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Team Leadership in Social ServicesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SOSS1519


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Timo Hintikka


The students
• understand the principles and different areas of the leadership
• know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and the development of the job
• know basics of the leadership in client work and process of the client work

• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work


•Basics of team leadership
• The basics of leadership in social services, The psychology of leadership, The different kind concepts of leadership and management
• Occupational safety and well-being
• Human resources management: human resources planning and essential legislation of the basic task
•Team leader´s tasks and teamwork
• Leadership characteristics in social service and early childhood education units


In their vocational studies the students have achieved understanding of the claims of management, quality and team work in the social services and healthcare services sector.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent (5) The students
• understand principles and different areas of the leadership on the excellent level. They know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and can use the developmental methods of the work
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner
• follows the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Very good (4) • understand principles and different areas of the leadership on the very good level. They know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and can use the developmental methods of the work
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner
• follows the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Good (3) The students
• understand the principles and different areas of the leadership
• know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and knows the developmental methods of the work
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments, they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner
• follow the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Satisfactory (2) The students
• understand mainly principles and different areas of the leadership
• know the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling or educational work and in written assignments, they describe the phenomena of the topic without justifying them and using only some source material (i.e. one book and one web source)
• partially follow the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Sufficient (1) The students
• understand some principles and different areas of the leadership
• know mainly the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling or educational work and in written assignments, they describe the phenomena of the topic without justifying them and using only some source material (i.e. one book and one web source)
• partially follow the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3) The students • understand the principles and different areas of the leadership • know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning • understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and knows the developmental methods of the work • understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments, they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner • follow the instructions of JUAS for written assignments.

Very good (4) • understand principles and different areas of the leadership on the very good level. They know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning • understand the importance of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and can use the developmental methods of the work • understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner • follows the instructions of JUAS for written assignments.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) The students • understand principles and different areas of the leadership on the excellent level. They know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning • understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and can use the developmental methods of the work • understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner • follows the instructions of JUAS for written assignments .


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


01.01.2022 - 11.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Tanja Tervanen
  • Timo Hintikka
Teacher in charge

Timo Hintikka


The students
• understand the principles and different areas of the leadership
• know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and the development of the job
• know basics of the leadership in client work and process of the client work

• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work


•Basics of team leadership
• The basics of leadership in social services, The psychology of leadership, The different kind concepts of leadership and management
• Occupational safety and well-being
• Human resources management: human resources planning and essential legislation of the basic task
•Team leader´s tasks and teamwork
• Leadership characteristics in social service and early childhood education units


Juuti, P. & Vuorela, A. 2015. Johtaminen ja työyhteisön hyvinvointi. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus
Leppänen, M. & Rauhala, I. 2012. Johda ihmistä. Psykologiaa johtajille. Helsinki:Telentum.
Niiranen V.ym. (2010) Johtaminen sosiaalialalla. Helsinki. Hakapaino Oy
Parrila, S & Fonsen, E (toim.).2016. Varhaiskasvatuksen pedagoginen johtajuus. Käsikirja käytännön työhön.
Reikko, K., Salonen, K. & Uusitalo, I. (2010) Puun ja kuoren välissä. Lähijohtajuus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Tampere: Yliopistopaino.

Teaching methods

Online sessions, expert lessons, virtual studies and learning assignments.

Student workload

Online sessions 20 h, virtual studies and learning assignments 121 h.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent (5) The students
• understand principles and different areas of the leadership on the excellent level. They know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and can use the developmental methods of the work
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner
• follows the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Very good (4) • understand principles and different areas of the leadership on the very good level. They know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and can use the developmental methods of the work
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner
• follows the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Good (3) The students
• understand the principles and different areas of the leadership
• know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and knows the developmental methods of the work
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments, they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner
• follow the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Satisfactory (2) The students
• understand mainly principles and different areas of the leadership
• know the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling or educational work and in written assignments, they describe the phenomena of the topic without justifying them and using only some source material (i.e. one book and one web source)
• partially follow the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Sufficient (1) The students
• understand some principles and different areas of the leadership
• know mainly the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling or educational work and in written assignments, they describe the phenomena of the topic without justifying them and using only some source material (i.e. one book and one web source)
• partially follow the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3) The students • understand the principles and different areas of the leadership • know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning • understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and knows the developmental methods of the work • understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments, they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner • follow the instructions of JUAS for written assignments.

