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Development of OrganizationLaajuus (3 - 10 cr)

Code: YH00BO17


3 - 10 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • Anne Törn-Laapio


Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to provide students with an alternative way of demonstrating competence suitable for the degree.

Course competencies depending on the subject
Learning to learn
Operating in a working place
Sustainable development
Internationality and multiculturalism
Proactive development

Objective of the course
You assess and develop your competence and its suitability for the degree programme, identify your competence needs and draw up a plan for accreditation of studies, combining work or other activities and studies comparable to work. You first assess the suitability of the desired competence together with the teacher/degree coordinator in a guidance discussion. You approve the accreditation plan with a representative of working life or equivalent and a teacher/degree officer. You examine the subject matter through theory, practical experience, self-regulation skills and your own competence. In accreditation of studies, you will utilize tools and learning environments provided by working life and higher education institutions, and possibly also by a third party.


Guidance discussion with the teacher/head of examination
Emergent/developing competence (near future)
Plan for accreditation of learning
Evidence agreed in the accreditation plan
Applicability of learning outcomes to the degree programme
Organizational development
Development of working life
Deepening one's own competence

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: Plan, Implementation and Essential Theory
Is able to plan and implement a jointly agreed task. Is able to choose appropriate tools and working methods for the performance of the task. You are able to evaluate and promote the implementation of ethical principles and values in the professional field, taking equality and non-discrimination into account. You will assess and develop your competence and its applicability to the degree programme, identify your competence needs and draw up a plan for accreditation of studies. You summarize the subject area of essential theory

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: Justification, evaluation of one's own work and analysis of research data
You are able to describe the implemented work process and justify the choices that have been or still need to be made in the process. You demonstrate that you have mastered the perspectives of sustainable development, for example, from the perspectives of responsibility and economy. You are able to evaluate your operations. You present an essential and limited theory of the subject area. You demonstrate the ability to analyse research data in your area of expertise.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Self and work development and criticality
You are able to analyse the current state of your competence. You set development goals that promote the development of your skills and work. You develop the work and operating environment with a research and development approach. You demonstrate criticality in the utilization of international research data and in the development of organisational practices. You are able to produce new information for your organization. You reflect on the topic/what you have learned on a societal level.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The assessment of competence is agreed in the "accreditation" plan. The teacher makes the assessment decision in accordance with the jointly set learning outcomes and the evidence completed/presented.


01.08.2022 - 30.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 - 10

Virtual portion

10 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • Anne Törn-Laapio
  • Heidi Neuvonen
  • Tarja Niemelä
  • Marianne Ekonen
  • YMJ22S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YHO21S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YMJ21S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YHO20SA
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YMJ20S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen
  • YHO20S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen
  • YHO22S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)


Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to provide students with an alternative way of demonstrating competence suitable for the degree.

Course competencies depending on the subject
Learning to learn
Operating in a working place
Sustainable development
Internationality and multiculturalism
Proactive development

Objective of the course
You assess and develop your competence and its suitability for the degree programme, identify your competence needs and draw up a plan for accreditation of studies, combining work or other activities and studies comparable to work. You first assess the suitability of the desired competence together with the teacher/degree coordinator in a guidance discussion. You approve the accreditation plan with a representative of working life or equivalent and a teacher/degree officer. You examine the subject matter through theory, practical experience, self-regulation skills and your own competence. In accreditation of studies, you will utilize tools and learning environments provided by working life and higher education institutions, and possibly also by a third party.


Guidance discussion with the teacher/head of examination
Emergent/developing competence (near future)
Plan for accreditation of learning
Evidence agreed in the accreditation plan
Applicability of learning outcomes to the degree programme
Organizational development
Development of working life
Deepening one's own competence

Location and time

Joustava aikataulu, joka sovitaan työelämän edustajan ja opettajan kanssa. Ensin tulee sopia työprojektin yms. osaamisen kehittämisestä kolmikannassa ja vasta sitten tutor/opettaja nostaa (ilmoittaa) opiskelijan opintojaksolle.


Soveltuva tutkimuksellinen lähdemateriaali.

Teaching methods

Opinnollistaminen on sinulle vaihtoehtoinen tapa kehittää osaamistasi moduuli- tai opintojaksotasolla. Sillä tarkoitetaan työn, projektiopintojen tms. toiminnan ja opintojen yhdistämistä. Sinun tulee laatia opinnollistamisesta suunnitelma ja dokumentoida se opettajan kanssa sovitulla tavalla.

