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Economy and Planning of Private ForestsLaajuus (6 cr)

Code: LMSM0300


6 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


The student is able to define the contents and utilization of forest plans and knows also other instruments and spatial data available for forest estate management. The student can describe the timber trade and the competitive bidding process of timber sale. The student understands the calculations of forest estate values and knows the main points of the forest estate trade. The student can decipher the profitability calculations, knows the business environment and can describe basics of forest estate management.


-forest plans, maps and spacial data
-forest estate trade and value determination of forest estate
-timber trade
-profitability of forestry
-forest owner services and organizations
-forest estate management


The students know the basic theory and methods of forest regeneration and cultivation, as well as the essentials of the habitat classification of forests.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent 5:
The student is able to manage a forest estate in an entrepreneurially way and use forest plans and spatial data. The student can use services available and develop profitability of forestry following the chosen purposes. The student is able to apply his knowledge in the timber trade process and to interpret the impacts of details of timber tender offer on the financial outcome. The student masters forest estate value calculations and estate trade. The student is able to anticipate and is prepared for changes of the business environment. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions. Their reporting is error-free and it applies diverse sources.

Very Good 4:
The student can upgrade and use forest plans, other instruments and spatial data to support decision-making in forest management and in defining alternate approaches. The student is able to actively and independently play the role of a forest owner in the timber trade process and is able to interpret timber tender offers. The student can calculate the value of forest estate, can interpret the value calculations and is able to perform estate trade. The student can manage the forest estate and is able to develop profitability of forestry utilizing services available and considering the changes of the business environment. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions. Their reporting applies diverse sources.

Good 3:
The student is able to manage the forest estate through the forest plan, spatial data and other tools. He is able to do and compete the timber contract and is able to calculate the financial result of timber trade. The student knows how to determine the value of a forest estate. The student can determine profitability of forest estate trade and is able to compare profitability of investments. The student is able to utilize services available for the forest owner. The student knows services available for forest owners, knows the development of the business environment and can manage the forest estate. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions. Their reporting applies the course material.

Satisfactory 2:
The student is able to choose measures with a forest plan and is able to utilize the forest plan, other tools and spatial data in forest management. The student is able to explain the wood trade process and compare ways to do the timber trade. The student can interpret the calculations of forest estates value and knows the forest estate trade. The student is able to calculate the profitability of forestry. The student knows services available for forest owners, knows the development of the business environment and options for forest estate management. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions.

Sufficient 1:
The student is able to define the contents and utilization of the forest plan and is able to list other tools and spatial data used for forest management. The student can describe the basics of the timber trade process and knows how to compete in the timber trade. The student understands the calculations of forest estates value and knows basics of the forest estate trade. The student can decipher the profitability calculations, knows the business environment and can describe basics of forest estate management. Assignments are passed, but they contain deficiencies.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3:
The student is able to manage the forest estate through the forest plan, spatial data and other tools. He is able to do and compete the timber contract and is able to calculate the financial result of timber trade. The student knows how to determine the value of a forest estate. The student can determine profitability of forest estate trade and is able to compare profitability of investments. The student is able to utilize services available for the forest owner. The student knows services available for forest owners, knows the development of the business environment and can manage the forest estate. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions. Their reporting applies the course material.

Very Good 4:
The student can upgrade and use forest plans, other instruments and spatial data to support decision-making in forest management and in defining alternate approaches. The student is able to actively and independently play the role of a forest owner in the timber trade process and is able to interpret timber tender offers. The student can calculate the value of forest estate, can interpret the value calculations and is able to perform estate trade. The student can manage the forest estate and is able to develop profitability of forestry utilizing services available and considering the changes of the business environment. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions. Their reporting applies diverse sources.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5:
The student is able to manage a forest estate in an entrepreneurially way and use forest plans and spatial data. The student can use services available and develop profitability of forestry following the chosen purposes. The student is able to apply his knowledge in the timber trade process and to interpret the impacts of details of timber tender offer on the financial outcome. The student masters forest estate value calculations and estate trade. The student is able to anticipate and is prepared for changes of the business environment. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions. Their reporting is error-free and it applies diverse sources.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


01.09.2022 - 16.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

84 % Contact teaching, 16 % Distance learning


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Arto Riihinen
  • LMS19S1
  • LMS20KM


The student is able to define the contents and utilization of forest plans and knows also other instruments and spatial data available for forest estate management. The student can describe the timber trade and the competitive bidding process of timber sale. The student understands the calculations of forest estate values and knows the main points of the forest estate trade. The student can decipher the profitability calculations, knows the business environment and can describe basics of forest estate management.


