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New Technologies of the Future AgricultureLaajuus (7 cr)

Code: LMVY1400


7 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Jyrki Kataja


The students can compare and assess the usefulness of new technological solutions for agriculture in the present and in the near future.


The prospects for the development of crop and livestock technologies, as well as farm information management perspectives.


The students knows the practices, as well as the management methods of the farms.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent: 5
Students are familiar with various technological solutions for livestock or plant production.
Students are familiar with the current technological solutions of the farm as a whole.
The student is able to compare the development needs and their solution choices from the point of view of the agricultural production component.
The student is able to evaluate the suitability of technological solutions from the point of view of farm development.
The student is able to search for technology solutions and assess their suitability from the point of view of agricultural development.

Very good:4
Students are familiar with various technological solutions for livestock or plant production.
Students are familiar with the current technological solutions of the farm as a whole.
The student is able to compare the development needs and their solution choices from the point of view of the agricultural production component.
The student is able to evaluate the suitability of technological solutions from the point of view of farm development.

Good: 3
Students are familiar with various technological solutions for livestock or plant production.
Students are familiar with the current technological solutions of the farm as a whole.
The student is able to compare the development needs and their solution choices from the point of view of the agricultural production component.

Satisfactory: 2
Students are familiar with various technological solutions for livestock or plant production.
Students are familiar with the current technological solutions of the farm as a whole.

Sufficient: 1
Student knows the various types of crop production technological solutions, as well as the various types of livestock production technological solutions.


03.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

7 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Jyrki Kataja
  • LMS19S1
  • LMS20KM


The students can compare and assess the usefulness of new technological solutions for agriculture in the present and in the near future.


The prospects for the development of crop and livestock technologies, as well as farm information management perspectives.

Location and time

02.09.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 Aloitustunnit / Ryhmien muodostaminen / Tietoperustaiset palvelut
16.09.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 / hybridi Data ja tieto sekä niiden omistajuus
30.09.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 / hybridi Kotieläintilan tilakeskus - tietovuot langassa vai ilmassa / Kyber 1
07.10.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 Demopäivä / Kuvanmisteknologian hyödyntäminen / Lämpökamera
04.11.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 / hybridi Energiatehokkuus ja - omavaraisuus
25.11.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 / hybridi Vetokoneiden uusi aika / Kyber 2
09.12.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 / hybridi Teknologiaopetuksen yhteenveto / harjoitustöiden viimeinen purku


Saatavissa Moodle-työtilassa.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus Biotalousinsitituutissa 2 kertaa
Kontaktiopetus etäosallistumismahdollisuudella 5 kertaa, sisältäen harjoitustöiden purkutilaisuudet.

Harjoitustyöt 7 kpl.

Mahdollinen opintomatka, josta sovitaan aloitustunnilla.

Employer connections

Mahdollisuus opintomatkaan, josta sovitaan aloitustunnilla.

Exam schedules

Opintojakson arviointi perustuu harjoitustöihin. Ei tenttiä.

Completion alternatives

Ei ole.

Student workload

Kontaktiopetus 7*4 h = 28 h
Ryhmäharjoitustyöt 112 h (sisältäen mahdollisen opintomatkan)
Yksilöharjoitustyöt 49 h

YHTEENSÄ 189 h (2.9 - 9.12. 2022)

Content scheduling

02.09.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 Aloitustunnit / Ryhmien muodostaminen / Tietoperustaiset palvelut
16.09.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 / hybridi Data ja tieto sekä niiden omistajuus
30.09.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 / hybridi Kotieläintilan tilakeskus - tietovuot langassa vai ilmassa / Kyber 1
07.10.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 Demopäivä / Kuvanmisteknologian hyödyntäminen / Lämpökamera, NDVI
04.11.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 / hybridi Energiatehokkuus ja - omavaraisuus
25.11.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 / hybridi Vetokoneiden uusi aika / Kyber 2
09.12.2022 12.30 - 15.45 TU17L120 / hybridi Teknologiaopetuksen yhteenveto / harjoitustöiden viimeinen purku

Ryhmäharjoitustöiden purkutilaisuudet:
16.09.2022 12.30 - 13.30
30.09.2022 12.30 - 13:30
04.11.2022 12.30 - 13.30
25.11.2022 12.30 - 13.30
09.12.2022 12.30 - 14.00

Further information


Osaat vertailla ja arvioida maatalouden uusien teknologisten ratkaisujen käyttökelpoisuutta nykyhetkessä ja lähitulevaisuudessa.

