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Productisation of bioeconomy products and servicesLaajuus (10 cr)

Code: LMVB0300


10 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Kaisa Kinnunen


The students are able to implement a product developing project in the bio-economy product or service.
Students enhance their own capabilities to conduct user-centered research and design in a bioeconomy sector context.
Students are able to take advantage of JAMK services in making their own productization work.


Innovation process
Service design and innovation tools
Project activity management
Revenue logic, value creation and risks
Economic efficiency
User orientation productization

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate learner (1)
The student:
- has made the productising plan for a product or service and reported on the progress of R & D project.
Satisfactory learner (2)
In addition to the above the student:
- has described progress of the productizing project systematic and participated in at least 50% of the contact meetings.
Good learner (3)
In addition to the above the students:
- show how they have taken advantage of individual and group counseling situations at different stages of the project by report.
Very good learner (4)
In addition to the above the student:
- able to take advantage of both peer and self-assessments of project implementation.
Excellent learner (5)
In addition to the above the students:
- show an excellent understanding of the key issues and their work is very well-produced and indicates their bio-economy product or service potential for use of the companies.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 31.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Kaisa Kinnunen
  • LMS19S1
  • LMS20KM


The students are able to implement a product developing project in the bio-economy product or service.
Students enhance their own capabilities to conduct user-centered research and design in a bioeconomy sector context.
Students are able to take advantage of JAMK services in making their own productization work.


Innovation process
Service design and innovation tools
Project activity management
Revenue logic, value creation and risks
Economic efficiency
User orientation productization

Location and time

Opintojakso toteutetaan Biotalousinstituutissa Saarijärvellä. Kontaktitunneille voi osallistua myös etänä.


Opiskelumateriaali räätälöidään tuotekehitysprojektin mukaan prosessin edistyessä

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla laaditaan tuotteistamissuunnitelma omasta biotalousalan tuotteesta, joka voi olla myös palvelu. Tuotteistamisprosessia opitaan kehittämällä omaa tuoteideaa sekä antamalla palautetta muille osallistujille. Opintojaksolla käy vierailijoita, jotka kertovat tuotteistamisesta omista näkökulmistaan käsin.

Exam schedules

Opintojaksosta ei järjestetä tenttiä. Suoritus muodostuu omasta tuotteistamisprosessista, muiden osallistujien sparraamisesta sekä vierailijoiden oppien reflektoinnista.

Student workload

Kontaktiopetus 60 h
Oma tuotekehitysprojekti 100 h
Muiden osallistujien sparraus 30 h
Itsenäinen opiskelu 80 h
Yhteensä 270 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate learner (1)
The student:
- has made the productising plan for a product or service and reported on the progress of R & D project.
Satisfactory learner (2)
In addition to the above the student:
- has described progress of the productizing project systematic and participated in at least 50% of the contact meetings.
Good learner (3)
In addition to the above the students:
- show how they have taken advantage of individual and group counseling situations at different stages of the project by report.
Very good learner (4)
In addition to the above the student:
- able to take advantage of both peer and self-assessments of project implementation.
Excellent learner (5)
In addition to the above the students:
- show an excellent understanding of the key issues and their work is very well-produced and indicates their bio-economy product or service potential for use of the companies.