Very good (4) • understand principles and different areas of the leadership on the very good level. They know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning • understand the importance of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and can use the developmental methods of the work • understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner • follows the instructions of JUAS for written assignments.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) The students • understand principles and different areas of the leadership on the excellent level. They know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning • understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and can use the developmental methods of the work • understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner • follows the instructions of JUAS for written assignments .


In their vocational studies the students have achieved understanding of the claims of management, quality and team work in the social services and healthcare services sector.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


01.01.2022 - 11.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Tanja Tervanen
  • Timo Hintikka
  • Tarja Tapio
Teacher in charge

Timo Hintikka

  • SOS19SM


The students
• understand the principles and different areas of the leadership
• know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and the development of the job
• know basics of the leadership in client work and process of the client work

• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work


•Basics of team leadership
• The basics of leadership in social services, The psychology of leadership, The different kind concepts of leadership and management
• Occupational safety and well-being
• Human resources management: human resources planning and essential legislation of the basic task
•Team leader´s tasks and teamwork
• Leadership characteristics in social service and early childhood education units


Heikkilä J.& Heikkilä, K Leppänen, M. & Rauhala, I. 2012. Johda ihmistä. Psykologiaa johtajille. Helsinki:Telentum.
Juuti, P. & Vuorela, A. 2015. Johtaminen ja työyhteisön hyvinvointi.
Niiranen V.ym. (2010) Johtaminen sosiaalialalla. Helsinki. Hakapaino Oy
Reikko, K., Salonen, K. & Uusitalo, I. (2010) Puun ja kuoren välissä. Lähijohtajuus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Tampere: Yliopistopaino.
Kokkinen, L. toim. (2020) Hyvinvointia työstä 2030 luvulla. Skenaarioita suomalaisen työelämän kehityksestä. Työterveyslaitos.
Järvensivu, T., Nykänen, K. ja Rajala, R. (2010) Verkostojohtamisen käsikirja sosiaali- ja terveysalalla.

Teaching methods

Blended learning: lessons, virtual studies, independent studies

Student workload

Web-based lectures 8h, Individual/personal study 60 h and assignements 67 h._
total 135 h.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent (5) The students
• understand principles and different areas of the leadership on the excellent level. They know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and can use the developmental methods of the work
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner
• follows the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Very good (4) • understand principles and different areas of the leadership on the very good level. They know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and can use the developmental methods of the work
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner
• follows the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Good (3) The students
• understand the principles and different areas of the leadership
• know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and knows the developmental methods of the work
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments, they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner
• follow the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Satisfactory (2) The students
• understand mainly principles and different areas of the leadership
• know the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling or educational work and in written assignments, they describe the phenomena of the topic without justifying them and using only some source material (i.e. one book and one web source)
• partially follow the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Sufficient (1) The students
• understand some principles and different areas of the leadership
• know mainly the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning
• understand the role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks
• understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling or educational work and in written assignments, they describe the phenomena of the topic without justifying them and using only some source material (i.e. one book and one web source)
• partially follow the instructions of JUAS for written assignments

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3) The students • understand the principles and different areas of the leadership • know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning • understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and knows the developmental methods of the work • understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments, they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner • follow the instructions of JUAS for written assignments.

Very good (4) • understand principles and different areas of the leadership on the very good level. They know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning • understand the importance of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and can use the developmental methods of the work • understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner • follows the instructions of JUAS for written assignments.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) The students • understand principles and different areas of the leadership on the excellent level. They know and are able to describe the basics of human resource management, the development of professional skills and effective human resources planning • understand the importance and role of leadership in the implementation of the basic tasks and can use the developmental methods of the work • understand the leadership characteristics of the social counseling and educational work, in written assignments they show ability to describe and justify the phenomena of the topic critically through her own thinking and by exploiting sources properly and in a versatile manner • follows the instructions of JUAS for written assignments .


In their vocational studies the students have achieved understanding of the claims of management, quality and team work in the social services and healthcare services sector.