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Media Education as a Means of Supporting the Development of Children and Young PeopleLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SZXX2024


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Timo Hintikka


You understand the meaning of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You have a basic knowledge of the different forms of media and the opportunities they offer to support the growth, development and learning of children and young people. You are able to support parents or custodians in media education. You are familiar with the different ways of using technology as a means of supporting the development and rehabilitation of children or young people. You are motivated to develop and make use of the opportunities offered by media education and technology when working with children and young people.


1. Basic concepts and principles of media education
2. Protective perspective in media education
3. Media education in early childhood education
4. Media education for school-age children and young people
5. Media tools and methods and utilisation of technology
6. Media, parenthood and education partnership


The student masters the basics of computer, tablet, smartphone and internet use. The student has basic knowledge of the growth, development and learning of children and young people.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

(1) You recognise the role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You know some of the key concepts and principles of media education. You have limited knowledge of the different opportunities offered by the different media forms and tools when working with children and young people. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use source material sparsely. You comply partly with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

(2) You recognise the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You know some of the key concepts and principles of media education. You know some of the opportunities offered by the different media forms, tools and technology when working with children and young people. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material. You comply partly with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

(3) You understand the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when working with children and young people. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

(4) You understand and are aware of the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know the different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when supporting children and young people and are capable of applying them in practice. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

(5) You understand and are highly aware of the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know and are capable of making use of the different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when supporting children and young people and are capable of applying and developing them in practice. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.


Material in the virtual workspace, documents, videos, links and support material.

Further information



20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


11.03.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Timo Hintikka
Teacher in charge

Timo Hintikka


You understand the meaning of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You have a basic knowledge of the different forms of media and the opportunities they offer to support the growth, development and learning of children and young people. You are able to support parents or custodians in media education. You are familiar with the different ways of using technology as a means of supporting the development and rehabilitation of children or young people. You are motivated to develop and make use of the opportunities offered by media education and technology when working with children and young people.


1. Basic concepts and principles of media education
2. Protective perspective in media education
3. Media education in early childhood education
4. Media education for school-age children and young people
5. Media tools and methods and utilisation of technology
6. Media, parenthood and education partnership

Location and time

Moodle verkko-oppimisympäristö. Itsenäinen opiskelu huomioiden tehtävien palautuspäivämäärät.


Moodle työtilan materiaali, dokumentit, videot, linkit ja tukimateriaali.
Kosola, S, Moisala, M, & Ruokoniemi, P (toim.) 2019. Lapset, nuoret ja älylaitteet - Taiten tasapainoon.
Lahikainen, A-R, Mälkiä, T & Repo, K (toim.)2015. Media lapsiperheessä.
Puska, Maija (toim.)2018. Mediametkaa osa 10. Mediakasvatuksen parhaat
Willman, Veera (toim.) 2018. Mediakasvatuksen käsikirja

Teaching methods

Itsenäinen verkko-opiskelu ja vaihtoehtoiset oppimistehtävät opiskelijan oman opiskeltavan alan näkökulmasta. Opintojaksolla ei ole webinaareja, mutta se sisältää vuorovaikutteisia tehtäviä keskustelupalstalle.

Student workload

Itsenäinen verkko-opiskelu 60t
Vaihtoehtoiset oppimistehtävät opiskelijan oman opiskeltavan alan näkökulmasta. 75t

Further information

Avoin amk: 5 paikkaa
Campusonline: 20 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

(1) You recognise the role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You know some of the key concepts and principles of media education. You have limited knowledge of the different opportunities offered by the different media forms and tools when working with children and young people. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use source material sparsely. You comply partly with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

(2) You recognise the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You know some of the key concepts and principles of media education. You know some of the opportunities offered by the different media forms, tools and technology when working with children and young people. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material. You comply partly with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

(3) You understand the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when working with children and young people. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

(4) You understand and are aware of the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know the different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when supporting children and young people and are capable of applying them in practice. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

(5) You understand and are highly aware of the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know and are capable of making use of the different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when supporting children and young people and are capable of applying and developing them in practice. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.


The student masters the basics of computer, tablet, smartphone and internet use. The student has basic knowledge of the growth, development and learning of children and young people.

Further information



01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Timo Hintikka
Teacher in charge

Timo Hintikka


You understand the meaning of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You have a basic knowledge of the different forms of media and the opportunities they offer to support the growth, development and learning of children and young people. You are able to support parents or custodians in media education. You are familiar with the different ways of using technology as a means of supporting the development and rehabilitation of children or young people. You are motivated to develop and make use of the opportunities offered by media education and technology when working with children and young people.


1. Basic concepts and principles of media education
2. Protective perspective in media education
3. Media education in early childhood education
4. Media education for school-age children and young people
5. Media tools and methods and utilisation of technology
6. Media, parenthood and education partnership

Location and time

Moodle verkko-oppimisympäristö. Itsenäinen opiskelu huomioiden tehtävien palautuspäivämäärät.


