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Development of ExpertiseLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: EK00BT28


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Irmeli Matilainen, Hyvinvointiyksikkö, Terveysala


After completing the course, you will deepen your skills and expertise in palliative care by becoming familiar with evidence-based knowledge. You know how to develop the phenomena of your work community and you know how to produce and present an expert presentation based on evidence-based information.


-The student deepens his / her knowledge of palliative care according to individual needs and wishes by implementing functional output into working life based on evidence. This module includes a national final exam in specialization education.

- The student develops a functional output for an identified development challenge
- The student delves into his / her phenomenon based on the evidence
- Systematically becomes acquainted with evidence-based information and prepares a presentation for a regional symposium on palliative care

- National final exam (2 cr)

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Knowledge: The student masters the knowledge base corresponding to the special expertise of palliative care. He / she demonstrates critical understanding about key concepts, theoretical knowledge, principles, methods, and ethics. The student is able to acquire and evaluate evidence-based information from various data sources. He / she is able to use new knowledge, understanding the rapid accumulation of scientific knowledge and the development of the profession. He / she understands issues related to palliative care and the interfaces between different disciplines and professions. He / she is able to evaluate multidisciplinary knowledge from the perspective of his / her own professional tasks and responsibilities.

Skills: The student masters the special skills required to perform the care of a patient in palliative care. He / she is able to make decisions about complex treatment-related problems together with the patient. In problem solving, he / she utilizes evidence-based knowledge creatively. He / she is able to create, develop and utilize multi-professional and cross-organizational networks. He / she takes responsibility for patient care and its development in his /her own work community as part of a multidisciplinary team.

General competencies: The student is able to share, evaluate and justify structured and constructive evidence-based information for the development of care. He / she is proactive and takes responsibility for evaluating and reforming patient care practices in her work community. He / she critically examines his own skills and has internalized the continuous development of himself / herself and his/her work community. He / she understands future challenges such as a changing service system and multiculturalism.

Knowledge: The student does not master information corresponding to special expertise in palliative care. He / she is not able to search comprehensively for evidence-based data and / or to evaluate the suitability and use of data in the treatment of a palliative patient. The minimum requirements (NQF / EQF 6) are not met.

Skills: The student does not master problem-solving skills corresponding to the patient's special care skills. His / her ability to develop and operate in multidisciplinary networks is insufficient. His / her preconditions for developing the care of a patient in palliative care in his / her own organization as part of a multidisciplinary team are insufficient. The minimum requirements (NQF / EQF 6) are not met.

General competencies:
The student does not master common competencies. He / she is not proactive and accountable evaluating and reforming patient care practices. The ability to understand future challenges is limited. The minimum requirements (NQF / EQF 6) are not met.


19.09.2022 - 21.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Professional Specialisation Education
  • Annina Kangas-Niemi
  • Irmeli Matilainen
  • Merja Kurunsaari
Teacher in charge

Irmeli Matilainen

    Palliatiivisen hoidon asiantuntija -erikoistumiskoulutus


After completing the course, you will deepen your skills and expertise in palliative care by becoming familiar with evidence-based knowledge. You know how to develop the phenomena of your work community and you know how to produce and present an expert presentation based on evidence-based information.


-The student deepens his / her knowledge of palliative care according to individual needs and wishes by implementing functional output into working life based on evidence. This module includes a national final exam in specialization education.

- The student develops a functional output for an identified development challenge
- The student delves into his / her phenomenon based on the evidence
- Systematically becomes acquainted with evidence-based information and prepares a presentation for a regional symposium on palliative care

- National final exam (2 cr)

Location and time




Teaching methods


Employer connections


Exam schedules


International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload


Content scheduling


Further information


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Knowledge: The student masters the knowledge base corresponding to the special expertise of palliative care. He / she demonstrates critical understanding about key concepts, theoretical knowledge, principles, methods, and ethics. The student is able to acquire and evaluate evidence-based information from various data sources. He / she is able to use new knowledge, understanding the rapid accumulation of scientific knowledge and the development of the profession. He / she understands issues related to palliative care and the interfaces between different disciplines and professions. He / she is able to evaluate multidisciplinary knowledge from the perspective of his / her own professional tasks and responsibilities.

Skills: The student masters the special skills required to perform the care of a patient in palliative care. He / she is able to make decisions about complex treatment-related problems together with the patient. In problem solving, he / she utilizes evidence-based knowledge creatively. He / she is able to create, develop and utilize multi-professional and cross-organizational networks. He / she takes responsibility for patient care and its development in his /her own work community as part of a multidisciplinary team.

General competencies: The student is able to share, evaluate and justify structured and constructive evidence-based information for the development of care. He / she is proactive and takes responsibility for evaluating and reforming patient care practices in her work community. He / she critically examines his own skills and has internalized the continuous development of himself / herself and his/her work community. He / she understands future challenges such as a changing service system and multiculturalism.

Knowledge: The student does not master information corresponding to special expertise in palliative care. He / she is not able to search comprehensively for evidence-based data and / or to evaluate the suitability and use of data in the treatment of a palliative patient. The minimum requirements (NQF / EQF 6) are not met.

Skills: The student does not master problem-solving skills corresponding to the patient's special care skills. His / her ability to develop and operate in multidisciplinary networks is insufficient. His / her preconditions for developing the care of a patient in palliative care in his / her own organization as part of a multidisciplinary team are insufficient. The minimum requirements (NQF / EQF 6) are not met.

General competencies:
The student does not master common competencies. He / she is not proactive and accountable evaluating and reforming patient care practices. The ability to understand future challenges is limited. The minimum requirements (NQF / EQF 6) are not met.