Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Sustainability in Beverages (5 cr)

Code: MMPD3000-3002

General information


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 23.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business


  • Elisa Närhi

Teacher in charge

Elisa Närhi


  • MPT20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business


To know the basic ingredients, production methods and producing areas for the most important alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

To be able to provide information and advice about the alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to customers and staff in hospitality business and alcohol sales.

To understand the sustainability issues relating to alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

To be able to produce analytical tasting notes of wines using industry recognized tasting terms.

To be able to reflect one's own learning process.

To be able to produce analytical tasting notes of wines using industry recognized tasting terms.

To be able to reflect one's own learning process.


Most important grape varieties, wine producing areas and wine styles.
Basic knowledge about brewery products, strong alcoholic beverages, and non-alcoholic beverages.
Sustainability relating to production of different alcoholic beverages.

Location and time

Online course


Recommended literature:
Grainger, K., & Tattersall, H. 2016. Wine production and quality. E-book. Wiley Blackwell 2016. 2nd edition.
Puckette, M., &; Hammack, Justin, Wine folly: the essential guide to wine. Avery 2015.
Stone, Herbert ; Sidel, Joel L. 2004. Sensory Evaluation Practices (e-book available)
Regan, Gary. 2003. The Joy of mixology
Bernstein, Joshua M. 2013. The complete beer course: boot camp for beer geeks: From novice to expert in twelve tasting classes
Katsigris, Costas ; Thomas, Chris. 2007. The bar & beverage book
Oliver, Garrett ; Tillman, Denny. 2005. The brewmaster's table : discovering the pleasures of real beer with real food
Schultz, Schuyler ; Zien, Peter. 2012. Beer, food, and flavor: tasting, pairing, and the culture of craft beer
The Oxford companion to beer. 2012.

Literature for the observation:
Gillham, Bill. Continuum 2008. Observation techniques.
Goodman, Elizabeth ; Kuniavsky, Mike; Moed, Andrea. 2012. Observing the user experience: A practitioner's guide to user research; especially Chapters 4 and 9

Additional material in Finnish:
Aho, Kimmo; Autti, Niko &; Siitonen, Timo. 2009. Mikosta mestariksi –baarityön käsikirja
Aho, Kimmo & Salminen, Samu. 2013. Kaikkien aikojen drinkit
Aho, Kimmo; Liikanen, Ville & Vitikka, Mika. 2019. Minä menen Kämpiin takaisin: cocktaileja ja tarinoita Kämpin baarista
Lehtinen, Anikó. 2014. Yks olut
Lehtinen, Anikó & Markus, Maria. 2019. Olutreissu : matkaopas oluiden maailmaan
Salmi, Mikko. 2019. Olut!: kotimaiset panimot ja oluet

Additional material:
Online learning materials, videos, blogs and podcasts

Teaching methods

Lecturing online (webinars and tastings)
Sensory assessment
Group working

Completion alternatives

This 5 cr course consist of 3 cr about wines and 2 cr about other alcoholic beverages.
3cr of wines is mandatory to all students, and 2cr of other beverages is optional, yet highly recommended

Student workload

This 5 cr course consist of 3 cr about wines and 2 cr about other alcoholic beverages. Total workload is 135 hours, including online lecturing, individual work and group working.

Further information

Avoin amk 2
vaihto-opiskelijat 2

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 student knows the subject partly. S/he does not have a clear understanding about the importance of the alcoholic beverages for the hospitality business.
2 Student knows the subject satisfactory. S/he has a basic understanding for the importance of the alcoholic beverages for the hospitality business.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 Student's knowledge and skills are on a good level. S/he understands the importance of the alcoholic beverages for the hospitality business.
4 student's knowledge and skills are on a very good level. One knows how to implement the knowledge and understands the subject as a whole.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 student has a high-level of knowledge and skills about the subject and s/he has an ability to implement the knowledge into the subject very detailed.