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Developing Expertice IILaajuus (10 cr)

Code: SZZZ1602


10 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Raija Lundahl
  • Kristiina Juntunen
  • Teppo Karapalo


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


01.04.2023 - 30.04.2023


22.05.2023 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual portion

10 op

RDI portion

10 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • SKO18SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • SKO19SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.

Location and time

Kehittämisprojekti suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan lähtökohtaisesti yhden lukukauden aikana.


Opintojakson oppimateriaalit ja kirjallisuus on kuvattu opintojakson Optima/Moodle työtilassa.

Teaching methods

Opiskelija laatii kehittämisprojektin suunnitelman, 3 op.
Opiskelja toteuttaa projektin, kirjoittaa projektiraportin ja laatii tiedotteen projektista. Lisäksi opiskelija raportoi projektin etenemisestä valitsemallaan sosiaalisen median kanavalla tai Moodle oppimisympäristössä pidettävällä päiväkirjalla, 7 op.

Employer connections

Kehittämisprojekti toteutetaan opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa työpaikassa tai hankkeessa. Kehittämisprojektin voi tehdä omassa työpaikassa, jos työpaikka on kuntoutuksen ohjauksen/kuntoutuksen toimialaa. Opiskelija saa kehittämisprojektin ohjausta toimeksiantajalta.
Ohjaustapaamiset opettajan kanssa sovitaan yksilöllisen tarpeen mukaan. Opettajalta palaute projektisuunnitelmasta ja -raportista ja tiedotteesta.

Student workload

Projektisuunnitelma 81 h
Projektin toteutus, raportointi ja tiedote 189 h
Yhteensä 270 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual portion

10 op

RDI portion

10 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Anu Pelkonen
  • Teppo Karapalo
Teacher in charge

Teppo Karapalo

  • SKO18SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • SKO19SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.

Location and time

Kehittämisprojekti suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan lähtökohtaisesti yhden lukukauden aikana.


Opintojakson oppimateriaalit ja kirjallisuus on kuvattu opintojakson Optima/Moodle työtilassa.

Teaching methods

Opiskelija laatii kehittämisprojektin suunnitelman, 3 op.
Opiskelja toteuttaa projektin, kirjoittaa projektiraportin ja laatii tiedotteen projektista. Lisäksi opiskelija raportoi projektin etenemisestä valitsemallaan sosiaalisen median kanavalla tai Moodle oppimisympäristössä pidettävällä päiväkirjalla, 7 op.

Employer connections

Kehittämisprojekti toteutetaan opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa työpaikassa tai hankkeessa. Kehittämisprojektin voi tehdä omassa työpaikassa, jos työpaikka on kuntoutuksen ohjauksen/kuntoutuksen toimialaa. Opiskelija saa kehittämisprojektin ohjausta toimeksiantajalta.
Ohjaustapaamiset opettajan kanssa sovitaan yksilöllisen tarpeen mukaan. Opettajalta palaute projektisuunnitelmasta ja -raportista ja tiedotteesta.

Student workload

Projektisuunnitelma 81 h
Projektin toteutus, raportointi ja tiedote 189 h
Yhteensä 270 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Riikka Rantanen
  • Anniina Berg
  • SOS19S1
  • SOS19SM


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


01.08.2022 - 26.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual portion

8 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Jaana Ritsilä
Teacher in charge

Kristiina Juntunen

  • STT19SM
  • STT19SMS
    Toimintaterapeutti, Seinäjoki
  • STT19S1


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.

Teaching methods

Päivä- ja monimuoto-opiskelu: Projektisuunnitelma tutkimustiedon tai -tulosten soveltamisesta tai palvelutuotteen kokeilusta ja testauksesta, projektiraportti tutkimustiedon soveltamisen, tuotekokeilun ja testauksen toteumisesta, tuloksista ja edelleen kehittämisestä,itsearviointi ammatillisesta osaamisesta, sen kehittymisestä, asiakaslähtöisestä, eettisestä ja moniasiantujamaisesta toiminnasta.

Employer connections

Tällä opintojaksolla toteutetaan toimintaterapiaan liittyvä kehittämistyö yhteistyössä työelämän kanssa. Tarkoituksena kehittää oman alan asiantuntijuutta. Kehittämistyön tulee pohjautua todelliseen työelämästä nousevaan kehittämistarpeeseen. Kohteena voi olla esimerkiksi toimintaterapian nykykäytäntöjen kehittäminen, toimintavan kehittäminen, uuden tuotteen tai palvelun luominen.

Content scheduling

Syksyn ensimmäinen aloituswebinaari koskee kaikkia opintojakson opiskelijoita. Aloituswebinaarissa sovitaan, mihin syksyn webinaareihin kukin opiskelija osallistuu.

