Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Mat2 TukiopinnotLaajuus (1 op)

Tunnus: TZMV2100


1 op


  • suomi
  • englanti


  • Anne Rantakaulio, TKN
  • Antti Kosonen, TER, TRY, TRM
  • Ida Arhosalo, TSA, TAR
  • Harri Varpanen, TIC
  • Pekka Varis, TTV
  • Kalle Niemi, TLS, TLP


Opintojakson tarkoitus

Opintojakso on tarkoitettu suoritettavaksi Mat2 Funktiot -opintojakson rinnalla. Opintojaksolla saat tukea opiskeluusi ja harjoittelet ohjatusti Funktiot-opintojakson sisällön hallintaa.

Opintojakson osaamiset

Opintojaksolla edistetään ja arvioidaan ymmärrystä insinööritieteiden pohjana olevista matemaattisista periaatteista funktioiden osalta.
EUR-ACE: Tieto ja ymmärrys 
Sinulla on tieto ja ymmärrys oman teknisen erikoistumisalasi matemaattisista ja luonnontieteellisistä perusteista tasolla, joka on tarpeen ohjelman muiden oppimistavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi.

Opintojakson osaamistavoite

Opintojakson suoritettuasi olet lisännyt ja vahvistanut opintojakson Mat2 Funktiot sisältöihin liittyvää osaamistasi.


Opintojaksolla saat varmuutta laskurutiineihin. Eri funktiotyyppeihin liittyvien tehtävien avulla harjoittelet ja vahvistat osaamistasi funktioiden tunnistamisessa, funktioiden ominaisuuksien ymmärtämisessä, funktion lausekkeen määrittämisessä sekä funktioihin liittyvien yhtälöiden ratkaisemisessa.


Tunnet symbolisten lausekkeiden käsittelyyn liittyvät algebran periaatteet ja osaat soveltaa niitä yksinkertaisten lausekkeiden sieventämiseen sekä yksinkertaisten yhtälöiden ratkaisemiseen.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Ymmärrät funktion käsitteen ja funktioihin liittyvät merkinnät ja osaat ratkaista yksinkertaisia alkeisfunktioihin liittyviä tehtäviä tarvittaessa apuvälineen avulla.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Kalle Niemi
  • TLP23VK
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • TLP22S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • ZJATLP22S1
    Avoin amk, Purchasing and Logistics Engineering, Päivä
  • TLP22VS
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies


Course purpose

This course is meant to be taken simultaneously with Math2 Functions. On this course you receive support in your studies and rehearse the contents of Math2 Functions with guidance.

Course competences

During this course you further your knowledge of mathematical principles underlying engineering with regard to functions.
EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
You have the knowledge and understanding of mathematics and other basic sciences underlying your engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme learning outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you have increased and strengthened your knowledge about the contents of Math1 Equations course.


During this course you develop your competence with calculation routines. You practice and strengthen your knowledge about recognising functions, understanding the properties of different functions, determining the expression of a function and solving function-related equations.

Location and time

One session per week, approximately 6 sessions during weeks 2-16.


Same as on Math1 Equations course

Teaching methods

This course is intended to be taken at the same time with Math2 Functions TZLM2300-3051.

Guided exercises, independent work.

Completion alternatives

Detailed information is given on first contact lesson.

Student workload

10-15 h contact lessons
12-17 h self studying

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You understand the concept of a function and notation of functions and are able to solve simple tasks related to elementary functions, using information technology if necessary.


You recognise algebraic principles regarding the manipulation of symbolic expressions and are able to apply them to simplify simple expressions and solve simple equations.


01.11.2021 - 23.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 29.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Kalle Niemi
Teacher in charge

Ida Arhosalo

  • TLP21S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • TLP21VS
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
    Avoina amk, tekniikka, Logistics and purchasing, päivä
  • TLP22VK
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies


Course purpose

This course is meant to be taken simultaneously with Math2 Functions. On this course you receive support in your studies and rehearse the contents of Math2 Functions with guidance.

Course competences

During this course you further your knowledge of mathematical principles underlying engineering with regard to functions.
EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding 
You have the knowledge and understanding of mathematics and other basic sciences underlying your engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme learning outcomes.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you have increased and strengthened your knowledge about the contents of Math1 Equations course.


During this course you develop your competence with calculation routines. You practice and strengthen your knowledge about recognising functions, understanding the properties of different functions, determining the expression of a function and solving function-related equations.

Location and time

One session per week, approximately 7 sessions during weeks 2-14


Same as on Math1 Equations course

Teaching methods

Contact/online lessons and self studying

Completion alternatives

Detailed information is given on first contact lesson.

Student workload

10-15 h contact lessons
12-17 h self studying

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You understand the concept of a function and notation of functions and are able to solve simple tasks related to elementary functions, using information technology if necessary.


You recognise algebraic principles regarding the manipulation of symbolic expressions and are able to apply them to simplify simple expressions and solve simple equations.