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Occupational Safety and Well-beingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HBH21700


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Marianne Ekonen


The student understands the role of security, safety, healthy, work conditions, cooperation, and managerial work in the organizational productivity. He/she knows the legal background of workplace safety and security and its requirements for personnel planning. He/she recognizes the elements of well-being at workplace and understands the importance of management of these issues. The student knows the responsibility roles of safety and security and is able to take right actions concerning the themes. He/she is able to promote workplace cooperation and build solutions in challenging real-life situations.


Well-being in organizations. The principles and responsibilities of workplace safety and security. Cooperation and services of occupational health. Safe and secure workplace, control of workload, promotion of workability. Management of well-being and its importance in profitability. Individual well-being.


Basic Knowledge of Business Administration

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
The student attempts to demonstrate his/her theoretical and conceptual knowledge. Command of the subject area remains unclear. The student fails to show a convincing ability to apply theory into real life situations nor to communicate in an effective manner.

Satisfactory 2
The student shows theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject area at a reasonably clear level. Central concepts have been defined satisfactorily. The student has an obvious overall command and understanding of the subject area but fails to show a convincing ability to apply theory into real life situations. The student has some weaknesses in communication skills.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
The student shows theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject at a relatively clear level. Central concepts have been defined rather well. The student displays a competent command of the subject area. The student shows an adequate but general ability to apply theory into real-life situations. The student can communicate in an effective way.

Very good 4
The student shows great theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject area. Central concepts have been defined very well and the student displays a very good command and understanding of the subject area. The student demonstrates a competent ability to apply theory into real-life situations and the ideas are worth implementing. The student shows superior communication skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student shows exceptional theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject area in detail. The student demonstrates an advanced ability to apply theory into real-life situations and expresses ideas that have significant value for implementation. The student shows superior communication skills with critical arguing.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Pia Viklund
  • HTL19IY


The student understands the role of security, safety, healthy, work conditions, cooperation, and managerial work in the organizational productivity. He/she knows the legal background of workplace safety and security and its requirements for personnel planning. He/she recognizes the elements of well-being at workplace and understands the importance of management of these issues. The student knows the responsibility roles of safety and security and is able to take right actions concerning the themes. He/she is able to promote workplace cooperation and build solutions in challenging real-life situations.


Well-being in organizations. The principles and responsibilities of workplace safety and security. Cooperation and services of occupational health. Safe and secure workplace, control of workload, promotion of workability. Management of well-being and its importance in profitability. Individual well-being.

Location and time

The cource will be implemented 100% online. It consists of six webinars:

Startwebinar 10.1. klo 17 - 18:30,
Couching webinaari (voluntary) 31.1. klo 17 - 18:30,
Theme webinar 21.2. klo 17 - 18:30,
Couching webinaari (voluntary) 21.3. klo 17 - 18:30
Group work presentations on-line 2.5 klo 17-18.30
Group work presentations on-line 9.5 klo 17-18.30


Manka, M-L., & Manka, M. 2016. Työhyvinvointi. Helsinki: Talentum Pro.
Pyöriä, P. (toim.) 2012. Työhyvinvointi ja organisaation menestys. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
Mäkikangas, A. Mauno, S. & Feldt, T. (toim.) 2017. Tykkää työstä. Työhyvinvoinnin psykologiset perusteet. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.
Rauramo, P. 2012. Työhyvinvoinnin portaat: Viisi vaikuttavaa askelta. Helsinki: Edita.

Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto: Johda työkykyä, pidennä työuria. EK:n työkykyjohtamisen malli.
Kehusmaa, K. 2011. Työhyvinvointi kilpailuetuna. Helsinki: Kauppakamari.
Suutarinen, M. & Vesterinen, P. 2010. Työhyvinvoinnin johtaminen. Helsinki: Otava, JTO.
Työterveyslaitoksen verkkosivusto
Työturvallisuuskeskuksen verkkosivusto

Teaching methods

Teaching during the course will proceed by themes.

Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Working life case group project
Personal final assignment
Group work

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
The personal final assignment, evaluation 0-5, 50% of the cource evaluation
Group work, evaluation 0-5, 50% of the cource evaluation

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide.

Student workload

Group work 35 hours
Webinars 4 x 1,5 h = 6 hours
Voluntary coaching webinars 2 x 1,5h = 3 hours
Individual work and assignment 94 hours

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative webinars and group discussions will alternate.

The group project completed during the course will examine the course themes in working life based on independent and collaborative working.

At the end of the course, a personal final assignment will be completed independently, making use of all the lessons learned during the course.

Further information

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
The personal final assignment, evaluation 0-5, 50% of the cource evaluation
Group work, evaluation 0-5, 50% of the cource evaluation

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
The student attempts to demonstrate his/her theoretical and conceptual knowledge. Command of the subject area remains unclear. The student fails to show a convincing ability to apply theory into real life situations nor to communicate in an effective manner.

Satisfactory 2
The student shows theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject area at a reasonably clear level. Central concepts have been defined satisfactorily. The student has an obvious overall command and understanding of the subject area but fails to show a convincing ability to apply theory into real life situations. The student has some weaknesses in communication skills.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
The student shows theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject at a relatively clear level. Central concepts have been defined rather well. The student displays a competent command of the subject area. The student shows an adequate but general ability to apply theory into real-life situations. The student can communicate in an effective way.

Very good 4
The student shows great theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject area. Central concepts have been defined very well and the student displays a very good command and understanding of the subject area. The student demonstrates a competent ability to apply theory into real-life situations and the ideas are worth implementing. The student shows superior communication skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student shows exceptional theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject area in detail. The student demonstrates an advanced ability to apply theory into real-life situations and expresses ideas that have significant value for implementation. The student shows superior communication skills with critical arguing.


Basic Knowledge of Business Administration