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Orientation Practice in Medical NursingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SWNSW202


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Marina Hirjaba


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Health promotion competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify your decisions based on evidence. You act according to nursing ethical guidelines. You identify and evaluate patients' health risk factors and offer relevant support.


Patient monitoring
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools and use of medical technology
Blood sampling
Nursing of palliative care patients
Patient guidance and interaction in internal diseases and palliative care
Safe drug calculation


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence. You are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes. You are able to provide basic councelling for self-care.