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Special Issues in Responsible ManagementLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YH00CL67


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Tarja Niemelä
  • Anne Törn-Laapio


Purpose of the course

Responsible companies, organisations and communities play a significant role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Global sustainability challenges further emphasize the management of responsibility and ethics in organisations. Managers and supervisors can promote responsibility competence and ensure the implementation of ethics in their organisations. Responsibility and ethics can be taken into account in working life as the realisation of diversity and equality, and by taking inclusion into account in the management and decision-making of work communities and by carrying out profitable business without endangering the environment. It is important to produce competence with which responsible leaders can influence society, the environment and working life, also taking into account the stakeholders of organisations.

CSR competence is a key element of modern business and organisations and taking it into account promotes the success of organisations, creates competitive advantage and wellbeing for people, environment, and society. Jamk University of Applied Sciences, School of Business is committed to the Principles of Responsible Management Education initiative (PRME), which aims to develop responsible decision-makers for future and advance sustainable development. This course primarily supports the following UN's Sustainable Development Goals: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, and 17.


Responsibility management skills
You have profound theoretical framework of sustainable development and you are able to evaluate and analyse and apply this critically in business development and management. You are able to solve key sustainability challenges from the perspective of business development and management by utilising research and innovation activities.

Service Business Management Competence
You are able to utilise advanced problem-solving skills and practices in management and its research.

Learning to learn
You are able to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information from the perspectives of different fields of expertise.

Working life
You are able to develop the communication and interaction culture of work communities. You promote the resilience of the work community.

You promote the implementation of the principles and values of professional ethics. You promote diversity and accessibility. You are able to lead socially influential activities based on ethical values.

Internationality and multiculturalism
You are able to develop practices that take multiculturalism into account in your work community. You are able to anticipate the effects and opportunities of global development and phenomena. You are capable of international interaction, communication and development of operations in your own field of expertise.

Sustainable development
You are able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions. You are able to analyse and assess systemic dependencies of complex multidisciplinary problems and the different dimensions of solutions. You are able to manage the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in your work community.


Sustainable development theory, systemicity, sociocultural responsibility, climate change, circular economy, biodiversity, diversity in working life, global wicked challenges affecting business and society.


Corporate Social Responsibility or equivalent competence.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You recognize (1) and define (2) the key concepts.

You justify the choice of your topic from the perspective of developing your own competence and/or work community. The topic you choose is challenging enough from the point of view of your interest. (1-2)

You utilise randomly chosen, irrelevant, national and secondary sources as a background for development. (1)

For the background of development, you choose sources that are mainly domestic originals. (2)

IIn your output, you demonstrate competence in the chosen topic, but there are shortcomings in the consistent presentation of the output. (1)

In your output, you demonstrate competence in the chosen subject area consistently, but do not adequately illustrate the presentation of the topic related to the phenomenon. (2)

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You use the key concepts in terms of the phenomenon fluently and correctly. (3)

You analyse and compare the key concepts of the phenomenon and summarise them. (4)

You justify the choice of your topic from the perspective of organisational and/or industry development. The topic you choose is challenging enough from the perspective of your interest. (3-4).

You choose sources relevant to the phenomenon as background for the development. You use current, reliable and partly international original literature. (3)

You demonstrate expertise in the chosen topic with an illustrated and consistent output. (3)

You demonstrate expertise in your chosen topic with justification, illustrative and consistent output. (4)

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You master the key concepts you have consistently defined. You examine the relationships between the key concepts. (5)

You justify your choice of topic from the perspectives of industry, working life development and societal significance. The topic you choose is challenging enough from your point of view of interest. (5)

In terms of the topic, you choose mainly international research articles as background for the development. You utilise diverse literature relevant to the topic. (5)

You demonstrate special expertise in your chosen topic with justification, illustrated and consistent output, and produce new perspectives on the topic in terms of the phenomenon. (5)


Literature relevant to the phenomenon and research literature recommended during the course.