-forest plans, maps and spacial data
-forest estate trade and value determination of forest estate
-timber trade
-profitability of forestry
-forest owner services and organizations
-forest estate management


Sved, J. & Koistinen, A. (toim.) 2019. Metsänhoidon suositukset kannattavaan metsätalouteen, työopas. Metsätalouden kehittämiskeskus Tapion julkaisuja. (;
Other materials specified at the beginning of the course.
Moodle materials.

Teaching methods

Lectures, field excursion, exercises, online study

Employer connections

Students can also perform assignments on their own forest farm.

Exam schedules

The date of the exam and two retakes are agreed at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

lectures 28 h, virtual study 40 h, assignments 44 h, independent study 58 h. Together 160 h student work.

Further information

Avoin AMK 5.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent 5:
The student is able to manage a forest estate in an entrepreneurially way and use forest plans and spatial data. The student can use services available and develop profitability of forestry following the chosen purposes. The student is able to apply his knowledge in the timber trade process and to interpret the impacts of details of timber tender offer on the financial outcome. The student masters forest estate value calculations and estate trade. The student is able to anticipate and is prepared for changes of the business environment. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions. Their reporting is error-free and it applies diverse sources.

Very Good 4:
The student can upgrade and use forest plans, other instruments and spatial data to support decision-making in forest management and in defining alternate approaches. The student is able to actively and independently play the role of a forest owner in the timber trade process and is able to interpret timber tender offers. The student can calculate the value of forest estate, can interpret the value calculations and is able to perform estate trade. The student can manage the forest estate and is able to develop profitability of forestry utilizing services available and considering the changes of the business environment. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions. Their reporting applies diverse sources.

Good 3:
The student is able to manage the forest estate through the forest plan, spatial data and other tools. He is able to do and compete the timber contract and is able to calculate the financial result of timber trade. The student knows how to determine the value of a forest estate. The student can determine profitability of forest estate trade and is able to compare profitability of investments. The student is able to utilize services available for the forest owner. The student knows services available for forest owners, knows the development of the business environment and can manage the forest estate. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions. Their reporting applies the course material.

Satisfactory 2:
The student is able to choose measures with a forest plan and is able to utilize the forest plan, other tools and spatial data in forest management. The student is able to explain the wood trade process and compare ways to do the timber trade. The student can interpret the calculations of forest estates value and knows the forest estate trade. The student is able to calculate the profitability of forestry. The student knows services available for forest owners, knows the development of the business environment and options for forest estate management. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions.

Sufficient 1:
The student is able to define the contents and utilization of the forest plan and is able to list other tools and spatial data used for forest management. The student can describe the basics of the timber trade process and knows how to compete in the timber trade. The student understands the calculations of forest estates value and knows basics of the forest estate trade. The student can decipher the profitability calculations, knows the business environment and can describe basics of forest estate management. Assignments are passed, but they contain deficiencies.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3:
The student is able to manage the forest estate through the forest plan, spatial data and other tools. He is able to do and compete the timber contract and is able to calculate the financial result of timber trade. The student knows how to determine the value of a forest estate. The student can determine profitability of forest estate trade and is able to compare profitability of investments. The student is able to utilize services available for the forest owner. The student knows services available for forest owners, knows the development of the business environment and can manage the forest estate. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions. Their reporting applies the course material.

Very Good 4:
The student can upgrade and use forest plans, other instruments and spatial data to support decision-making in forest management and in defining alternate approaches. The student is able to actively and independently play the role of a forest owner in the timber trade process and is able to interpret timber tender offers. The student can calculate the value of forest estate, can interpret the value calculations and is able to perform estate trade. The student can manage the forest estate and is able to develop profitability of forestry utilizing services available and considering the changes of the business environment. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions. Their reporting applies diverse sources.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5:
The student is able to manage a forest estate in an entrepreneurially way and use forest plans and spatial data. The student can use services available and develop profitability of forestry following the chosen purposes. The student is able to apply his knowledge in the timber trade process and to interpret the impacts of details of timber tender offer on the financial outcome. The student masters forest estate value calculations and estate trade. The student is able to anticipate and is prepared for changes of the business environment. Assignments are passed and they follow the instructions. Their reporting is error-free and it applies diverse sources.


The students know the basic theory and methods of forest regeneration and cultivation, as well as the essentials of the habitat classification of forests.