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Managing Diversity in the WorkplaceLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YH00CL69


5 op

Responsible person

  • Marianne Ekonen


Purpose of the course
Managing diversity in the workplace is a broad and versatile topic, where the aim is to utilize diversity and create an inclusive working environment for all employees. Implementing Diversity, Equality, Inclusivity and Belonging (DEIB) in leadership requires a deep understanding of the subject and recognition of the benefits and challenges associated with it. In practice, the topic requires long-term commitment and actions from both the organization and its management.

Operating in the workplace: is able to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of a work community
Ethics: promotes the realization of diversity and accessibility
Sustainable development: is able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions
Internationality and multicultularism: is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community

Learning outcomes
You can define the concepts of diversity, equality, inclusiveness and belonging (DEIB) and understand their importance in promoting sustainable development. You master the central theoretical knowledge related to the subject and know how to apply it to the development and management of diversity. You master the key legislation, tools and models related to the topic, and you know how to analyze their implementation in the workplace. You can analyze the opportunities and challenges in diversity management in workplace using key theoretical knowledge. You can justify the meaning of the topic for the well-being at work based on theoretical knowledge.


The background and key concepts of diversity management
Diversity management research and its different approaches
Opportunities and challenges of diversity in the work community
Management practices of a diverse work community and their development

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You recognize the concepts of diversity, equality, inclusiveness and belonging (DEIB). You gather essential theoretical information, but its connection to the topic remains partially incomplete. You partially understand the legal obligations related to the topic and the related tools and operating models. You can describe some opportunities related to diversity in work communities. You recognize the meaning of the topic for the well-being of the work community. You use a few related research articles and books as source material. You write unstructured text with various repeated language and style errors. You follow the Jamk’s reporting guidelines incompletely.

Satisfactory 2
You understand and can define the concepts of diversity, equality, inclusiveness and belonging (DEIB). You recognize theoretical knowledge related to the topic, but the connection between them remains unclear. You recognize the essential legal obligations related to the topic and the related tools and operating models. You identify key diversity-related opportunities and challenges in work communities. You demonstrate the meaning of the topic for the well-being of the work community. You use central research articles and books suitable for the topic as source material. You mainly use original sources. You write partially unstructured text with various language and style errors. You follow the Jamk’s reporting guidelines incompletely.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You can define the concepts of diversity, equality, inclusiveness and belonging (DEIB) and connect them to the promotion of sustainable development. You master the central theoretical knowledge related to the topic. You identify the legal obligations related to the topic and the current state of related tools and operating models in the work community. You show opportunities and challenges related to diversity in the work community by utilizing theoretical knowledge. You can justify the meaning of the topic for the well-being of the working community based on theoretical knowledge. You use several research articles and academic books applicable to the phenomenon as source material. You write coherently, well-reasoned and perceptive. You write structured text with occasional grammatical errors. You follow the Jamk’s reporting guidelines.

Very good 4
You can define and analyze the concepts of diversity, equality, inclusiveness, and belonging (DEIB) as part of promoting sustainable development. You master the central theoretical knowledge related to the topic and know how to examine it to develop and manage operating methods that promote diversity. You master the key statutory obligations, tools and operating models related to the topic, and you can analyze their implementation in the work community. You analyze key diversity-related opportunities and challenges in work communities using key theoretical knowledge. You can examine the meaning of the topic for the well-being of the working community from different perspectives, based on theoretical knowledge. You use several current research articles suitable for the phenomenon as source material. You write structured text in a fluent and almost flawless style. You follow the Jamk’s reporting guidelines.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can define and critically evaluate the concepts of diversity, equality, inclusiveness and belonging (DEIB) as part of promoting sustainable development. You master the central theoretical knowledge related to the topic and know how to evaluate it critically to develop and manage operating methods that promote diversity. You master the key statutory obligations, tools and operating models related to the topic, and you know how to critically evaluate their implementation in the work community. You bring out new perspectives on the opportunities and challenges of diversity in work communities, based on key theoretical knowledge. You can critically examine the meaning of the topic for the well-being of the working community, justifying it from different perspectives and utilizing key theoretical knowledge. You demonstrate your familiarity with the subject and your knowledge of the discipline with your versatile and high-quality scientific source selections related to the topic. You write convincingly, presenting a clear, logically progressing entity, where you combine knowledge in a new way. You demonstrate a critical and argumentative ability to write. You follow the Jamk’s reporting guidelines.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