Moodle työtilan materiaali, dokumentit, videot, linkit ja tukimateriaali.
Kosola, S, Moisala, M, & Ruokoniemi, P (toim.) 2019. Lapset, nuoret ja älylaitteet - Taiten tasapainoon.
Lahikainen, A-R, Mälkiä, T & Repo, K (toim.)2015. Media lapsiperheessä.
Puska, Maija (toim.)2018. Mediametkaa osa 10. Mediakasvatuksen parhaat
Willman, Veera (toim.) 2018. Mediakasvatuksen käsikirja

Teaching methods

Itsenäinen verkko-opiskelu ja vaihtoehtoiset oppimistehtävät opiskelijan oman opiskeltavan alan näkökulmasta. Opintojaksolla ei ole webinaareja, mutta se sisältää vuorovaikutteisia tehtäviä keskustelupalstalle.

Student workload

Itsenäinen verkko-opiskelu 60t
Vaihtoehtoiset oppimistehtävät opiskelijan oman opiskeltavan alan näkökulmasta. 75t
Opintojaksolla ei ole webinaareja, mutta se sisältää vuorovaikutteisia tehtäviä keskustelupalstalle.

Further information

Avoin amk: 5 paikkaa
Campusonline: 20 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

(1) You recognise the role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You know some of the key concepts and principles of media education. You have limited knowledge of the different opportunities offered by the different media forms and tools when working with children and young people. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use source material sparsely. You comply partly with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

(2) You recognise the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You know some of the key concepts and principles of media education. You know some of the opportunities offered by the different media forms, tools and technology when working with children and young people. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material. You comply partly with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

(3) You understand the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when working with children and young people. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

(4) You understand and are aware of the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know the different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when supporting children and young people and are capable of applying them in practice. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

(5) You understand and are highly aware of the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know and are capable of making use of the different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when supporting children and young people and are capable of applying and developing them in practice. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.


The student masters the basics of computer, tablet, smartphone and internet use. The student has basic knowledge of the growth, development and learning of children and young people.

Further information



01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


13.03.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Timo Hintikka
Teacher in charge

Timo Hintikka


You understand the meaning of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You have a basic knowledge of the different forms of media and the opportunities they offer to support the growth, development and learning of children and young people. You are able to support parents or custodians in media education. You are familiar with the different ways of using technology as a means of supporting the development and rehabilitation of children or young people. You are motivated to develop and make use of the opportunities offered by media education and technology when working with children and young people.


1. Basic concepts and principles of media education
2. Protective perspective in media education
3. Media education in early childhood education
4. Media education for school-age children and young people
5. Media tools and methods and utilisation of technology
6. Media, parenthood and education partnership

Location and time

Moodle verkko-oppimisympäristö. Itsenäinen opiskelu huomioiden tehtävien palautuspäivämäärät.


Moodle työtilan materiaali, dokumentit, videot, linkit ja tukimateriaali.
Kosola, S, Moisala, M, & Ruokoniemi, P (toim.) 2019. Lapset, nuoret ja älylaitteet - Taiten tasapainoon.
Lahikainen, A-R, Mälkiä, T & Repo, K (toim.)2015. Media lapsiperheessä.
Puska, Maija (toim.)2018. Mediametkaa osa 10. Mediakasvatuksen parhaat
Willman, Veera (toim.) 2018. Mediakasvatuksen käsikirja

Teaching methods

Verkko-opiskelu ja vaihtoehtoiset oppimistehtävät opiskelijan oman opiskeltavan alan näkökulmasta. Opintojaksolla ei ole webinaareja, mutta se sisältää vuorovaikutteisia tehtäviä keskustelupalstalle.

Student workload

135 t itsenäistä ohjattua verkko-opiskelua ja oppimistehtävät

Further information

Avoin AMK 5 paikkaa
COL 20 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

(1) You recognise the role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You know some of the key concepts and principles of media education. You have limited knowledge of the different opportunities offered by the different media forms and tools when working with children and young people. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use source material sparsely. You comply partly with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

(2) You recognise the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You know some of the key concepts and principles of media education. You know some of the opportunities offered by the different media forms, tools and technology when working with children and young people. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material. You comply partly with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

(3) You understand the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when working with children and young people. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

(4) You understand and are aware of the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know the different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when supporting children and young people and are capable of applying them in practice. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

(5) You understand and are highly aware of the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know and are capable of making use of the different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when supporting children and young people and are capable of applying and developing them in practice. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.


The student masters the basics of computer, tablet, smartphone and internet use. The student has basic knowledge of the growth, development and learning of children and young people.

