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Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology

Bachelor of Engineering

Degree title:
Bachelor of Engineering

240 ects

Key learning outcomes

Graduates of energy and environmental technology have strong and versatile competence in natural sciences, process, energy and electrical and automation technology that they are able to apply in energy and environmental technology solutions. They are familiar with energy production and distribution as well as the operation of technical processes in industry and real estate.

They are able to assess, analyse, plan and develop processes, new innovations and multidisciplinary entities. They are able to observe the energy and resource efficiency as well as environmental and economic impact of the solutions throughout their lifecycle.

They understand the basics of project work and project leadership and are able to apply them in design and development tasks related to energy solutions and energy use.

Education content and professional growth and know-how

As a graduate of energy and environmental technology, you have strong and versatile competence in natural sciences and process, energy, electrical and automation technology that you are able to apply in energy and environmental technology solutions. You are able to assess, analyse and develop multidisciplinary entities. You are familiar with energy production and distribution as well as the operation of technical processes in industry and real estate. You are able to assess, analyse, plan and develop processes and multidisciplinary entities while taking into account the energy and resource efficiency as well as economic impact of the solutions throughout their lifecycle.

You understand the basics of project work and project leadership and are able to apply them in design and development tasks related to energy solutions and energy use.

The most important learning objectives are:
- You understand the physical fundamental of thermology and heat transfer and are able to apply them to technical solutions.
- You are familiar with national and international energy and climate policy as well as the key players.
- You understand and are familiar with the energy market and energy economy.
- You have comprehensive understanding of the modern means of energy production and their development.
- You are familiar with the environmental impact of energy production and processes, such as emissions in the soil, water and air, and are able to develop their management.
- You are able to plan, dimension and develop energy-efficient processes.
- You are able to analyse and develop overall energy efficiency.

Flexible studies

Instead of traditional day-time studies, you may also complete your studies as part-time studies while working, meaning that you need to study a great deal independently and online. Some courses or parts of courses are also available as online courses.

Students have a choice of alternative or elective studies offered by partner universities in Finland and abroad, such as other universities of applied sciences (CampusOnline), universities and educational institutions involved in the EduFutura collaboration (University of Jyväskylä and Gradia). Higher level studies completed elsewhere may be accredited as part of your degree. The student must have a certificate or some other document to prove that they have completed the studies. Skills acquired elsewhere can also be described and demonstrated to enable accreditation. Further information is available in the Study Guide.

Working life oriented learning

Your studies include lectures, calculation assignments, laboratory work, group work and exams. Some of the group work will be carried out as project work for companies in your field. The companies are also involved in training by giving expert lectures and offering visits to different technical locations. Practical training lasting a total of five months will allow you to apply what you have learned to working life.

Working life oriented learning is included in bachelor’s degree courses throughout the studies. These include practical training to promote professional skills, the thesis and various working life projects. At JAMK University of Applied Sciences, the operating model for working life oriented and student-driven learning is called JAMK Future Factory®. It combines working life operators, students, JAMK experts and working life oriented LAB environments and other learning environments. In addition to multidisciplinary and working life oriented project studies, it offers students a chance to develop their future working life skills, career paths and networks.

Studification is also among the options offered by working life oriented learning. It refers to combining work, project work, Future Factory activities, etc. with studies. Studification involves students drafting a studification plan and documenting it in the manner agreed with the teacher. Further information is available in the Study Guide.

Career opportunities and employment

After graduation, you will be equipped to work in roles applying energy and environmental technology in process and product planning, product development and expert positions.Typically, such positions can be found in companies in the process and technology industry as well as the fields of energy production, distribution and sales. The programme will also provide you with good capabilities for working in development positions related to the energy efficiency of buildings or industry, at design and consultancy firms, and at research organisations.


After completing your education in energy and environmental technology and two years of work experience, you will have also completed the theoretical qualifications required to serve as a supervisor of pressure equipment.

As a Bachelor of Engineering with a specialisation in Energy and Environmental Technology, you can also take an additional examination to gain the qualification required to issue energy certificates for buildings and be qualified as a person responsible for energy audits. After gaining more work experience you may also acquire the qualification of energy auditor.

Further studies

Students may, after graduation and a working career of at least two years, apply for studies leading up to a master’s degree. Studies can also be continued by applying for a university master’s degree programme or similar programmes as well as professional teacher education. After a bachelor’s degree from a university of applied sciences, it is also possible to continue studies at higher education institutes abroad on master’s degree level programmes. A university of applied sciences also provides opportunities for continuing education in the form of specialisation studies, open studies, an online study portal (CampusOnline) and working life based continuing education.

A student who completes a master’s degree at a university of applied sciences may apply to continue on to postgraduate studies in science or arts at universities (Act 558/2009, Section 37).

Education planning

The aim of the degree programme in energy and environmental technology is to produce engineers who meet the needs of trade and industry. The learning objectives of the degree programme have been determined based on the current and future needs of trade and industry, with the help of corporate employees, industry experts and public studies on future trends. The learning objectives are reviewed annually by an advisory board consisting of representatives from business life, student representatives and experts from the degree programme.

Contact Information

Marjukka Nuutinen
Senior Lecturer, Industrial Engineering

Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology

Timing 02.09.2024 - 30.11.2024 Code ZZPP0920-3049
Timing 24.08.2024 - 19.12.2024 Code ZZPP0420-3151 Groups TLS23SMM TRM23KMM TTV23S2 TKN23S1 TKN23SM TTV23S3 TER23S1 TTV23SM TTV23S5 TSA23SM LMS23S1 TER23SM TSA23S1 ZJATTV23SM TRY23S1 TLS23S1 UTIVERKKO TTV23S1 TKN23SA TKN23SB
Timing 02.10.2024 - 30.11.2024 Code ZZPP0420-3190 Groups ZJAG23STR ZJAG23STS ZJAG23STV ZJAG23STL ZJAG23STK
Timing 17.09.2024 - 23.12.2024 Code ZZPP0740-3069