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Research and Development (5 cr)

Code: ZZ00CK89-3014

General information


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


20 - 60

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business


  • Piotr Krawczyk

Teacher in charge

Piotr Krawczyk


    Bachelor’s degree in International Business (Double Degree studies, Bachelor level)


Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to familiarise you with the basics of development and research activities and support the writing of the bachelor's thesis.

1. Learning to learn-
You develop critical and analytical mindset that helps you to study and review existing knowledge in the light of relevant learning resources and learning methods; incentivizes you to acquire new knowledge; and develops your intellectual capabilities to seek conclusions and draw inferences in various contexts.
To achieve this competence, you will:
– learn to formulate relevant questions and seek information,
-review relevant theoretical, and empirical literature to comprehend diverse perspectives and evaluate, and interpret arguments and counter-arguments,
-understand new developments in your field of study and make informed decisions based thereon.
- acquire the researcher’s mindset to problematize, explore and understand real-life phenomena especially in the academic track system.
2. Proactive development-
You develop solutions in the light of current as well as anticipated situations and challenges in business by applying knowledge, critical reasoning and analytical skills. You ensure that these solutions are feasible, relevant, creative, user-friendly, and sustainable as well as underline active cooperation amongst different actors.
To achieve this competence, you will:
- apply existing knowledge and utilize relevant research methods including digital technology in development projects,
-interpret new evidence in the light of existing body of knowledge, make comparisons and draw inferences,
- express your intellectual contribution through scientific or professional writings,
-understand utility, creativity, viability, scalability, and sustainability of new solutions.

3. Internationality and multiculturalism-
You work in multicultural and international environments and networks in order to develop knowledge and communication skills as well as develop empathy and appreciation for other cultures. You communicate responsibly and effectively in English through written, verbal, non-verbal and digital formats individually as well as a team member in diverse settings.
To achieve this competence, you will:
-be familiar with the impact of your cultural background on your actions and be able to effectively and productively function in your work community that explicitly recognizes the relevance of multiculturalism,
-demonstrate meaningful intercultural teamwork, including the roles of leadership and conflict resolution, in order to develop creative solutions carrying multicultural underpinnings,
-be able to experience group learning and share best practices in international settings,
- learn to communicate ideas and solutions effectively in the context of various subjects, multiple purposes, and a wide range of audience both individually as well as in a group,
- initiate and engage constructive dialogues among relevant stakeholders to accomplish desired goals for multiple purposes and communicate ideas and solutions to a wide range of audience including both individuals and groups,
-learn to be ‘active listener’ to understand diverse perspectives, and points of view in accurate, unbiased, and critical manner,
-learn various aspects of digital media.
4. Ethics-
You benchmark and demonstrate ethical and responsible conduct according to the well-established principles, norms and best practices laid down by relevant national and international bodies and organisations.
To achieve this competence, you will:
-understand and apply the well-established principles of responsible conduct in research, and problem solving,

-adhere to the principles of equity, equality, and non-discrimination,

-take responsibility for your own actions and their consequences and reflect on them in accordance with the relevant ethical principles, norms, and practices,

- develop realization of diversity and accessibility in your actions.

Course learning outcomes:
As a student, you know the different stages of the development processes that support the thesis. You are able to acquire reliable and up-to-date information on working life. You are able to choose a suitable development method (data collection and analysis methods) for your thesis. You are familiar with Jamk's thesis process and are able to prepare a thesis topic proposal. You know the principles of responsible conduct of research and act in accordance with them.


- Development process: goal definition, research question or development task, acquisition of working life information, methods of data collection and analysis, assessment of reliabilityi
- Generic structure of the thesis, evaluation criteria, Research ethics and good scientific or artistic practice
- Research-based development activities:- setting a development task, choosing development methods, collecting and analysing data, assessing the reliability of research-based development activities
- Preparation of a thesis topic proposal

Location and time

The primary mode of delivery is a combination of in-class activities on campus and online lectures. The lectures will be recorded to support op-portunities for 24/7 learning. The in-class activities deepen the learning in the forms of tutorials, individual and group work, reflection and guid-ance.
Detailed and up-to-date information is available in the course workspace (Learning Environment).