Further information



01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


31.10.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Timo Hintikka
Teacher in charge

Timo Hintikka


You understand the meaning of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You have a basic knowledge of the different forms of media and the opportunities they offer to support the growth, development and learning of children and young people. You are able to support parents or custodians in media education. You are familiar with the different ways of using technology as a means of supporting the development and rehabilitation of children or young people. You are motivated to develop and make use of the opportunities offered by media education and technology when working with children and young people.


1. Basic concepts and principles of media education
2. Protective perspective in media education
3. Media education in early childhood education
4. Media education for school-age children and young people
5. Media tools and methods and utilisation of technology
6. Media, parenthood and education partnership

Location and time

Moodle verkko-oppimisympäristö. Itsenäinen opiskelu huomioiden tehtävien palautuspäivämäärät.


Moodle työtilan materiaali, dokumentit, videot, linkit ja tukimateriaali.
Kosola, S, Moisala, M, & Ruokoniemi, P (toim.) 2019. Lapset, nuoret ja älylaitteet - Taiten tasapainoon.
Lahikainen, A-R, Mälkiä, T & Repo, K (toim.)2015. Media lapsiperheessä.
Puska, Maija (toim.)2018. Mediametkaa osa 10. Mediakasvatuksen parhaat
Willman, Veera (toim.) 2018. Mediakasvatuksen käsikirja

Teaching methods

Verkko-opiskelu ja vaihtoehtoiset oppimistehtävät opiskelijan oman opiskeltavan alan näkökulmasta. Opintojaksolla ei ole webinaareja, mutta se sisältää vuorovaikutteisia tehtäviä keskustelupalstalle.

Student workload

135 t itsenäistä ohjattua verkko-opiskelua ja oppimistehtävät

Further information

Avoin AMK 5 paikkaa
COL 20 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

(1) You recognise the role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You know some of the key concepts and principles of media education. You have limited knowledge of the different opportunities offered by the different media forms and tools when working with children and young people. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use source material sparsely. You comply partly with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

(2) You recognise the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You know some of the key concepts and principles of media education. You know some of the opportunities offered by the different media forms, tools and technology when working with children and young people. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material. You comply partly with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

(3) You understand the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when working with children and young people. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

(4) You understand and are aware of the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know the different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when supporting children and young people and are capable of applying them in practice. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

(5) You understand and are highly aware of the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know and are capable of making use of the different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when supporting children and young people and are capable of applying and developing them in practice. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.


The student masters the basics of computer, tablet, smartphone and internet use. The student has basic knowledge of the growth, development and learning of children and young people.

Further information



01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


14.03.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Timo Hintikka
Teacher in charge

Timo Hintikka


You understand the meaning of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You have a basic knowledge of the different forms of media and the opportunities they offer to support the growth, development and learning of children and young people. You are able to support parents or custodians in media education. You are familiar with the different ways of using technology as a means of supporting the development and rehabilitation of children or young people. You are motivated to develop and make use of the opportunities offered by media education and technology when working with children and young people.


1. Basic concepts and principles of media education
2. Protective perspective in media education
3. Media education in early childhood education
4. Media education for school-age children and young people
5. Media tools and methods and utilisation of technology
6. Media, parenthood and education partnership


Material in Moodle
Kosola, S, Moisala, M, & Ruokoniemi, P (toim.) 2019. Lapset, nuoret ja älylaitteet - Taiten tasapainoon.
Lahikainen, A-R, Mälkiä, T & Repo, K (toim.)2015. Media lapsiperheessä.
Puska, Maija (toim.)2018. Mediametkaa osa 10. Mediakasvatuksen parhaat käytännöt.
Willman, Veera (toim.) 2018. Mediakasvatuksen käsikirja

Teaching methods

Online studies and Learning Tasks.

Student workload

virtual studies 65 h, alternative assignments 75 h

Further information

Campus Online 15
Avoin amk 5

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

(1) You recognise the role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You know some of the key concepts and principles of media education. You have limited knowledge of the different opportunities offered by the different media forms and tools when working with children and young people. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use source material sparsely. You comply partly with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

(2) You recognise the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You know some of the key concepts and principles of media education. You know some of the opportunities offered by the different media forms, tools and technology when working with children and young people. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material. You comply partly with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

(3) You understand the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when working with children and young people. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

(4) You understand and are aware of the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know the different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when supporting children and young people and are capable of applying them in practice. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

(5) You understand and are highly aware of the significance and role of media in the everyday lives of children and young people. You are familiar with the key concepts and principles of media education. You know and are capable of making use of the different opportunities for using the different media forms, tools and technology when supporting children and young people and are capable of applying and developing them in practice. In your written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena in a critical manner by way of personal reflection and by making varied and proper use of sources. You comply with JAMK’s reporting instructions.


The student masters the basics of computer, tablet, smartphone and internet use. The student has basic knowledge of the growth, development and learning of children and young people.

Further information
