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Future Factory project for nursing (5 cr)

Code: ZN00BB61-3004

General information


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


14.03.2022 - 15.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 30

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Marina Hirjaba
  • Emilia Lahdenperä
  • Marja Jämbeck
  • Suleiman Kamau

Teacher in charge

Marina Hirjaba


  • SNS21VK
    Degree Programme in Nursing, vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • SNS21S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, nursing


During the course, you will acquire the skills to plan and implement work life development projects. Together with the student team, you apply the expertise in your field, incl. Sustainability skills and the skills you have acquired in the InnoFlash and Entrepreneurship courses (customer-oriented innovation, design and solution methods, entrepreneurial approach) to the diverse development processes of working life.
After completing the course, you will be able to project work life development challenges and work on a project. You operate responsibly and in a customer-oriented manner in a diverse project team and networks. Through your interaction and the sharing of your own expertise, you promote the solution of working life development projects (including RDI projects).


Steps and tools for project planning and preparation of a project plan
Design and implementation of work life development challenges
Working in a diverse team and working on the customer interface

Location and time

Will be informed when the course starts

Teaching methods

The course is implemented flexibly as online studies and as project. Studies include independent study and teamwork. The course utilizes digital and interactive tools. The student group agrees on how to implement teamwork. Group guidance supports task performance.
During the course, you plan a small-scale project related to the development needs of working life in the student team. Project planning proceeds in stages. During the stages, you will independently study the theory related to project activities, share your sectoral expertise and your sustainable development expertise in the student team. You use design support tools at different stages of the design work. As a result of the phased work, a project plan is created, which you present together with your student team. You will also implement the plan in small scale.

Student workload

Virtual studies 3 ects
Project implementation 2 ects

Further information

Open Studies 5

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The criteria for approved performance are:
Learning and information management skills
- You can evaluate and develop your own skills and share your skills in the project team
Entrepreneurship, innovation and work community skills
- You are able to draw up a project plan for the implementation of a given development project, using project planning tools and applying your innovation and entrepreneurship skills and methods
- You are able to implement and evaluate a working life development project and act as a member of a project team
International and communication skills
- You know how to act responsibly as a member of a diverse project team.
- You are able to have a constructive dialogue with the project team and project stakeholders
- You are able to communicate in interactions and communication situations in working life and to make appropriate use of different forms, channels and environments of communication

Demonstration of competence
1) Project planning skills 3 ECTS (online course)
- online exam
- a project plan produced and approved by the group

2) Implementation of a project in a group of students 2 cr

Further information

Parts of the course implementation:
Project planning skills 3 ECTS (Moodle online course)
Project implementation 2 ECTS