12.02.2025 - 15.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Tradenomi
  • Marianne Ekonen
  • ZJAYJH24S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-väylät, Johtaminen, ylempi amk, Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen
  • YJH24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, tradenomi


Purpose of the course
Managing diversity in the workplace is a broad and versatile topic, where the aim is to utilize diversity and create an inclusive working environment for all employees. Implementing Diversity, Equality, Inclusivity and Belonging (DEIB) in leadership requires a deep understanding of the subject and recognition of the benefits and challenges associated with it. In practice, the topic requires long-term commitment and actions from both the organization and its management.

Operating in the workplace: is able to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of a work community
Ethics: promotes the realization of diversity and accessibility
Sustainable development: is able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions
Internationality and multicultularism: is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community

Learning outcomes
You can define the concepts of diversity, equality, inclusiveness and belonging (DEIB) and understand their importance in promoting sustainable development. You master the central theoretical knowledge related to the subject and know how to apply it to the development and management of diversity. You master the key legislation, tools and models related to the topic, and you know how to analyze their implementation in the workplace. You can analyze the opportunities and challenges in diversity management in workplace using key theoretical knowledge. You can justify the meaning of the topic for the well-being at work based on theoretical knowledge.


The background and key concepts of diversity management
Diversity management research and its different approaches
Opportunities and challenges of diversity in the work community
Management practices of a diverse work community and their development

Location and time

The webinars are held on Zoom. You will find the detailed schedules in course's Moodle workspace.


Ferdman, B., Ferdman, B. M., & Deane, B. (2014). Diversity at work: The practice of inclusion (1st edition.). Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand.

Bergbom, B., Yli-Kaitala, K. ja Toivanen, M. (2022). Monimuotoisuus ja inklusiivisuus asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa. Website of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.

Moilanen, S. (Eds.) (2023). Monimuotoisuus, yhdenvertaisuus ja tasa-arvo työyhteisössä. Työturvallisuuskeskus.

Monimuotoinen työelämä - tietoa ja työkaluja julkishallinnolle

Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö (2022). Monimuotoisuudesta menestystä - tietoa ja työkaluja työnantajalle. TEM oppaat ja muut julkaisut 2022:1.

Scientific articles and other literature related to the topic.

Teaching methods

Managing Diversity in the Workplace is an online course. You will study in the Moodle learning environment, where you will find course instructions, schedules, assignments and study materials. You will also participate in webinars, where you reflect and share what you have learned using methods of collaborative learning. You will conduct independent information gathering and apply what you have learned in your assignments as well as in group discussions.

Guidance takes place in webinars and Moodle learning environment (FAQ).

Employer connections

Your student group forms a working life-oriented peer learning network.
You apply theoretical knowledge to organizational development.

Exam schedules

There is no exam in the course.

International connections

During the course, you will utilize international research literature and you will familiarize yourself with the UN sustainable development goals related to the topic.

In the course, you will also familiarize yourself with the perspective of multiculturalism in the subject area of ​​the course.

Completion alternatives

You can familiarise yourself with Section 17 of Jamk's Degree Regulations when considering the recognition and recognition (accreditation) of a course's competence based on your previously acquired competence and the objectives of the course.

