 2
You are capable of substantiating his or her method-related choices in an ordinary manner. You are aware of the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are aware of and recognises child- and family-oriented methods. In a written assignment, you are capable of describing various kinds of subject area content, partly in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are capable of aptly substantiating and assessing method-related choices. You are capable of applying the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are capable of planning, executing and assessing child- and family-oriented methods in child welfare work. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.
Very good 4
You are capable of substantiating and assessing their method-related choices. You are capable of applying
the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are capable of substantiating the method-related choices
in a critical manner. You are capable of planning, executing and assessing child- and family-oriented methods
in child welfare work. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe, substantiate and analyse various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are capable of substantiating and assessing their method-related choices theoretically. You are capable of applying the solution and resource-centred working approach. Additionally, you are capable of substantiating the method-related choices in a critical and analytical manner. You are capable of planning, executing and assessing child- and family-oriented methods in child welfare work. In their assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe, substantiate and analyse various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection in compliance with the JAMK reporting instructions.


You understand the meaning of child protection, working environments and processes. In addition you recognize the needs of children, young people and families as a starting point for work. You recognize the factors that cause the need for child protection in society.