Jos opiskelijalla ei ole itsellään omaa kehittämistehtävän aihetta, hän tekee kehittämistehtävän opettajan tarjoamasta aiheesta: Toimintaterapeutin moniammatillinen osaaminen. Tällöin hänen tulee osallistua ainakin seuraaviin:
- syyskuun moniammatillinen casepäivä (6h) Jyväskylän kampuksella
- lokakuun moniammatillinen casepäivä (6h) Jyväskylän kampuksella
- marraskuun moniammatilliset etänä toteutuvat webinaarityöpajat 22.-25.11.

Jos opsikelijalla on hyväksyttävä kehittämistehtävän aihe itsellään, eivät em. moniammatilliset päivämäärät koske häntä, vaan hän osallistuu muihin webinaareihin.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


01.08.2022 - 11.09.2022


29.08.2022 - 16.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
  • Lari Lautamäki
  • Minna Seikkula
Teacher in charge

Pirjo Mäki-Natunen

  • SFT19SM
  • SFT19S1


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


01.08.2022 - 19.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual portion

10 op

RDI portion

10 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • SKO18SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • SKO19SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.

Location and time

Kehittämisprojekti suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan lähtökohtaisesti yhden lukukauden aikana.


Opintojakson oppimateriaalit ja kirjallisuus on kuvattu opintojakson Optima/Moodle työtilassa.

Teaching methods

Opiskelija laatii kehittämisprojektin suunnitelman, 3 op.
Opiskelja toteuttaa projektin, kirjoittaa projektiraportin ja laatii tiedotteen projektista. Lisäksi opiskelija raportoi projektin etenemisestä valitsemallaan sosiaalisen median kanavalla tai Moodle oppimisympäristössä pidettävällä päiväkirjalla, 7 op.

Employer connections

Kehittämisprojekti toteutetaan opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa työpaikassa tai hankkeessa. Kehittämisprojektin voi tehdä omassa työpaikassa, jos työpaikka on kuntoutuksen ohjauksen/kuntoutuksen toimialaa. Opiskelija saa kehittämisprojektin ohjausta toimeksiantajalta.
Ohjaustapaamiset opettajan kanssa sovitaan yksilöllisen tarpeen mukaan. Opettajalta palaute projektisuunnitelmasta ja -raportista ja tiedotteesta.

Exam schedules

Ei tenttejä.

Student workload

Projektisuunnitelma 81 h
Projektin toteutus, raportointi ja tiedote 189 h
Yhteensä 270 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


23.05.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual portion

10 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Anu Pelkonen
  • Anne Koivisto
  • SKO18SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • SKO17SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • SKO19SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.

Location and time

Kehittämisprojekti suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan lähtökohtaisesti kesälukukauden aikana mutta projektin toteutusta voi tarvittaessa jatkaa syyslukaudella.


Opintojakson oppimateriaalit ja kirjallisuus on kuvattu opintojakson Optima/Moodle työtilassa.

Teaching methods

Opiskelija laatii kehittämisprojektin suunnitelman, 3 op.
Opiskelja toteuttaa projektin, kirjoittaa projektiraportin ja laatii tiedotteen projektista. Lisäksi opiskelija raportoi projektin etenemisestä valitsemallaan sosiaalisen median kanavalla tai Moodle oppimisympäristössä pidettävällä päiväkirjalla, 7 op.

Employer connections

Kehittämisprojekti toteutetaan opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa työpaikassa tai hankkeessa. Kehittämisprojektin voi tehdä omassa työpaikassa, jos työpaikka on kuntoutuksen ohjauksen/kuntoutuksen toimialaa. Opiskelija saa kehittämisprojektin ohjausta toimeksiantajalta.
Ohjaustapaamiset opettajan kanssa sovitaan yksilöllisen tarpeen mukaan. Opettajalta palaute projektisuunnitelmasta ja -raportista ja tiedotteesta.

Exam schedules

Ei tenttejä.

International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

Projektisuunnitelma 81 h
Projektin toteutus, raportointi ja tiedote 189 h
Yhteensä 270 h

Content scheduling


Further information

Kehittämisprojektin aiheen valinnassa saa tarvittaessa ohjausta opettajatutorilta.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


01.11.2021 - 30.04.2022


23.05.2022 - 26.08.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual portion

8 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Kristiina Juntunen
Teacher in charge

Kristiina Juntunen

  • STT18SM
  • STT19S1


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.


Ojasalo, K., Moilanen, T., Ritalahti, J. 2015. Kehittämistyön menetelmät. Uudenlaista osaamista liiketoimintaan. 4. painos. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.Toikko, T., Rantanen, T. 2009. Tutkimuksellinen kehittämistoiminta: Näkökulmia kehittämisprosessiin, osallistumiseen ja tiedontuotantoon. Tampere: Tampere University Press.Additional material will be chosen according to the students´ area of competence.

Completion alternatives

• Full-time studies and blended learning: A project plan of applying the research knowledge, testing and developing a service product, a project report, self assessment (professional growth, decision making, professional ethics, multi- professional work).

Student workload

• Full-time and Blended learning: Practical training, project or working in a lab. Total 270 hours.

