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Development as an ExpertLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: ZZPP0500


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Heli-Riikka Immonen
  • Vesa Kuhanen
  • Tiina Siitonen
  • Teija Palonen


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.



Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.


01.01.2020 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Leena Suonpää-Lehtonen
  • SAR20K1


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.01.2020 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
    Avoin amk, HYVI, Kätilön polkuopinnot
  • VAm20K1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,kevät 2020, päiväopetus
  • SOK20K1
    Kätilö (AMK)


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2018 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Kirsi Niininen
  • Tarja Ahopelto
  • Tarja Ahopelto
  • Kirsi Niininen
  • TSA18SA
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • TSA18SB
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • TSA18S1
    Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka
  • TSA18S
    Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




03.08.2020 - 30.08.2020


31.08.2020 - 21.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 25

  • Merja Nybacka
  • Raija Lundahl
Teacher in charge

Raija Lundahl

  • SOS19S1
  • VAm19S1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,syksy 2019, päiväopetus


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




03.08.2020 - 30.08.2020


31.08.2020 - 21.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 33

  • Merja Nybacka
  • Raija Lundahl
Teacher in charge

Raija Lundahl

  • SOS19SM
  • VAm19S2
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,syksy 2019, monimuoto-opetus


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




03.08.2020 - 30.08.2020


01.08.2020 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Finnish Music Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Eliisa Suni
  • Kaija Kivioja
  • Päivi Virolainen-Kalpio
  • Hanne Kivioja
  • Leena Kangastalo
  • Tiina Takkinen
  • KPD19S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




03.08.2020 - 30.08.2020


01.08.2020 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Finnish Music Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Kaija Kivioja
  • Leena Kangastalo
  • Päivi Virolainen-Kalpio
  • Hanne Kivioja
  • Tiina Takkinen
  • KPD18S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




03.08.2020 - 30.08.2020


01.08.2020 - 31.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

  • Hannu Haapamaa
Teacher in charge

Hannu Haapamaa

  • TRY18S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Teaching methods

- Lectures face-to-face / Online Lectures,
- Assignments / Learning assignments,
- Seminars / Workshops
- Webinars
- etc.

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Completion alternatives

Studification: See the Despcription of Module.

Student workload

- Lectures 2 h
- Independent Work 24 h.
( including among others: Learning assignments, Home Works, preparing for Test)
- Total 24 h

Further information

Grading methods
- Assignments / Learning assignments,
- Continuing Grading
- Self Grading

The Grading is high-quality and it is based on the learning objectives and criterion of the course.
Self Grading has an important role in Student's Grading.

See also Grading

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




31.07.2020 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Heidi Pasonen
  • Salla Grommi
  • Tiina Blek
  • Eija Kuisma
    Avoin amk, HYVI, Sairaanhoitajan polkuopinnot (monimuotototeutus)
  • SAR20KM


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Further information

Open Studies 2

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching

  • Hannu Juntunen
  • Sisko Riihiaho
  • Aki Laaksonen
  • Päivi Hänninen-Pihlajamäki
  • HTL19IY


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business

  • Heli-Riikka Immonen
  • HTL18S1


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Sisko Riihiaho
  • Osmo Laitila
  • Päivi Hänninen-Pihlajamäki
  • HTL19SA


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Kirsi Niininen
  • Tarja Ahopelto
  • TER19S1
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Teaching methods

- Perehdytykset
- Tiedottaminen, neuvonta ja ohjaustyö
- Henkilökohtaiset HOPS-keskustelut
- Pienryhmissä tapahtuva työskentely
- Itsenäinen työskentely ja aineistonkeruu (portfolion laadinta)
- Verkkotyöskentely

- Ennakkotehtävä
- Opintojaksoon sisältyvään kontaktiopetukseen / verkkovälitteisiin tapaamisiin osallistuminen
- Alakohtaiset tehtävät / tutustuminen / projekti
- Pienryhmätyöskentelyyn osallistuminen
- Henkilökohtaisen opiskelusuunnitelman (HOPS) laadinta ja sen päivitykset sisältäen opintojen loppuunsaattamisen suunnitelman
- Urasuunnitelman laadinta ja sen päivitykset
- Henkilökohtaiset HOPS-keskustelut
- Portfolion laadinta ja viimeistely
Suosittelemme ja ohjaamme kaikkia opiskelijoita vastaamaan opintojen lopuksi/loppuvaiheessa AVOP-palautekyselyyn.