Research methods for Business Students; Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill, additional virtual material available
Please Note ! Research methods for business students, 4th ed. 2006 / Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill is now freely available to you via JAMK on-campus and Intranet Library
JAMK's thesis-related directions in the Study Guide
School-specific directions on the dedicated learning platform and
Elmo Student
Online study materials on Information retrieval

Stevens, J., & Crawford, S. 2014. Project reporting instructions. Adapted from Raportointiohje [Reporting instructions] by Liukko, S., & Perttula, S. 2013. JAMK University of Applied Sciences’ open learning materials. Ac-cessed on 12 March 2014. Retrieved from http - // reporting instructions.

Teaching methods

The primary mode of delivery is a combination of in-class activities on campus and online lectures. The lectures will be recorded to support op-portunities for 24/7 learning. The in-class activities deepen the learning in the forms of tutorials, individual and group work, reflection and guid-ance.
Detailed and up-to-date information is available in the course workspace (Learning Environment).
Lectures, course project/group assignments, thesis proposal/individual assignment, exam test.

Employer connections

Thesis as part of double degree diploma and/or overseas internship.

Exam schedules

Detailed and up-to-date information is available in the course workspace (Learning Environment).
Exam is held online.
There is 1 retake possibility. Specific time and date are announced after the grading of the first attempt and are available in the course work-space.

International connections

The course is available for Double Degree students and Study Abroad students from JAMK's partner institutions around the world.

Completion alternatives

In general, as Research and Development course forms an integral part of the JAMK IB thesis track system and belongs to the critical path of the thesis process, there is no alternative way to complete the module other than through this implementation. Recognition of prior learning can be granted only in exceptional circumstances, and it is at the lecturer's dis-cretion to approve such arrangements. In practice, no recognition of prior learning has been issued to date by the lecturer in charge of this course.
More precise info about recognition of prior learning can be found at: JAMK Degree Regulations, section 17.

Student workload

Detailed and up-to-date information is available in the course workspace (Learning Environment).
Total 125-155 hours split among virtual study, assignments, and inde-pendent study.

Content scheduling

Detailed and up-to-date information is available in the course workspace (Learning Environment).
Weekly lectures, workshops, and assignments.
Fall semester the course ends at the latest in the third week of December.
Spring semester the course ends at the latest at the end of May.
More details to be announced during the course.

Further information

Open UAS: 4 (included in the total capacity)
The assessment method for this course is designed with specific criteria crafted for each assignment/project and the overarching learning objec-tives. Peer evaluation is integrated into the learning process through in-teractive workshops. Detail and specific information regarding assess-ment can be accessed within the dedicated course workspace.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
Familiar stages of the development process. You know how to acquire working life and research information concerning your own field. You know the key development methods. You know the principles of responsible conduct of research and act in accordance with them..

Satisfactory 2
You are able to acquire working life and research knowledge in your own field . You identify opportunities to apply development methods. You know the principles of responsible conduct of research for your thesis and act in accordance with them.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to independently acquire and evaluate working life and research information concerning your own field. You are able to choose a development method suitable for your thesis and justify your choice. You know the principles of responsible conduct of research and act in accordance with them.

Very good 4
You are able to independently acquire working life and research information concerning your own field and evaluate it critically. You are able to choose a development method suitable for your thesis and justify your choice. You know the principles of responsible conduct of research and act in accordance with them.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to independently acquire and evaluate working life and research information concerning your own field. You are able to analyse the differences in development methods and justify the method choices you have made. You are able to evaluate development proposals and their implementation in working life You know the principles of responsible conduct of research and act in accordance with them.