Employer connections

Integroidaan työelämän kehittämiseen organisaatiossa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: Plan, Implementation and Essential Theory
Is able to plan and implement a jointly agreed task. Is able to choose appropriate tools and working methods for the performance of the task. You are able to evaluate and promote the implementation of ethical principles and values in the professional field, taking equality and non-discrimination into account. You will assess and develop your competence and its applicability to the degree programme, identify your competence needs and draw up a plan for accreditation of studies. You summarize the subject area of essential theory

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: Justification, evaluation of one's own work and analysis of research data
You are able to describe the implemented work process and justify the choices that have been or still need to be made in the process. You demonstrate that you have mastered the perspectives of sustainable development, for example, from the perspectives of responsibility and economy. You are able to evaluate your operations. You present an essential and limited theory of the subject area. You demonstrate the ability to analyse research data in your area of expertise.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Self and work development and criticality
You are able to analyse the current state of your competence. You set development goals that promote the development of your skills and work. You develop the work and operating environment with a research and development approach. You demonstrate criticality in the utilization of international research data and in the development of organisational practices. You are able to produce new information for your organization. You reflect on the topic/what you have learned on a societal level.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The assessment of competence is agreed in the "accreditation" plan. The teacher makes the assessment decision in accordance with the jointly set learning outcomes and the evidence completed/presented.


30.08.2021 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 - 10

Virtual portion

10 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • Anne Törn-Laapio
  • Heidi Neuvonen
  • Marianne Ekonen
  • Tarja Niemelä
  • YHO21S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YMJ21S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YMJ20S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen
  • YHO20S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen


Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to provide students with an alternative way of demonstrating competence suitable for the degree.

Course competencies depending on the subject
Learning to learn
Operating in a working place
Sustainable development
Internationality and multiculturalism
Proactive development

Objective of the course
You assess and develop your competence and its suitability for the degree programme, identify your competence needs and draw up a plan for accreditation of studies, combining work or other activities and studies comparable to work. You first assess the suitability of the desired competence together with the teacher/degree coordinator in a guidance discussion. You approve the accreditation plan with a representative of working life or equivalent and a teacher/degree officer. You examine the subject matter through theory, practical experience, self-regulation skills and your own competence. In accreditation of studies, you will utilize tools and learning environments provided by working life and higher education institutions, and possibly also by a third party.


Guidance discussion with the teacher/head of examination
Emergent/developing competence (near future)
Plan for accreditation of learning
Evidence agreed in the accreditation plan
Applicability of learning outcomes to the degree programme
Organizational development
Development of working life
Deepening one's own competence

Location and time

Joustava aikataulu, joka sovitaan työelämän edustajan ja opettajan kanssa. Ensin tulee sopia työprojektin yms. osaamisen kehittämisestä kolmikannassa ja vasta sitten tutor/opettaja nostaa (ilmoittaa) opiskelijan opintojaksolle.


Soveltuva tutkimuksellinen lähdemateriaali.

Teaching methods

Opinnollistaminen on sinulle vaihtoehtoinen tapa kehittää osaamistasi moduuli- tai opintojaksotasolla. Sillä tarkoitetaan työn, projektiopintojen tms. toiminnan ja opintojen yhdistämistä. Sinun tulee laatia opinnollistamisesta suunnitelma ja dokumentoida se opettajan kanssa sovitulla tavalla.

Employer connections

Integroidaan työelämän kehittämiseen organisaatiossa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: Plan, Implementation and Essential Theory
Is able to plan and implement a jointly agreed task. Is able to choose appropriate tools and working methods for the performance of the task. You are able to evaluate and promote the implementation of ethical principles and values in the professional field, taking equality and non-discrimination into account. You will assess and develop your competence and its applicability to the degree programme, identify your competence needs and draw up a plan for accreditation of studies. You summarize the subject area of essential theory

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: Justification, evaluation of one's own work and analysis of research data
You are able to describe the implemented work process and justify the choices that have been or still need to be made in the process. You demonstrate that you have mastered the perspectives of sustainable development, for example, from the perspectives of responsibility and economy. You are able to evaluate your operations. You present an essential and limited theory of the subject area. You demonstrate the ability to analyse research data in your area of expertise.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Self and work development and criticality
You are able to analyse the current state of your competence. You set development goals that promote the development of your skills and work. You develop the work and operating environment with a research and development approach. You demonstrate criticality in the utilization of international research data and in the development of organisational practices. You are able to produce new information for your organization. You reflect on the topic/what you have learned on a societal level.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The assessment of competence is agreed in the "accreditation" plan. The teacher makes the assessment decision in accordance with the jointly set learning outcomes and the evidence completed/presented.