Student workload

Your indicative use of time during a five-credit course is 135 working hours, which is divided as follows:

Information gathering of the topic 10 hours

Familiarization with study materials 25 hours

Online webinars and collaborative learning 6 hours

Assignments 94 hours

Content scheduling

1 credit The background and key concepts of diversity management

1 credit Diversity management research and its different approaches

1 credit Opportunities and challenges of diversity in the work community

2 credits Management practices of a diverse work community and their development

Further information

During the course, your learning will be assessed qualitatively based on learning outcomes using different methods: feedback from the teacher, feedback from the peers, and your own self-assessment.

In the course, updated Arene recommendations and Jamk rules are followed in the utilization of artificial intelligence, instructions and possible ethical questions.

The course participants are checked when returning the first individual assignment three weeks after the start of the study course. Participation in the course requires that you have returned the assignment in question according to the course schedule.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You recognize the concepts of diversity, equality, inclusiveness and belonging (DEIB). You gather essential theoretical information, but its connection to the topic remains partially incomplete. You partially understand the legal obligations related to the topic and the related tools and operating models. You can describe some opportunities related to diversity in work communities. You recognize the meaning of the topic for the well-being of the work community. You use a few related research articles and books as source material. You write unstructured text with various repeated language and style errors. You follow the Jamk’s reporting guidelines incompletely.

Satisfactory 2
You understand and can define the concepts of diversity, equality, inclusiveness and belonging (DEIB). You recognize theoretical knowledge related to the topic, but the connection between them remains unclear. You recognize the essential legal obligations related to the topic and the related tools and operating models. You identify key diversity-related opportunities and challenges in work communities. You demonstrate the meaning of the topic for the well-being of the work community. You use central research articles and books suitable for the topic as source material. You mainly use original sources. You write partially unstructured text with various language and style errors. You follow the Jamk’s reporting guidelines incompletely.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You can define the concepts of diversity, equality, inclusiveness and belonging (DEIB) and connect them to the promotion of sustainable development. You master the central theoretical knowledge related to the topic. You identify the legal obligations related to the topic and the current state of related tools and operating models in the work community. You show opportunities and challenges related to diversity in the work community by utilizing theoretical knowledge. You can justify the meaning of the topic for the well-being of the working community based on theoretical knowledge. You use several research articles and academic books applicable to the phenomenon as source material. You write coherently, well-reasoned and perceptive. You write structured text with occasional grammatical errors. You follow the Jamk’s reporting guidelines.

Very good 4
You can define and analyze the concepts of diversity, equality, inclusiveness, and belonging (DEIB) as part of promoting sustainable development. You master the central theoretical knowledge related to the topic and know how to examine it to develop and manage operating methods that promote diversity. You master the key statutory obligations, tools and operating models related to the topic, and you can analyze their implementation in the work community. You analyze key diversity-related opportunities and challenges in work communities using key theoretical knowledge. You can examine the meaning of the topic for the well-being of the working community from different perspectives, based on theoretical knowledge. You use several current research articles suitable for the phenomenon as source material. You write structured text in a fluent and almost flawless style. You follow the Jamk’s reporting guidelines.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can define and critically evaluate the concepts of diversity, equality, inclusiveness and belonging (DEIB) as part of promoting sustainable development. You master the central theoretical knowledge related to the topic and know how to evaluate it critically to develop and manage operating methods that promote diversity. You master the key statutory obligations, tools and operating models related to the topic, and you know how to critically evaluate their implementation in the work community. You bring out new perspectives on the opportunities and challenges of diversity in work communities, based on key theoretical knowledge. You can critically examine the meaning of the topic for the well-being of the working community, justifying it from different perspectives and utilizing key theoretical knowledge. You demonstrate your familiarity with the subject and your knowledge of the discipline with your versatile and high-quality scientific source selections related to the topic. You write convincingly, presenting a clear, logically progressing entity, where you combine knowledge in a new way. You demonstrate a critical and argumentative ability to write. You follow the Jamk’s reporting guidelines.