Employer connections

Opintojaksoon sisältyvät mahdolliset työssä tehtävät osiot kuvataan kurssin ensimmäisillä kokoontumiskerroilla.

Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Content scheduling

1. vuosi, 3 op:
Perehtyminen Jamkin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöön; Oma osaaminen - portfolion aloittaminen; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)
2. vuosi, 1 op:
Oma osaaminen - väliportfolio; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)
3-4 vuosi, 1 op:
Oma osaaminen - näyteportfolio; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Kirsi Niininen
  • TER19SM
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Teaching methods

- Perehdytykset
- Tiedottaminen, neuvonta ja ohjaustyö
- Henkilökohtaiset HOPS-keskustelut
- Pienryhmissä tapahtuva työskentely
- Itsenäinen työskentely ja aineistonkeruu (portfolion laadinta)
- Verkkotyöskentely

- Ennakkotehtävä
- Opintojaksoon sisältyvään kontaktiopetukseen / verkkovälitteisiin tapaamisiin osallistuminen
- Alakohtaiset tehtävät / tutustuminen / projekti
- Pienryhmätyöskentelyyn osallistuminen
- Henkilökohtaisen opiskelusuunnitelman (HOPS) laadinta ja sen päivitykset sisältäen opintojen loppuunsaattamisen suunnitelman
- Urasuunnitelman laadinta ja sen päivitykset
- Henkilökohtaiset HOPS-keskustelut
- Portfolion laadinta ja viimeistely
Suosittelemme ja ohjaamme kaikkia opiskelijoita vastaamaan opintojen lopuksi/loppuvaiheessa AVOP-palautekyselyyn.

Employer connections

Opintojaksoon sisältyvät mahdolliset työssä tehtävät osiot kuvataan kurssin ensimmäisillä kokoontumiskerroilla.

Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Content scheduling

1. vuosi, 3 op:
Perehtyminen Jamkin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöön; Oma osaaminen - portfolion aloittaminen; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)
2. vuosi, 1 op:
Oma osaaminen - väliportfolio; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)
3-4 vuosi, 1 op:
Oma osaaminen - näyteportfolio; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Jaana Ritsilä
  • Tanja Hilli-Harju
  • STT19S1
  • VAm19S1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,syksy 2019, päiväopetus


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

50 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Anu Pelkonen
  • Anja Tanttu
Scheduling groups
  • Monimuotoinen opetus 1 (Size: 50. Open UAS: 0.)
  • SKO19SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
Small groups
  • Monimuotoinen opetus 1


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Location and time

27.8.2020 klo 14.00-16.00 Zoom
10/2020 Zoom


Teaching methods

Etäopetus / webinaarit
Omaehtoinen työskentely

Exam schedules

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttejä

Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment
• Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course
• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project
• Participating in small group work
• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies
• Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date
• Personal PLP discussions
• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:
- classroom learning/online sessions 60 h
- independent work 75 h
total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Tarja Niemelä
  • Tarja Viitanen
  • MPT19S1M


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Kirsi Niininen
  • Tarja Ahopelto
  • Veli-Matti Häkkinen
  • TSA19SA
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • TSA19SB
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • TSA19S1
    Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Teaching methods

- Perehdytykset
- Tiedottaminen, neuvonta ja ohjaustyö
- Henkilökohtaiset HOPS-keskustelut
- Pienryhmissä tapahtuva työskentely
- Itsenäinen työskentely ja aineistonkeruu (portfolion laadinta)
- Verkkotyöskentely

- Ennakkotehtävä
- Opintojaksoon sisältyvään kontaktiopetukseen / verkkovälitteisiin tapaamisiin osallistuminen
- Alakohtaiset tehtävät / tutustuminen / projekti
- Pienryhmätyöskentelyyn osallistuminen
- Henkilökohtaisen opiskelusuunnitelman (HOPS) laadinta ja sen päivitykset sisältäen opintojen loppuunsaattamisen suunnitelman
- Urasuunnitelman laadinta ja sen päivitykset
- Henkilökohtaiset HOPS-keskustelut
- Portfolion laadinta ja viimeistely
Suosittelemme ja ohjaamme kaikkia opiskelijoita vastaamaan opintojen lopuksi/loppuvaiheessa AVOP-palautekyselyyn.-

Employer connections

Opintojaksoon sisältyvät mahdolliset työssä tehtävät osiot kuvataan kurssin ensimmäisillä kokoontumiskerroilla.

Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Content scheduling

1. vuosi, 3 op:
Perehtyminen Jamkin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöön; Oma osaaminen - portfolion aloittaminen; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)
2. vuosi, 1 op:
Oma osaaminen - väliportfolio; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)
3-4 vuosi, 1 op:
Oma osaaminen - näyteportfolio; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Kirsi Niininen
  • TER18SM
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Teaching methods

- Perehdytykset
- Tiedottaminen, neuvonta ja ohjaustyö
- Henkilökohtaiset HOPS-keskustelut
- Pienryhmissä tapahtuva työskentely
- Itsenäinen työskentely ja aineistonkeruu (portfolion laadinta)
- Verkkotyöskentely

- Ennakkotehtävä
- Opintojaksoon sisältyvään kontaktiopetukseen / verkkovälitteisiin tapaamisiin osallistuminen
- Alakohtaiset tehtävät / tutustuminen / projekti
- Pienryhmätyöskentelyyn osallistuminen
- Henkilökohtaisen opiskelusuunnitelman (HOPS) laadinta ja sen päivitykset sisältäen opintojen loppuunsaattamisen suunnitelman
- Urasuunnitelman laadinta ja sen päivitykset
- Henkilökohtaiset HOPS-keskustelut
- Portfolion laadinta ja viimeistely
Suosittelemme ja ohjaamme kaikkia opiskelijoita vastaamaan opintojen lopuksi/loppuvaiheessa AVOP-palautekyselyyn.

Employer connections

Opintojaksoon sisältyvät mahdolliset työssä tehtävät osiot kuvataan kurssin ensimmäisillä kokoontumiskerroilla.

Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Content scheduling

1. vuosi, 3 op:
Perehtyminen Jamkin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöön; Oma osaaminen - portfolion aloittaminen; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)
2. vuosi, 1 op:
Oma osaaminen - väliportfolio; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)
3-4 vuosi, 1 op:
Oma osaaminen - näyteportfolio; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Pirkko Ratinen
  • Leena Rasa
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Eija Kuisma
  • VAm19S1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,syksy 2019, päiväopetus
  • SAR19S1


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Mari Kantanen
  • STT19SM
  • VAm19S2
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,syksy 2019, monimuoto-opetus


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Kirsi Niininen
  • TSA18S1
    Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Teaching methods

- Perehdytykset
- Tiedottaminen, neuvonta ja ohjaustyö
- Henkilökohtaiset HOPS-keskustelut
- Pienryhmissä tapahtuva työskentely
- Itsenäinen työskentely ja aineistonkeruu (portfolion laadinta)
- Verkkotyöskentely

- Ennakkotehtävä
- Opintojaksoon sisältyvään kontaktiopetukseen / verkkovälitteisiin tapaamisiin osallistuminen
- Alakohtaiset tehtävät / tutustuminen / projekti
- Pienryhmätyöskentelyyn osallistuminen
- Henkilökohtaisen opiskelusuunnitelman (HOPS) laadinta ja sen päivitykset sisältäen opintojen loppuunsaattamisen suunnitelman
- Urasuunnitelman laadinta ja sen päivitykset
- Henkilökohtaiset HOPS-keskustelut
- Portfolion laadinta ja viimeistely
Suosittelemme ja ohjaamme kaikkia opiskelijoita vastaamaan opintojen lopuksi/loppuvaiheessa AVOP-palautekyselyyn.

Employer connections

Opintojaksoon sisältyvät mahdolliset työssä tehtävät osiot kuvataan kurssin ensimmäisillä kokoontumiskerroilla.

Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Content scheduling

1. vuosi, 3 op:
Perehtyminen Jamkin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöön; Oma osaaminen - portfolion aloittaminen; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)
2. vuosi, 1 op:
Oma osaaminen - väliportfolio; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)
3-4 vuosi, 1 op:
Oma osaaminen - näyteportfolio; Urasuunnittelu; Opintojen suunnittelu (HOPS)

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Sisko Riihiaho
  • Päivi Hänninen-Pihlajamäki
  • HTL19SB


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Jaana Koskela
  • Heidi Hämäläinen-Laitinen
  • Pekka Lähdesmäki
  • Petri Pelkonen
  • Hannu Haapamaa
Teacher in charge

Heidi Hämäläinen-Laitinen

  • TRY19S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
  • Minna Haapakoski
Teacher in charge

Pirjo Mäki-Natunen

  • VAm19S2
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,syksy 2019, monimuoto-opetus
  • SFT19SM


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Hannu Piispanen
  • Leena Rasa
  • Jaana Perttunen
  • Tiina Oksanen
  • Heidi Pasonen
  • Salla Grommi
  • Eija Kuisma
  • VAm19S2
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,syksy 2019, monimuoto-opetus
  • SAR19SM


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 30.06.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TA16 - Biotalousinstituutti

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Jaana Auer
  • LMS19S1


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Teaching methods

tutoring in groups or personal tutoring, self-reflection on own know-how, independent study

Exam schedules

No exam.

Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment
• Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course
Field-specific assignments/introduction/project
• Participating in small group work
• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies
• Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date
• Personal PLP discussions
• Preparing and finishing a portfolio
We advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following: classroom learning/online sessions 60 h, independent work 75 h. In total 135 h.

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2019 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
Teacher in charge

Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen

  • VAm19S1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,syksy 2019, päiväopetus
  • SFT19S1


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.01.2019 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Leena Rasa
  • Jaana Perttunen
  • Hannele Tyrväinen
    Avoin amk, HYVI, Sairaanhoitajapolku, monimuoto
  • SAR19KM
  • VAm19K2
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan monimuoto,kevät 2019


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.01.2019 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Christina Mantsinen
  • Sinikka Holma
  • Salla Grommi
  • Elina Tiainen
  • SOK19K1
    Kätilö (AMK)
  • VAm19K1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,kevät 2019
    Avoin amk, HYVI, Kätilöpolku


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.01.2019 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Christina Mantsinen
  • Sinikka Holma
  • Salla Grommi
  • Eija Kuisma
    Avoin amk, HYVI, Sairaanhoitajapolku, päiväopinnot
  • VAm19K1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,kevät 2019
  • SAR19K1


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2018 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Kaisa Lällä
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • SKO18SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • VAm18S2
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan monimuoto,syksy 2018, monimuoto-opetus


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2018 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Jaana Ritsilä
  • STT18SM
  • VAm18S2
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan monimuoto,syksy 2018, monimuoto-opetus


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2018 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Hannu Piispanen
  • Leena Rasa
  • Tiina Oksanen
  • Salla Grommi
  • Irmeli Matilainen
  • SAR18SM
  • VAm18S2
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan monimuoto,syksy 2018, monimuoto-opetus


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2018 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Pirkko Ratinen
  • Salla Grommi
  • SAR18S1
  • VAm18S1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,syksy 2018, päiväopetus


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2018 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Jaana Ritsilä
  • Suvi Salminen
  • STT18S1
  • VAm18S1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,syksy 2018, päiväopetus


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2018 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Minna Haapakoski
  • Merja Kurunsaari
  • SFT18SM
  • VAm18S2
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan monimuoto,syksy 2018, monimuoto-opetus


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2018 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Päivi Hänninen-Pihlajamäki
  • HTL18SB


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2018 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Pirjo Hynynen
Teacher in charge

Pirjo Hynynen

  • SFT18S1
  • VAm18S1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,syksy 2018, päiväopetus


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.01.2018 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Hannu Piispanen
  • Irmeli Matilainen
  • Tiina Blek
  • VAm18K2
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,kevät 2018
  • SAR18KM


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.01.2018 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Hannu Piispanen
  • Christina Mantsinen
  • Riina Sahlman
  • Salla Grommi
  • Elina Tiainen
  • VAm18K1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,kevät 2018
  • SOK18K1


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.01.2018 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Salla Grommi
  • Riina Sahlman
  • SAR18K1
  • VAm18K1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tiimioppiminen,kevät 2018


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2017 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Tiina Kuukkanen
  • Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
  • Pirjo Hynynen
  • Eeva Helminen
  • SFT17S1
  • VAm17S1
    HYVI tiimioppiminen, päiväopiskelijat


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2017 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Anu Pelkonen
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • SKO17SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • VAm17S2
    HYVI tiimioppiminen, monimuoto-opiskelijat


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2017 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
  • Pirjo Hynynen
  • SFT17SM
  • VAm17S2
    HYVI tiimioppiminen, monimuoto-opiskelijat


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2017 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Hannu Piispanen
  • Leena Rasa
  • Tiina Oksanen
  • Tiina Blek
  • SAR17SM
  • VAm17S2
    HYVI tiimioppiminen, monimuoto-opiskelijat


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2017 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Heidi Pasonen
  • SAR17S1
  • VAm17S1
    HYVI tiimioppiminen, päiväopiskelijat


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2017 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Mari Kantanen
  • VAm17S2
    HYVI tiimioppiminen, monimuoto-opiskelijat
  • STT17SM


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2017 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Tuija Ketola
  • Vesa Vainiomäki
  • VAm17S2
    HYVI tiimioppiminen, monimuoto-opiskelijat
  • SOS17SM


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.