Sisältö painottuu kasvinviljely- ja kotieläinteknologian sekä maatilan tiedonhallinnan kehitysnäkymiin.


Kurssin arviointi perustuu viiteen ryhmäharjoitustyöhön (max. 70 pistettä) ja kahteen henkilökohtaiseen harjoitustyöhön (max. 30 pistettä).

1 Välttävä (adequate) (50 - 59 pistettä)
Opiskelija tuntee erilaisia kotieläin- tai kasvituotannon teknologisia ratkaisuja.

2 Tyydyttävä (satisfactory) (60 - 69 pistettä)
Edellisten lisäksi
Opiskelijat tuntee maatilan nykyiset teknologiset ratkaisut kokonaisuuksina.

3 (good) (70 - 79 pistettä)
Edellisten lisäksi
Opiskelija osaa vertailla kehittämistarpeita ja niiden ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja maataloustuotannon osatekijän näkökulmasta.

4 (Very good ) (80 - 89 pistettä)
Edellisten lisäksi
Opiskelija osaa arvioida teknologisten ratkaisujen soveltuvuutta maatilan kehittämisen näkökulmasta.

5 (excellent ) (90 - 100 pistettä)
Edellisten lisäksi
Opiskelija osaa etsiä teknologia ratkaisuja ja arvioida niiden soveltuvuutta maatalouden kehittämisen näkökulmasta.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent: 5
Students are familiar with various technological solutions for livestock or plant production.
Students are familiar with the current technological solutions of the farm as a whole.
The student is able to compare the development needs and their solution choices from the point of view of the agricultural production component.
The student is able to evaluate the suitability of technological solutions from the point of view of farm development.
The student is able to search for technology solutions and assess their suitability from the point of view of agricultural development.

Very good:4
Students are familiar with various technological solutions for livestock or plant production.
Students are familiar with the current technological solutions of the farm as a whole.
The student is able to compare the development needs and their solution choices from the point of view of the agricultural production component.
The student is able to evaluate the suitability of technological solutions from the point of view of farm development.

Good: 3
Students are familiar with various technological solutions for livestock or plant production.
Students are familiar with the current technological solutions of the farm as a whole.
The student is able to compare the development needs and their solution choices from the point of view of the agricultural production component.

Satisfactory: 2
Students are familiar with various technological solutions for livestock or plant production.
Students are familiar with the current technological solutions of the farm as a whole.

Sufficient: 1
Student knows the various types of crop production technological solutions, as well as the various types of livestock production technological solutions.


The students knows the practices, as well as the management methods of the farms.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 31.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

7 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Juho Pirttiniemi
  • Jyrki Kataja
  • LMS19KM
  • LMS18S1


The students can compare and assess the usefulness of new technological solutions for agriculture in the present and in the near future.


The prospects for the development of crop and livestock technologies, as well as farm information management perspectives.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent: 5
Students are familiar with various technological solutions for livestock or plant production.
Students are familiar with the current technological solutions of the farm as a whole.
The student is able to compare the development needs and their solution choices from the point of view of the agricultural production component.
The student is able to evaluate the suitability of technological solutions from the point of view of farm development.
The student is able to search for technology solutions and assess their suitability from the point of view of agricultural development.

Very good:4
Students are familiar with various technological solutions for livestock or plant production.
Students are familiar with the current technological solutions of the farm as a whole.
The student is able to compare the development needs and their solution choices from the point of view of the agricultural production component.
The student is able to evaluate the suitability of technological solutions from the point of view of farm development.

Good: 3
Students are familiar with various technological solutions for livestock or plant production.
Students are familiar with the current technological solutions of the farm as a whole.
The student is able to compare the development needs and their solution choices from the point of view of the agricultural production component.

Satisfactory: 2
Students are familiar with various technological solutions for livestock or plant production.
Students are familiar with the current technological solutions of the farm as a whole.

Sufficient: 1
Student knows the various types of crop production technological solutions, as well as the various types of livestock production technological solutions.


The students knows the practices, as well as the management methods of the farms.