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Strategic Sport Management and LeadershipLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HBMS2090


5 op

Teaching language

  • English


Upon the completion of the course a student is
• able to gather, analyse, and evaluate business data and information and transform empirical data into useful and actionable information (IS1)
• apply proven theoretical and conceptual knowledge of global business challenges in multicultural contexts. (PS1)


The course offers an integral analysis of sport business companies in order to determine their near future perspectives. Within the module students will then perform financial, technical, risk and growth analyses. The results are then utilised for development of strategic plan of near future.


First year business studies, sport marketing and sport management courses.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent (5) Intellectual Skills:
The student is able to demonstrate excellent understanding in how to gather, analyse, and evaluate business data and information as well as transform empirical data into useful and actionable information within this specific business.
Practical Skills: The student is able to apply proven theoretical and conceptual knowledge of sport business challenges in multicultural contexts very well.
Very good (4) Intellectual Skills:
The student is able demonstrate very good understanding in how to gather, analyse, and evaluate business data and information as well as transform empirical data into useful and actionable information within this specific business.
Practical Skills: The student is able to apply in a correct and good manner proven theoretical and conceptual knowledge of sport business challenges in multicultural contexts.
Good (3) Intellectual Skills:
The student is able demonstrate solid understanding in how to gather, analyse, and evaluate business data and information and transform empirical data into useful and actionable information within this specific business.
Practical Skills: The student is able to apply fairly well proven theoretical and conceptual knowledge of sport business challenges in multicultural contexts.
Satisfactory (2) Intellectual Skills:
The student is able to gather, analyse, and evaluate business data and information but has challenges in transforming empirical data into useful and actionable information with within this specific business.
Practical Skills: The student has some difficulties in applying theoretical and conceptual knowledge of sport business challenges in multicultural contexts.
Sufficient (1) Intellectual Skills:
The student is able to gather, analyse, and evaluate business data and information but has difficulties in transforming empirical data into fairly useful and actionable information within this specific business.
Practical Skills: The student has obvious difficulties in applying theoretical and conceptual knowledge of sport business challenges in multicultural contexts.
 Failed (0 Intellectual Skills:
The student is not able to gather, analyse, and evaluate enough business data and information in a reliable way and is not able to transform empirical data into useful or actionable information within this specific business.
Practical Skills: The student has great difficulties in applying theoretical and conceptual knowledge of sport business challenges in multicultural contexts.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3)
Intellectual Skills: The student is able demonstrate solid understanding in how to gather, analyse, and evaluate business data and information and transform empirical data into useful and actionable information within this specific business.
Practical Skills: The student is able to apply fairly well proven theoretical and conceptual knowledge of sport business challenges in multicultural contexts

Very good (4)
Intellectual Skills: The student is able demonstrate very good understanding in how to gather, analyse, and evaluate business data and information as well as transform empirical data into useful and actionable information within this specific business.
Practical Skills: The student is able to apply in a correct and good manner proven theoretical and conceptual knowledge of sport business challenges in multicultural contexts

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5)
Intellectual Skills: The student is able to demonstrate excellent understanding in how to gather, analyse, and evaluate business data and information as well as transform empirical data into useful and actionable information within this specific business.
Practical Skills: The student is able to apply proven theoretical and conceptual knowledge of sport business challenges in multicultural contexts very well.