01.08.2017 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Jaana Ritsilä
Teacher in charge

Jaana Ritsilä

  • VAm17S1
    HYVI tiimioppiminen, päiväopiskelijat
  • STT17S1


The student gains skills for bachelor’s degree studies and integrates into the learning and operating environment.

The student knows how to acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and the professional options in his/her field.

The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.

The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of opportunities for further education.


First year
The student completes a pre-assignment.
The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).
The student is aware of his/her position and rights in the learning and operating environment and follows the ethical principles.

• The student recognises his/her starting points: What am I like? What can I do? Which networks do I operate in? *
• The student describes the current situation based on the starting points and analyses his/her professional interests and development needs.*
• The student defines a structure and implementation method for his/her portfolio and submits a preliminary version of the contents, taking the above into consideration.

• The student knows his/her job and educational opportunities, analyses his/her professional goals and plans choices that support them.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan I before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student prepares a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), taking into consideration his/her career plans and portfolio, and participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor. The student enrols for courses (ASIO) and, if needed, applies for recognition of prior learning.

Second year
• The student works on his/her portfolio of the competence, outputs and feedback acquired during studies. The student is able to reflect on and describe his/her competence and the development of his/her professional identity in the portfolio.
• The student develops the portfolio’s visual and content structure towards a sample portfolio.

• The student updates and analyses his/her professional goals and their progress as a part of studies and makes further decisions connected to studies that support those goals.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan II before the personal PLP discussion with the career tutor.

• The student updates his/her PLP and reflects on the degree as a whole, such as the opportunities brought by entrepreneurship or internationalisation as a part of his/her studies.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.

Third and fourth year
• The student prepares a sample portfolio required for applying for a job or place for further studies that also records the competence gained in work, extra-curricular activities and other studies.

• The student prepares to apply for a job or post-degree study place and recruitment situations by taking advantage of the events and information sessions offered as well as the material compiled in the Optima workspace.
• The student answers the questions of Career Plan III before the last personal PLP discussion with the teacher tutor.

• The student prepares a plan for completing his/her studies within the target time.
• The student gives an overall assessment of the studies by filling in the AVOP - Graduand feedback.
• The student participates in the personal PLP discussion organised by the career tutor.


Completion alternatives

• Pre-assignment • Participating in the classroom learning/online sessions included in the course• Field-specific assignments/introduction/project• Participating in small group work• Preparing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and keeping it up-to-date, including a plan for completing studies • Preparing a career plan and keeping it up-to-date • Personal PLP discussions• Preparing and finishing a portfolioWe advise and encourage all students to fill in the AVOP - Graduand feedback at the end/final stage of their studies.

Student workload

The student’s work consists of the following:o classroom learning/online sessions 60 ho independent work 75 hIn total 135 h

Further information

NB: learning outcomes, contents, items and methods and criteria of assessment of the description has been changed on 29 June 2016.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

First Year
• The student prepares a pre-assignment.
• The student participates in orientation days and joint information sessions as well as the library’s information seeking training.
• The student completes a field-specific introductory assignment/participates in a project connected to the professional field.
• The student commits to his/her studies and recognises his/her own guidance needs. The student is determined and studies in a goal-oriented fashion. He/she can operate in the JAMK learning and operating environment knowing his or her rights and obligations and the ethical principles.
• The student participates in small group work (peer tutor activities).

Second year
• The student can acquire and analyse information about bachelor’s degree studies, the professional field and different professional options in the field.
• The student can assess his/her competence, set professional goals, make choices connected to studies and put them into practice.
• He/she demonstrates this competence in the mid-term portfolio.

Third and fourth year
• The student is able to set goals for his/her own professional career development in an independent and responsible way.
• The student is able to critically assess his/her competence regarding the work tasks and standard they aspire to and the learning objectives of the degree.
• The student gains job-seeking skills and is aware of his/her development needs and opportunities for further education.

He/she demonstrates this competence in the sample portfolio.

