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International Skills ProjectLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: TK00BV42


2 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Anneli Kakko


This course will offer you possibility to multifaceted internationalization.
You will develop your international, cultural and language skills.

Engineering practice:
You have ability to consult and apply codes of practice and safety regulations in their engineering specialisation

Multidisciplinary competences:
You have awareness of the wider multidisciplinary context of engineering and awareness of societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial implications of engineering practice and recognition of the constraints that they pose.

Communication and team-working:
You have ability to ability to function effectively in a national and an international context as an individual and as a member of a team.


Sinun tulee
- osallistua kaikkiin opettajan infoluentoihin
- etsiä tietoja vierailupaikoista, matkustus- ja majoitusmahdollisuuksista
- tehdä diaesitys ja pitää suullisia esityksiä oman pienryhmäsi kanssa
- tehdä ryhmäesittely yhdessä muiden opintojakson opiskelijoiden kanssa
- kuunnella muiden pienryhmien esitykset
- osallistua yliopisto- ja yritysvierailuihin sekä kulttuuritoimintaan opintomatkan aikana
- pitää kiitospuhe yhdessä vierailupaikoista oman pienryhmäsi kanssa


No prerequisites

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You will pass this course, if you will:
- take part in all info lectures at the home university
- create and have needed presentations at the home university
- take part in the host university and the company visits and also cultural activities during the excursion
- write the feedback report together with other students


The info materials created by the teacher The written and oral presentations created by the excursion group's students