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Software BusinessLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: TTOS1100


3 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Esa Salmikangas


The student knows the basic concepts of software business and the basics of software business logic. The student knows the operational parts of software house.


Software business is studied from three different perspectives: field of business, business logic, the operation of a software house. The covered topics are: history of software business, structure and clusters in software houses, business models, networking, outsourcing, growth of a software house, development and internationalization, marketing and sale of software.


Basics of software design, basics of software business

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The competence is assessed based on returned tasks, the theory exam as well as the group’s course assignment and its presentation.

Sufficient 1: The student knows the basic structures and key topics within the software business logic. The student knows the key parts of the operations of a software house. The course assignment is brief and its language is rather faultless. the presentation has been given.

Satisfactory 2: The student knows the most essential topics within software business. The course assignment covers the topic for the most part and its language is rather faultless. The presentation has been given.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: The student knows the topics within software business rather extensively. The course assignment is rather wide and comprehensive and written in clear and for the most part faultless language. The presentation is well-prepared and fluent.

Very good 4: The student has an extensive command of topics within software business. The course assignment is wide, comprehensive and written in clear and faultless language. The presentation is well-prepared, fluent and professional.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: The student has a wide and extensive command of the business logic and operational parts of software business. The assignment is extensive, comprehensive, analytical and written in clear and flawless language. The presentation of the course assignment is well-prepared, fluent, professional and analytical.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Fail 0: The student does not meet the minimum criteria set for the course.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


07.03.2022 - 29.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 70

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Esa Salmikangas
  • TTV19SM
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka
  • TTV19S3
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka


The student knows the basic concepts of software business and the basics of software business logic. The student knows the operational parts of software house.


Software business is studied from three different perspectives: field of business, business logic, the operation of a software house. The covered topics are: history of software business, structure and clusters in software houses, business models, networking, outsourcing, growth of a software house, development and internationalization, marketing and sale of software.

Teaching methods

luennot, verkkoluennot, webinaarit, tehtävät, koe

Employer connections

Mahdollisuuksien mukaan vierailevia asiantuntijoita

Exam schedules

Verkkotentti huhtikuu

Completion alternatives

Muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen todentaminen AHOT

Student workload

Luennot/verkkoluennot 15h, tehtävät 30h, itsenäinen opiskelu 30h, koe 5h Yhteensä 80h

Content scheduling

Verkkoluennot, webinaarit ja tehtävät viikoilla 10-17

Further information

Arviointi tapahtuu aktiivisuuden, palautettujen viikkotehtävien ja kokeen perusteella.
Avoin AMK 5 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The competence is assessed based on returned tasks, the theory exam as well as the group’s course assignment and its presentation.

Sufficient 1: The student knows the basic structures and key topics within the software business logic. The student knows the key parts of the operations of a software house. The course assignment is brief and its language is rather faultless. the presentation has been given.

Satisfactory 2: The student knows the most essential topics within software business. The course assignment covers the topic for the most part and its language is rather faultless. The presentation has been given.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: The student knows the topics within software business rather extensively. The course assignment is rather wide and comprehensive and written in clear and for the most part faultless language. The presentation is well-prepared and fluent.

Very good 4: The student has an extensive command of topics within software business. The course assignment is wide, comprehensive and written in clear and faultless language. The presentation is well-prepared, fluent and professional.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: The student has a wide and extensive command of the business logic and operational parts of software business. The assignment is extensive, comprehensive, analytical and written in clear and flawless language. The presentation of the course assignment is well-prepared, fluent, professional and analytical.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Fail 0: The student does not meet the minimum criteria set for the course.


Basics of software design, basics of software business