Further information

Lecturers in Charge: Physiotherapy: Pirjo Mäki-Natunen Rehabilitation counseling: Karapalo Teppo Social work: Lundahl Raija Occupational therapy: Juntunen Kristiina

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


14.03.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Sanna Paasu-Hynynen
  • Kari Vehmaskoski
  • Minna Seikkula
Teacher in charge

Pirjo Mäki-Natunen

  • SFT19SM
  • SFT19S1


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual portion

10 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Anu Pelkonen
  • Anne Koivisto
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • SKO18SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • SKO17SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • SKO19SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.

Location and time

Kehittämisprojekti suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan lähtökohtaisesti yhden lukukauden aikana.


Opintojakson oppimateriaalit ja kirjallisuus on kuvattu opintojakson Optima/Moodle työtilassa.

Teaching methods

Opiskelija laatii kehittämisprojektin suunnitelman, 3 op.
Opiskelja toteuttaa projektin, kirjoittaa projektiraportin ja laatii tiedotteen projektista. Lisäksi opiskelija raportoi projektin etenemisestä valitsemallaan sosiaalisen median kanavalla tai Moodle oppimisympäristössä pidettävällä päiväkirjalla, 7 op.

Employer connections

Kehittämisprojekti toteutetaan opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa työpaikassa tai hankkeessa. Kehittämisprojektin voi tehdä omassa työpaikassa, jos työpaikka on kuntoutuksen ohjauksen/kuntoutuksen toimialaa. Opiskelija saa kehittämisprojektin ohjausta toimeksiantajalta.
Ohjaustapaamiset opettajan kanssa sovitaan yksilöllisen tarpeen mukaan. Opettajalta palaute projektisuunnitelmasta ja -raportista ja tiedotteesta.

Exam schedules

Ei tenttejä.

International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

Projektisuunnitelma 81 h
Projektin toteutus, raportointi ja tiedote 189 h
Yhteensä 270 h

Content scheduling


Further information

Kehittämisprojektin aiheen valinnassa saa tarvittaessa ohjausta opettajatutorilta.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual portion

8 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Jaana Ritsilä
  • Emmi Ritvos
  • Kristiina Juntunen
Teacher in charge

Kristiina Juntunen

  • STT19SM
  • STT19SMS
    Toimintaterapeutti, Seinäjoki
  • STT19S1


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.


Ojasalo, K., Moilanen, T., Ritalahti, J. 2015. Kehittämistyön menetelmät. Uudenlaista osaamista liiketoimintaan. 4. painos. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.Toikko, T., Rantanen, T. 2009. Tutkimuksellinen kehittämistoiminta: Näkökulmia kehittämisprosessiin, osallistumiseen ja tiedontuotantoon. Tampere: Tampere University Press.Additional material will be chosen according to the students´ area of competence.

Completion alternatives

• Full-time studies and blended learning: A project plan of applying the research knowledge, testing and developing a service product, a project report, self assessment (professional growth, decision making, professional ethics, multi- professional work).

Student workload

• Full-time and Blended learning: Practical training, project or working in a lab. Total 270 hours.

Further information

Lecturers in Charge: Physiotherapy: Pirjo Mäki-Natunen Rehabilitation counseling: Karapalo Teppo Social work: Lundahl Raija Occupational therapy: Juntunen Kristiina

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Sanna Paasu-Hynynen
  • Kari Vehmaskoski
  • Minna Seikkula
Teacher in charge

Pirjo Mäki-Natunen

  • SFT19SM


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


30.08.2021 - 01.05.2022


30.08.2021 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Riikka Rantanen
  • Jenni Koivumäki
  • Merja Nybacka
  • Raija Lundahl
Teacher in charge

Riikka Rantanen

  • SOS19S1


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.


02.08.2021 - 01.05.2022


30.08.2021 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Riikka Rantanen
  • Anniina Berg
  • Jenni Koivumäki
  • Merja Nybacka
  • Raija Lundahl
Teacher in charge

Riikka Rantanen

  • SOS19SM


The students
• are able to work according to the values and ethical principles, as well as service and information systems, client processes and methods of social and health care
• are able to get, to apply, to assess, and share their professional and evidence-based knowledge
• are able to apply the evidence based knowledge as well as anticipate the coming change factors
• are able to work in multi-professional networks
• are able to produce, to test and/or develop service models, as well as products or methods in their operational field
• are able to develop their own actions, organizing as well as problem solving and decision making skills
• are able to analyze, as well as critically assess their professional competence and development in their chosen area of competence
• are able to work in a responsible and economical way, taking the risks in charge


Will be specified according to the chosen area of competence in social and health care or in education.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) The students
• are able to carry out their development project in a client-centered way and according to ethical manners in client services and processes
• utilize multi-professional co-operation, and are aware of the coming change factors
• find, as well as provide evidence-based information in their development project
new professional knowledge and develop
• are able to develop, test, and assess service models as well as products or methods in their operational field
• organize their work,solve problems and make decisions independently
• analyze, as well as evaluate critically their professional competence and development in their chosen are of competence


The students demonstrate a command of knowledge and skills and key concepts and methods related to their profession.